I’m Just Curious?
I find it interesting and curious when I think of or hear the words Deep Water! I suppose deep water reminds me of some song or movie or some event that I might have attended a long time ago. But the topic and the headline for this blog post is “Deep Water” – if by chance there is something out there that has the same title, I apologize and hope no one is offended. Brad Holland films underwater for Yap Divers, Yap Island, Micronesia. I have scuba dived these waters and swam with the manta ray’s myself! My brother and I have traveled several times to the South Pacific. Trips of a Lifetime – Truly Deep Waters!
Go Deep Into The Waters
Deep Water and this film here, also titled Formula, is my film which is hosted on the wonderful service, Wistia. My films are posted on various pages throughout my blog site. I plan to keep the blog post’s as clean as possible. To me the films seem to clutter to a degree that bothers me, maybe not. So my current solution is to post the films on my pages. This could be a form of deep water, what I mean is, one is required to go deep into the waters of my blog to discover the bounty!
Deep Water scripture reference is Luke 5.1-11. There are two seeds of thought here; Luke 5.4 – “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” And Luke 5.10 – “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch people.”
Pocket Prayers by Robert C. Savage on page 22 says, Lord, you have called my friend here to be a “fisher of men”. Help him/her to: launch out into the deep (not lingering along the shore); and may he/she be blessed with a net full of fish.
Hear From God
Friend, may I ask you (rhetorically speaking), when was the last time that you heard from God? When you did hear, did you do whatever it is He told you to do? I find that in my travels and talking with many Christians from all walks of life, a common problem is the seemingly quietness of God speaking in their life. Why is that? To hear from God again my friend, simply go back to the time that you last heard from God. Think about what was going on. Consider your actions at that time. Do you recall what God asked of you? Pray and ask God to remind you. There you go… now go do that, right now! (Come back to my blog later on!)
Hello Friend
Welcome back! :) I sure do hope things are all fixed with you and The Lord! What is going on now? (By the way, any of these questions that I seem to consistently be asking, can easily be answered, if you want to, in the Comments Block. The Comments Block is seen by all of us, which is also good. So friend, I’ll pray or get back to you. Okay?)
Launch Into Deep Water
There is a way, for each of us to launch out into the deep water. That way is by creating a list of contacts. You can use MailChimp, or you could use the Contact Manager, and you might simply use a notebook or sheet of paper. Begin writing down at least one person a day, Monday-Friday, five days a week, that is twenty people a month. In one year you would have about two hundred and fifty people that you are touching, in one form or fashion. More specifically, attempt to touch people for Heaven! My diving friend, Ali Bin Thalith is a professional photographer for National Geographic. Ali lives in Dubai. I met Ali at Kasawari-Lembeh Resort on the island of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, in the South Pacific Ocean. We were diving the Lembeh Strait off Lembeh Island.
Here are the numbers or the formula one more time:
1 + 100 + 300 + 900 + 2700 x 250 = 1,000,000
Formula Explained
Allow me to explain this formula briefly. The 1 is you. You attract 100 people who connect with you. Of these 100, usually the statistics prove that there will be 1 in 30 that will actually venture out to work or build and create an organization. This will equal 300 (3 who acquire 100 each is 300). Then simply do the math for 9 who acquire 900. This will build into 2700 people. Each of us touch one person a day, Monday-Friday, which is about 20 people touched each month, and 250 for the year. Total the 100,300,900,2700 this is 4,000 people working at blogging, talking, praying and reaching out to touch 250 people per year – One Million People Touched For Heaven!
God Says What?
My Friend, above all else, I pray for your salvation! I want you to be in Heaven! In John 3.16 God says very clearly that if you simply believe – Jesus is Lord – you shall have eternal life – Heaven!
Peace and Good Will. See ya in the Deep Water! :)
I am so excited! I truly love creating these blog posts. They do take me some time, a lot of time actually. However, the fun I receive is more than worth the time. I pray that The Lord touches you my friend and fills your heart with Joy! Blessings to you and yours! :)
Dear John,
What a great blog. Your blogging, I know has touched many people, keep up the good work!
I’ve been on the road for about 6+ months now, and I’ve tried to meet as many people as I could, and not all of them, but a good number of them are my friends now. I would have never meet any of them, if it wasn’t for taking that Big Step into Deep Water!
Keep up the Great Blogs……
Such nice words, I feel touched. It is truly amazing how every person touches another person… Deep Water.