There are many messages out there in the world. How can I know that this is what I am looking for? And why do you think I am looking for something? Could it be that this is just a cute statement to get my attention? Or are you the real deal… well?
Hold on… check this out… let me answer before you keep going on and on… thank you.
Check This Out… this may be exactly what you are looking for. Why? Because, as a missionary, I come across many types of people from many walks of life.
Check This Out
In 40 years of street ministry I have visited with thousands of people, check this out, from Truck Stops to World Class Resorts in over 20 countries and in the USA all 50 states have I visited. In every single situation with every individual I have noticed one glaring similarity… that is, the need for Peace In Your Heart.
In this short Blog Mission post, I am not going to discuss this need of Peace. I will in a later post. I simply
wanted to give you something to think about for awhile. Why? Because many of us think we know all the answers and truly believe that we can do anything we want whenever we want. How foolish of a statement is that? According to current conversations, many feel that they know what to do to have this Peace. I have the Answer…
Peace with God is what everyone of us on earth needs. Do you have Peace with God my friend? -Read Acts 2:21