The life of a trucker can be one of waiting and wondering what is taking so long. However, times like this evening is really quite peaceful and tranquil. Loading at Blue Star Growers, Cashmere, WA has always been a very pleasant event. They’re just very nice people!
Blue Star Growers, Cashmere, WA
The above film has sound playing from my SiriusXM cab radio…the royalty rates have been paid through my monthly subscription. Please note, I have NOT overlayed the sound to this video, the sound is currently playing while my camera was mounted and safe driving skills were accurately being applied. Thank you for all concerned folks!
Respectfully in JESUS,
P.S. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
I think it’s interesting how we find joy in what we do. Looking for the good in our jobs helps in all kinds of ways. For me, as a driver, my safety is what is helped the most. Being a happy trucker is important! amen.
For the last couple years I’ve had the Comment section turned off, because of so much spam I was getting and the work involved in keeping things clean. I added a new Tool that should help stop the spam. I hope it works!!
Trying this comment system…hoping it cuts on the spam…which is incredible!!!