YOU just made a GREAT decision… THANK YOU!
You chose to add your First Name into our Prayer Book and to Receive our GEC Sunday Prayer Letter.
I’ll also be sending Two Welcome Letters… ONE is Welcome To My Daily Prayer List! TWO is More Abundantly… Welcome Letter Two! NEXT is the weekly GEC Sunday Prayer Letter.
I pray daily, seven days a week. I will now include you in my prayers, mentioning your first name to God and interceding for you before the LORD. Intercession is a vital ministry in the body of Christ. And thank you for keeping me in your prayers too, if you would like, but you don’t have to, okay. Amen.
Thank you for your faith!
Respectfully in JESUS,
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”©
Please double check your email… there should be a confirmation link to click on… to make sure everything is okay… very important… please give it a little time… for the system to refresh… thank you for your kindness… this process is called a “double-opt-in”… this is so people don’t get letters they don’t want… also please be alert to our letters going into the spam folder, this shouldn’t happen, but I know it does… thank you. Also we have a one click opt-out to unsubscribe, and we don’t spam, nor ask for money or giving…that’s between you and the Lord Jesus. Amen.
The (current) GEC Sunday Prayer Letter I write is to edify, and exhort and comfort; by teaching a simple message of heaven. I write my letter Saturday late-afternoons and send it out early Sunday morning, about 4:00 AM Boulder time, MDT.. The intent is simply to keep in touch and to let you know that someone cares and is actually praying for you; mentioning you to God, seven days a week.
If you would like to reply, it’s easy to tap the reply button. I read all the emails, they actually encourage me to keep on going. We can also exchange phone numbers for texting, if you would like. And thank you for your respect…my mobile is (303) 968-9030 Colorado number. More info about me is here at Be In Touch.
The bottom of every letter has an easy and fast unsubscribe link. As typical with email servers, in the beginning, new letters often go to spam or junk folders, please double check that, thanks!
I personally write every one of these letters, I place them into a broadcast file system, so that all of my letters will go out on a timely schedule. In this way, everyone gets to read all of my letters that I’ve written over time. Therefore, each letter is current and as of the Sunday you receive it.
Every GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter is fresh and up-to-date and relevant to our street preaching ministry and to our missionary church ministry. This is good!
“But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.”
—1 Corinthians 14:3 KJV
Respectfully in JESUS,
—Preacher John Choque.
“Building a new missionary church!”
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Yes… I have a vision of one million people in heaven because I lived. As a preacher, minister, and missionary; along with my forty year career as a professional driver; I am consistently looking for ways of “Touching People For Heaven”. Because to be saved through Jesus Christ is REAL.
—ACTS 2:21 KJV
P.S. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and only Lord.