New points of interest will be uncovered and enjoyed! You have beautiful gifts to share. Because you seem to always be giving, people see you as one who discovers the beauty within their heart.
~John Choque
When Each Person Discovers Something – What Happens?
Discover The Potential Within The Genetic Makeup Of Who You Truly Are
The word ‘Discover’ has several synonyms such as, ‘Ascertain’, ‘Determine’, ‘Learn’. The act or instance of discovering is to obtain knowledge of through observation or study. The word discover comes from a Late-Latin word which means ‘Uncover’.
I see discover as one who is on a hunt and find. There is a purpose and a drive to find exactly what one is seeking after. However, I realize that all too often, one does not know or understand precisely what one is looking for! That is the peril that stops most of us in our quest. What is that? What stops us? When does this happen? Why does this come about? And How can one venture forward on our quest of discovery?
Questions Have A Beginning
These questions are here to pose a theory, that if one is truly interested in discovery, then these questions have already been answered and re-answered over and over! Right? Well, then why am I discussing this topic and title of this article, “Discover Who You Are”?
Film The Act Of Living
Discover Who You Are from JOHN CHOQUE on Vimeo.
In this short film I bring to light the idea that discovery could be found in the shear act of filming yourself. Is that a novel idea to you? Think about the act of filming or videotaping a person in the act of living. When you film yourself, as in this film here of me talking with you; I am caught in the act of living. Can you see it? Grasping this vague concept could and should bring a new vista to your life. Why and how is that going to happen?
The act of filming is the creation of a ‘Movie’… a sequence of filmed images projected onto a screen in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion and continuity; motion picture! A cinematic narrative represented in this form, i.e., a film will show you more precisely whom one is! Therefore, to “Discover Who You Are”, film yourself. This is my intent!
Work To Produce Discovery
Now the work begins! When the film is completed, in the can, upload to “Wistia”, or/and to the service called “Vimeo”. If you don’t have an account with either one, open one! I personally would not use “YouTube”. That is more about the Whole World! I see “Wistia” and “Vimeo” as more personal and intimate and truly more precise in its representation of filming. There is educational information to self-educate on the art of filming on both service websites. Step forward and use one or both, and then create your blog article around this film. An example is what I am attempting here in this article.
Next go one more step and read aloud your blog article. Record your own voice using your computer, for example, I am using a MacBook, it comes with a free version of “Garage Band”, use this to record your voice. When you are finished reading your article, post/upload to another website service called “SoundCloud”. They too offer a free version for several hours of audio recording. Plus there is educational information to peruse at your leisure.
Improvement Becomes Automatic
The work begins even before you realize it. Improvement seemingly becomes automatic! Strange as it may seem, built within every creature is this innate drive to be on top. In other words, a deep sense of growth, and even a deeper drive to grow spiritually is apart of every genetic program. To survive is what this drive is called. This is in no way pride or human exaltation. This is personal development at its core.
Discover who you are will be one of the greatest quests and conquests in your life!
Be the Pilgrim in your life.
Be the Explorer in your life.
Be the Conqueror in your life.
Be the Astronaut in your life.
Be the Voyager in your lifeDiscover the frontier that lies within the boundaries of space and time inside your person!
by John Choque
Relax. Get comfortable. I’ll read this article to you . . .
Even when I was writing this blog post article I could feel myself stretch just a tiny bit more. I am continually amazed at the power within creating your own blog and giving it to the world! Exposing yourself is a path to “Discover Who You Are”. Thank you friend for your valuable time! :)
Discover Who You Are, or Who I Am. I’ve been working on that for the past year and still haven’t come up with an answer, but to film me in my journey would make one great comical show. Why? Because i’ve seen myself in the mirror :)) Great Blog!
Thanks for the reply and comments! Discovering is a life long process. Filming is just another method to help, if given in that direction. :)
I find it funny or rather tickling to my insides when I read and look through my articles that I wrote. I think each one was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. I hope you enjoy your time here! :)