—Mountain Painting by Faraday Enterprises.
“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” —Philippians 2:11 KJV.
“Touching People For Heaven”
Preaching the word of God—1611 King James Bible
The words of the LORD are pure words. Every word of God is pure. Thy word is truth.
—Psalm 12. Proverb 30. John 17. KJB.
Respectfully Note.
Our GEC SUNDAY PRAYER LETTER has moved to an electronic-mail format, as of October 8, 2023. To read and use our GEC Sunday Prayer Letter, kindly subscribe to our email service at the address here. However, our scriptures for this week that are in the back of my street bible are in the photo just below here. Praise the LORD.
Kindly Subscriber Here. Thank you!
GEC SUNDAY PRAYER LETTER—December 31 to January 6, 2024.
Produced by Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
“God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. GEC is a church of God at Boulder and Colorado; which is called to teach the word of truth, to send evangelists to preach the gospel of God, and to minister the spiritual gifts of the Holy Ghost; doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving glory and thanks to God the Father. Amen, and Amen.”
PreacherJohn.ck.page — Subscribe to the GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter.
Praise ye the LORD.
Sunday December 31, 2023. “The Holy Ghost and with FIRE” Luke 3:1-18,21 (for this week).
—King James Bible.
Thank you my dear friend for all that you are doing in the body of Christ.
I love you very much ❤️ -John.
“And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up unto the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD.” —Isaiah 37:14 KJV.
“But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth:” —Daniel 10:21 KJV.
Our GEC Sunday Prayer Letter is what we use as an outline or a starting point for our preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; for our “street sermons” our “church school” our “house churches” and our “church assembly” and all to the glory of God. Amen.
Concerning Giving and Receiving. “…no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.” “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” —written by, Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ.
—Philippians 4:15 and Philippians 4:17 KJV.
STUDY. PREACH. MINISTER. BUILD. These are the main subject areas that our church functions with, all in accordance to the word of truth. The four categories also provide beginning points for further study and search in the holy scriptures.
1| Edify: Speak building up. 2| Exhort: Speak God’s word. 3| Comfort: Speak friendly.
—1 Corinthians 14:1-40 and 2 Timothy 2:15 and John 17:17 KJV.
1| Preach the sermon title and its scripture (seed). 2| Follow the Holy Ghost in a short preach (fruit). 3| Invite the people to salvation (win souls).
—Mark 16:1-20 and Genesis 1:11-12 and Proverbs 11:30 and 2 Corinthians 9:10 KJV.
1| One accord. 2| Prayer. 3| Supplication. 4| Holy Ghost. 5| Gospel. 6| Salvation.
—Acts 1:1-26 and Acts 2:1-47 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 KJV.
1| One accord reciting of Psalm 24 by all and praise our God. 2| Prayer by all. 3| Supplication by the host. 4| All filled with the Holy Ghost. 5| Preach the gospel by the GEC Sunday Prayer Letter. 6| Salvation testimony by the gospel tract.
—Psalms 24:1-10 and Hebrews 2:12 and Revelation 19:5 KJV.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
God bless you my friend!
I love you very much.
Kindly note with longsuffering: This entire ministry missionary church website is in a continual work of UPDATING and REFINING and POLISHING and RENEWAL. Today will probably be different than last month or so. Therefore one way to stay up with how God is building Gospel Evangelist Church is to re-read through this website every so often. As I write this, I’ll find more information that makes Gospel Evangelist Church more accurate, and easier to understand; relating to the vision and calling of this church in the body of Christ. Also, a clarity will come into focus to help in understanding just exactly what this church is attempting to accomplish. For one example: relating to our SUNDAY PRAYER LETTER; a key idea is the building of one accord by the use of publishing the gospel in this method. Gospel Evangelist Church scripture foundation is Mark 16 KJV. The plan is to follow the Holy Ghost in preaching the word of truth beginning from the SUNDAY PRAYER LETTER. God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. Gospel Evangelist Church is a missionary type of assembly. Gospel Evangelist Church is fully lead by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, the Comforter. Amen! Thank you for your kindness.
8 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — PREACHING CALENDAR.*
*Advertising for JESUS.
GEC Truth Study. —Acquire at TheBookPatch.com.