CONSIDER THIS: Is there ever a time that, you as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, should turn aside and leave the …
Continue Reading about 0306 | GEC Sunday Prayer Letter—”one accord”
JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. Boulder, Colorado.
Greetings from Preacher John Choque Missionary —JCActs221Blog— This BLOG | JOURNAL is a collection of over a hundred Scripture Discourses, Sermons, Journal Entries, Street Preaching Videos from our video channel, and a bunch of odds and ends. Each BLOG | JOURNAL Entry attempts to focus onward toward heaven with the hope to edify, and to exhort, and to comfort. The vision of "Touching People For Heaven" is to help people, in any way possible, to receive salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Dieu te bénisse! God bless you!
1611 King James Bible — Acts 2:21 KJB.