—”Touching People For Heaven”
“The words of the LORD are pure words… Every word of God is pure… thy word is truth…”
Psalm 12. Proverbs 30. John 17.
Authorized King James Bible.
This page is updated:
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. | 2023. |
I write a semi-daily diary, log, or thoughts on the building of GEC here GEC—Calendar News 2023.
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27, 2022. Written Monday 11:04 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
As we continue being trained up in the kingdom of God, let’s all remember that God is not finished with the earth and all his creation. Just because there are events that seem to tell us that bad things may be on the horizon… and of course that might well be, for sure… Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
There are seasons, natural and possibly spiritually speaking? Not sure abut the spiritual aspects, but it might be. When we understand seasons, then we can see from a larger perspective and a higher scope. When we do this, the current world events seem to diminish to a more acceptable portion of daily making history.
However, the Lord Jesus is very clear, we are to watch and pray… because he will come as a thief in the night. There are lots of scriptures talking about this. And the Lord Jesus has said, for us to occupy till he comes. That is us staying busy preaching and ministering every day. This is very important… because, as know that when he comes, he should find us working and not sleeping.
God bless you my friend.
Gospel Evangelist Church will exists! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25, 2022. Written Friday 1:41 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
In reference to this new field of ministry, I am talking about the building of this peculiar missionary church called, Gospel Evangelist Church. Since my first calling from God to build this certain church, in the part of the body of Christ, I’ve attempted six other times to do this work. Each time, in my own words -failed- and yes, I realize that in failure is a learning and a growing in Christ. And yes, I agree, I have learned a great amount about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. Of course, we all may continue to learn all the way into eternity.
One of my main purposes of writing this entry today is to say that there are times in our lives that we slow down. I am currently slowed down, not by my desire, but however, what I see, is slowed down by the Spirit of God. It is by the Holy Ghost that GEC is being built. No man will ever be able to say they built this church. (At least, while I’m still around!!)
Slowing down is not stopping. Yes, some people slow down and come to a halt a stop. And still some, run hard and fast and abruptly quit stop give up. This is not what I am doing. I am simply slowing up a little bit to regroup in the Spirit and see more clearly the path ahead in the building of GEC. Honestly speaking, I am more excited to day than I’ve ever been in my life. And I’ve been very excited many many times in my life. I’ve lived a full life in Christ. The Lord Jesus has provided a truckload of experiences that only he could have given. What a joy to spend a lifetime with the Holy One you love… I love Jesus Christ!
In this lifetime with my Jesus, I have been able to learn by the Spirit many things that come with time and age and experience and study. As a preacher, I’ve never stopped studying the word and my work in the kingdom of God. For some reason, that I’m not currently fully aware of, the Holy Ghost is preparing in me something that I’ve not done in the past for the kingdom of God… and in this, is what I am referring to when I say a new field of ministry.
I’ve never been a pastor. And from my perspective, do not have the makeup to be a good pastor shepherd. This is what challenges me so greatly day after day. And could be one reason why I am so exhausted each and every day. This may be somewhat like a teenager growing into young adulthood? And in that, I am still not sure… because, this is all new to me, and also why faith is so required of me. To have more faith, is to have more of the word of truth in your spirit, and to be doing the word… not only hearing the word and learning the word, but being a doer of the word.
Thank you my dear friend for reading this rather lengthy entry.
God bless you as you move by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2022. Written Wednesday 10:15 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
What we as a people and a nation can do is call out to God to save us. This can slow up the eventual great tribulation. Will the United States of America call out to the God in whom we trust?
My friend, do you call out to the LORD thy God?
Look at these holy scriptures…
Deuteronomy 4:29-31 King James Bible.
29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice;
31 (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2022. Written Monday 8:38 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I’m very glad the Holy Ghost quickened me to pray about this move several weeks ago, or maybe months, I don’t remember exactly when I started to talking to God about this move across the street. To some, this may seem insignificant… however, for me, it is highly significant, because I do nothing unless the Spirit of God directs me. I serve God, not myself, nor man.
