Episode 26 – Podcast Show – Touching People For Heaven – With Your Host Preacher John
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Psalm 90:1 (KJV) Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
Discourse 157
Our Dwelling Place
Our Dwelling Place – Psalm 90:1-17 (KJV) – Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Psalm 90:1 (KJV) Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
Today’s discourse will be different. Why? Because in my prayer time after I woke up, and as I was reading and studying God’s Word, in regards to the church the Lord is building here in Boulder, Colorado; I became very desirous of sharing this Psalm with you my dear friend!
I’m in Boulder to build God a church
This Psalm did not come from my daily school work, as I said, it came while in prayer. Listen, our prayer life is so very important! I can tell immediately while talking to a Christian what kind of prayer life they have. Now, obviously, this is general, but all to often, I’m not to far off.
In fact, in today’s prayer, another thing that came to me is the method to use for interviewing! Isn’t that odd? But remember, that I’m in Boulder to build God a church, so therefore, there are numerous points that require covering! It’s amazing the amount of effort involved in starting a new work for the Lord!
Side Bar
I thought it interesting that the age that Moses mentioned in verse ten is 70; and then he mentioned, if by reason of strength the age would be 90… which I find fascinating, because that’s the number of this Psalm! Isn’t God amazing?
Who is this man Moses
This Psalm is a prayer of Moses the man of God. (This is what is written at the very beginning of this Psalm.) Now, who is this man Moses? Moses is the man God choose to lead the Israelites out of Egypt that had been there for 400 years. Moses is the man that lead, in the range of one to three million people through the wilderness for 40 years, and that was due to disobedience of the people, not Moses.
Moses was the man that was 80 years old when called to do this. Moses is the man that wrote the first five books of the Holy Bible that we now read! He lived until he was 120 years old. Moses did not go into the promised land that the Lord was giving his people. Moses was one of the two men that stood with Jesus on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured (Matthew 17:1-9, KJV).
Whatever the Holy Spirit wants
What I’ll do is put the entire Psalm 90:1-17 here and then I’ll share whatever the Holy Spirit wants to share on this discourse. At least, that’s the initial plan, things change often! Also, I do hope you realize that God speaks to all his children in different ways.
God is not a silent God, like idols of occult religions. I also realize that there are Christians that don’t want to believe that God says anything outside the bible. They ridicule anyone who says, “God told me…” or “The Lord said to me…” and a whole host of various phrases that a lot of us use, when referring to the still small voice within our spirit, namely our conscience, the voice of our spirit.
Hear and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying
Okay, now that I’ve go that out of the way, and everyone throughly mixed up… not really though, it’s all very obvious to all of God’s children, the saints, that what I just said is normal. Amen?
I think what I’m going to do though, instead is after I write these introductory notes and thoughts, I’ll read the entire Psalm and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you as only he knows how.
Therefore, it will be important for you to hear and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. As Jesus often said, ears to hear! This will be different for each individual, because your need will be meet by the Holy Spirit and your need is different that the person next to you. Is that right?
So let’s get started, what do you say?
Add yourself to my daily prayer
This is my Prayer List. There’s a way to be included in my daily prayer. At the end of this discourse you will find an easy method to add yourself and prayer request! This might be one more way that I can be “Touching People For Heaven“. My dear friend, knowing that someone is praying for you feels very comforting. God works through all kinds of people and things to bring about what he wants. God knows what’s going on. After all… he’s the boss!
A Prayer of Moses the man of God
Psalm 90:1 (KJV) A Prayer of Moses the man of God.
1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
3 Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.
6 In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth.
7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled.
8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.
10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
13 Return, O LORD, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.
14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.
16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.
The Holy Spirit continues to minister
As the Holy Spirit continues to minister to you my dear friend, allow me to close today with the first two verses on the very next Psalm… Psalm 91:1-2 (KJV)
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD,
He is my refuge
my fortress:
my God;
in him will I trust.”
God bless you…
Have a great day…
Good night…
The one service I use to help fund my work
If you love what I’m doing…”Touching People For Heaven”…then why not join me in this exciting journey of creating valoir in people; by creating Christian content for a brand new missionary type of church, which is being built by creating cell groups. Simply use my Patreon link to this service to pledge, give, fund, or pray for this creation! This creative work also includes my daily Podcast Show “Touching People For Heaven” with new episodes everyday, in 2019. Another great service of Patreon is they let every one know when one of my podcasts or blog posts goes live. I really like Patreon! The idea of using Patreon is to maintain accountability, stability and transparency regarding finances. Which is a key aspect to a legitimate ministry. My JC membership link. Thank you for your faith. And if you prefer to talk with me first, please contact me. God bless you!
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
Let me ask you a question… if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven?
Greetings! Have you ever wondered what is the most powerful Psalm in the Bible? Could it be not a Psalm, but rather a Prayer? In this episode I talk about and share the heart of a man of history! -JC