July 31, 2020
Friday Banner Preaching - 5th Friday of Month - EAST SIDE OF STATE - Burlington, Colorado! This is the East edge of the cross over the state. There are 4-5th Friday's in this year. January, I was in Grand Junction. May, I was in Ft. Collins. July, is Burlington. October, is Pueblo OR Trinidad?
Travel to Burlington is secured... sort of? 'Have-Banner-Will-Travel' by Greyhound Bus to Goodland, Kansas; stay the night, then catch a ride back to Burlington... about 30 miles or so... plan is to preach from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, giving me about 10 hours of ministry in Burlington, CO. The county has a fair scheduled, but many people aren't exactly sure what events will be going on... my hope is to be a solid witness for JESUS CHRIST for the fair goers... God willing! Plan is to catch the Saturday morning Greyhound Bus back to Denver... then RTD back to Boulder. At least that's the plan?
I do deeply appreciate any and all prayers for my travel, my ministry, my needs, and all the souls being touched for heaven, in Jesus name. Amen.
For some reason, I feel that this is a very special ministry trip. My eyes and ears and heart will be fully open to witness what the Holy Ghost has planned... very exciting! So we'll see what happens... Amen!