Yes, I realize that is rather blunt, and in today’s modern world, could be rather arrogant or prideful sounding… but listen to the heart… I love God with all my heart and after loving on God, he turns my attention to loving people… this is how it works.
We love God. Then… we love people.
Today is Monday and I’m soon heading to Baseline and Broadway for today’s banner preaching and street ministry.
It’s going to be a good day… why? Because I am in Christ and Christ is in me. Amen.
You too my dear friend have a glorious day in Christ!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2022. Written Wednesday 7:59 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One way to stay alert to our time is, prayer. Yes, prayer is the answer to many of our challenges. Our diligent communion with the Holy Ghost will provide to us much needed power and authority to do the work of the ministry, beginning at home, then venturing out into the public.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2022. Written Tuesday 8:47 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One of the thoughts that come to mind often, seems like every day, is a prayer that people in the body of Christ would fall in love with Christ, and go out and share there love for Christ, with all who come across their path during their day. And along with this thought comes another that relates to the previous… namely, be consistent in sharing your love of Christ… this means daily, go out and share, if you’re at home… then find a way to share this love. And if you can’t seem to figure out what to do, then ask… yes, ask the Holy Spirit how to share your love of Christ with someone. You’ll get the answer, if you believe.
Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado will exist! No doubt about it. I see that it is the Lord’s will to have this church up and running and serving the kingdom of God. The very cool thing about this is, I get to be apart of what God is doing. AND, you can too… be apart, yes, join us in this new work the Lord Jesus is building. Simply ask, ask the Holy Ghost what he wants you to do. Then believe and receive! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2022. Written Monday 8:53 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Sunday was very very good… and truly was lots of fun! I had many conversations with people, and was able to witness to a great multitude of people. I think it’s interesting to see the reactions of people who believe and of those who do not believe. It’s truly amazing to me!
One of the greatest things or activities that we all should be doing on a consistent basis is winning the lost. We do that by prayer, by study, and then we go out and preach. In the preaching, and this can take many forms, it is not just standing up and declaring the gospel out loud. This could simply be placing a gospel tract on the counter at the gas station or grocery store. Quietly going about our ministry can be highly effective in the kingdom of God.
It’s a great week of preaching and teaching and healing all who desire to be well and healed. Let’s all give our life away. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2022. Written Sunday 6:56 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Today is Sunday now, and it’s about time to begin getting ready to head out to preach and minister the word of truth. I sure desire greatly to say thank you to all of you who are out in the public spreading the gospel of Christ. It is so important to be visable and available to all who may need to be prayed for or ministered to… and all who would choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ today.
This week we’ll be preaching on chapter 20 of Revelation. I’m excited to see and hear what the Holy Ghost has for us… at least for all of us who have ears to hear… thank you my friend for praying and asking God for ears to hear, and eyes to see, and a heart to understand… alll that God is doing in the earth. There is much activity in the spirit! No doubt about it!!
Have a great day in Jesus today my friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2022. Written Wednesday 11:03 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Even I guy like me that has been around for decades and decades receives tons of edification from the Spirit and from the people God has brought to Gospel Evangelist. I see one day soon, we will be at our first major break through… 30 that overcometh, yes 30 people who are ambassadors for Christ, and have overcome this world and are clothed in white, clean and pure. I see it… it’s just a little further down the road. Thank you Lord Jesus for adding to your church, such as should be saved.
Thank you Lord Jesus for building your church, and for the gates of hell not prevailing against us.
We love you Lord… we really do!
Thank you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 7, 2022. Written Monday 5:21 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
So what brings the presence of God into our life? Honestly speaking, I have no idea. There seems to be some connection to worship, or praise, or thanksgiving, or even prayer… and still maybe reading and studying the word of truth. However, in the decades of my life with Jesus, this is not consistent. What has changed now that seems to bring on the presence of God so often in my life?
I think what has truly changed is my willingness and obedience to be a full time all the time consistent persistent always on the job and never leaving the ministry to do life… yes, I realize this makes no sense. But listen, something is special with God when we do his perfect will for our life. In my own life, I’ve been all over the place. Sometimes obedient, sometimes not obedient. Sometimes willing, sometimes not willing. And now, in this new season of my life and my ministry, I’ve fully and completely turned my life over to God. I completely hold nothing back from God. My life is fully God’s.
Where are you in your life?
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2022. Written Sunday 8:02 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The previous many weeks have been rather rough on me and the ministry. However, we don’t quit and do something else… we simply slow down on the ice, and pick back up our speed when we are off the ice.
Are going to fast on the ice?
Are you sliding on ice?
Be alert.
Be awake.
Be watching and praying without ceasing, my dear friend.
God bless you.
It’s time to get ready soon to head out to preach at 28th and Pearl for this November 6, 2022 Sunday.
Tally ho!
P.S. There are no entries for the previous month of October. Just to many things going on… thank you for your patience.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 2022. Written Monday 6:47 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I hope you too are preparing yourself for the ministry of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The season is still here to witness and to sow and to reap souls for the kingdom of heaven. Let’s all head out somewhere as we go about our day of work or school or even if it’s your day off… let’s do something for the kingdom of God.
Let’s not ignore the ministry… we all are called into the ministry of the Lord Jesus, either to serve or to love, in some capacity we all have our job to do for our beautiful Lord.
Abundant blessings my dear friend… I love you very much!
Hope you enjoy your great day!
By the way, Sunday was a very good day of ministry… it was not the normal Boulder Sunday as typical. Don’t know why… it just wasn’t. Lot’s of ministry took place, many were touched by God, many received a good witness for trusting Jesus Christ, and some even prayed with me. All good, yes sir! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2022. Written Saturday 12:03 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
It’s not always easy to live without the bad, because this world is in sin, and the wages of sin is death… and this comes about slowly and often times with groaning. However, everyday is not the same… some are good and some are wonderful and some are fantastic!
Just because the day or days are good doesn’t mean that sin is gone from the world.
That comes later. :)
Stay vigilant in the word of truth and in your faith in God.
Be looking up as Jesus looked up and prayed.
Go out into the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The souls are ready for the harvest of the Lord Jesus.
So… be a harvester!
Have a great day!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2022. Written Wednesday 8:38 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Beginning from the Garden of Eden until present day 2022 on Earth… corruption has brought sin and sin steals, kills, and destroys. This corruption comes about due to deception… the deception is brought by the great red dragon, that old serpent, the Devil, Satan. It’s that simple! People, for some reason point the finger to people and to God… but why don’t people point to the REAL PROBLEM? Satan is the accuser of the brethren and deceiver of all the world. It’s a very serious matter. Governments bring in Satan to rule their country. Can you see that?
Nevertheless, for me and my house we will serve the Lord Jesus Christ. I will, by the will and power of God, go out into the public arena and declare Jesus Christ as LORD OF ALL! And call all to repentance and surrender to Almighty God through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. That’s our answer!
Do you see it?
Did you?
I don’t think so.
I will see when I head out to the street in a couple hours to the worst devil infested site in all of Boulder… my opinion from over 3 years and 3,000 hours on the streets preaching and ministering Jesus Christ to the people.
What will you be doing?
I’m asking for help today at Boulder Hight School from 11am to 2pm. Will I receive help? God knows. I don’t. I will know after the fact… at 2pm.
Be alert… Be vigilant… Be sober… the Devil, Satan is REAL.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” —1 PETER 5:8 KING JAMES BIBLE.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2022. Written Monday 9:18 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
People create and live in patterns, and when you’re out in front of people, the public at large, you can eventually see the patterns right before your eyes… it’s quite astonishing!
Gospel Evangelist Church is growing… not only locally, but I see it growing in many others areas of life on earth. We reach out to a multitude of people, we are “Touching People For Heaven”, that’s what Gospel Evangelist Church does… and by the power of the Lord, we reach their spirit and edify, exhort, and comfort each soul as the Spirit moves upon the people. We intercede for souls every day, seven days a week.
As a church, we make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before the LORD for the land of souls; we intercede in the Holy Ghost for each and every soul, our prayer is that we don’t miss one single soul. All this is by faith in God and by the power of the Lord being present in our missionary church and our street ministry.
All your prayers and your giving is sowing seed into “good ground” that has a harvest and a multiplication of greatness that give glory to our Father in heaven. Hallelujah!
Hope you all have a great day!
I’m off to 30th and Baseline to preach and minister the Lord Jesus Christ to all who may be ready to receive. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 2022. Written Wednesday 10:25 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Another season that we here in the US is in is the poor air quality and poor weather. On my calendar today this is what I posted:
For me this is very serious and I must take this advice serious. I have been affected in my life by high heat and have nearly done much damage to my body from heart exhaustion and from overheating my body. This is not a light matter for me. It is one of serious consideration. Therefore, this is why I have elected to take today and tomorrow off from the street. If this is not acceptable to you… well, it’s just the way it is for this old guy. I’m only 14 months away from my 70th birthday.
In my 40 year career of trucking, I’ve made many friends. Of all my friends and truckers I know, I’m currently only aware of 2 who have lived into their 70’s… just 2! This is probably due to long haul trucking being such a poor health condition that their bodies give out sooner than expected. Trucking over the road, millions and millions of miles is so utterly hard on the body that the majority of new drivers quit in their first year. The turn over rate is about 150%… WOW… 1 5 0 %.
For me, I will serve the Lord Jesus Christ in building Gospel Evangelist Church for the rest of my life. I’ve been working toward this church since 1987… and I’m still going, here in 2022… that’s a few days!
My general objective in this current season of my life and ministry is to:
Log 10,000 hours of banner preaching and street ministry.
Log 3,000 days of flying the gospel banner out on the streets and highways of Colorado.
Log 10,000,000 people who have gone by the gospel banner and I have interceded for their soul.
This work is for the building of Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado USA.
God is building Gospel Evangelist Church, and no man will ever say they built this church.
All glory to God the Father, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, the Lamb of God, JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God. Amen, and Amen.
Have a great day my friend! :)
I love you ❤️
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2022. Written Monday 11:26 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This is what will be rewarded later on in heaven. It’s quite amazing how God operates his kingdom. I love it and at the amount of faith I have… I can relate to God and how he rules his creation. This is but a tiny tiny tiny almost invisible in size faith, but I do have faith in God. Therefore, there are things that God reveals to his saints. All to often, we don’t know what to do with these visions and dreams, so typically we just give them back to God…sort of for safe keeping. I suppose?
Sunday church turned out to be very good. Brett joined me for ministry for several hours. What a joy to have such a young man who is turned onto God with passion and zeal for the kingdom of God. Thank you Lord Jesus for blessing Brett. Thank you for providing all his needs and for growing his business and giving him and revealing to him your clear calling into ministry. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.
Also, Craig joined me, and he is doing very well. God bless him too, O LORD. Amen.
Today, Al came by to fellowship with us. Thank you Lord Jesus for opening his heart and mind to understand his need to receive you as Saviour. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving Al a desire to watch Christian broadcasting on television. This is doing wonders for Al’s heart…I want to see his salvation O LORD. Save Al, Lord Jesus. Thank you. Amen.
Monday, I’m taking off to recover more strength and spend time with Jesus… so far today has been a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ. I love you Lord.
You all have a great day in JESUS! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2022. Written Saturday 11:20 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
For me, this banner preaching and street ministry has become one of the greatest ministries that I’ve ever done. From the outside looking in at me and what I am doing… it may not look like anything is happening. However, there is a multitude of activities and work and labour that is going on, and much of it is unseen by the eye of man.
In this regards, is why I say so often, pray unto God and ask him what it is he wants you to do. Then when he tells you, go do exactly what he has directed you to do. By all means, hold yourself back from adding or subtracting anything from the call of God on your life. Be faithful my friend. Serving God is an act of faith. Sometimes our faith is not received nor understood by our physical brain. This does not make our faith void… instead it most likely increases our faith, because all to often we beginning confessing the word of truth and our ears hear the word spoken… this increases our faith. Amen.
God bless you my dear friend. I hope your ministry continues to bear good fruit. Amen.
Gospel Evangelist Church is growing and will exsist at Boulder and Colorado. By faith this church is being built. God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. There are wonderful things that are going on in this church, in this part of the body of Christ. GEC is simply one part of many parts that make up the whole body of Christ. Amen.
Have a great day! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 2022. Written Wednesday 12:37 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Then the next question comes to mind; why are so many believers doing everything except the most important thing in the kingdom of heaven? What do you think?
My answer to this is Satan. Yes, the Devil is stealing and killing and destroying any efforts to preach and publish the gospel of Christ to the world. And if this is so, why don’t believers resist the Devil? What say ye?
As for me and my house and ministry… we will serve God day and night in any and every means possible… even now as you are reading this… it is apart of publishing the gospel. Yes, because I’m exhorting you to deeply consider how you, my dear friend, can go out and spread the gospel in your world?
Think about getting yourself on a schedule, a calendar, a log sheet that records your ministry activities. In this fashion, you will be able to see at a moment where you are in the harvest field of labouring for the Lord of the harvest.
It’s just an idea.
Or is it?
Happy September!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
SUPPLY | Support. →
See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
AUGUST 31, 2022 WEDNESDAY. Written 8:15 AM Wednesday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I’m feeling much better. Still a little mucous and coughing. Last night was first night that was normal. That’s good. Hope to be back to work on Friday, 1st Friday of month… Denver, Colorado. Hope to be there, but only until 3pm, instead of 5pm. And I’ll probably be taking Monday off to rest… and maybe a few more days before getting back into my normal 6-day-week preaching schedule.
Thank you so much for your prayers and concern… this to me, has been the miracle!
People praying is music to God’s ears!!!
I love you man.
Take care.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 26, 2022 FRIDAY. Written 5:11 PM Saturday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
I would like to give report of one these signs that has followed many of you, my dear friends.
After posting my wellness update or rather maybe sickness update? I wanted to give this good report here. Several hours after brother Nolan prayed for me, along with all the people he called upon to pray with him and with his dad… it was like just a few hours later that evening that I witnessed a solid and marked turn-around in my healing of this severe flu. By Friday morning, I was, what seemed to me about 75% healed, and through the day I just kept getting better and better… and by today Saturday I’m like 85% healed!
This is a miracle to me… because I was so totally sick that I was somewhat dismayed with myself. I was not in doubt. I was in full faith for my healing. I never ever doubted my healing. I’ve been with the Lord Jesus way to long to doubt. We have a wonderful bond together. I hope you too my friend, have a bond with the Lord Jesus that is unbreakable…no matter what is thrown at you. Amen.
Anyways, thank you so very much for your prayers. I am going to stay in recovery this time until I’m FULLY recovered. Because for the last two weeks I would get a little healed and go out and preach… then after a few days, turn up sick again. NOT this time!
My scheduled next day of street preaching will be the First Friday of the month, September 2, 2022. This is Denver, Colorado!
Once again, I will be taking these next several days off to fully recover and heal.
This may mean no Sunday Prayer Letter, Podcast, or Video. I need to rest. I hope you all understand.
Thank you for you love…
I love you very much… I really do!
This is the video I was talking about…
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 22, 2022 MONDAY. Written 9:49 AM Tuesday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
Even my eyes are hurting…I was going to attempt to go out to work, but I had trouble keeping my balance. If I went out to the street today…I might be hurt more than I should be. So, I elected to not go out…I so hope this passes today, but it doesn’t feel like it. What a bummer.
Thank you my friend for any prayers.
Thank God I believe in healing. That is a huge blessing…there are a huge multitude of Christians who believe that healing ended with the death of the last apostle. How sad to believe that…but many do. I don’t!!!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 21, 2022 SUNDAY. Written 8:40 AM Monday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
University of Colorado at Boulder, “CU” begins Monday morning! For the previous several weeks thousands of new students have been moving into Boulder for school. And thus, where the Lord Jesus has me stationed on Sunday’s, in front of the Target store… this becomes a great location due to the business of students and parents purchasing items for the apartments and rooms and housing that will be their home for atleast the next 9 months or so.
Sunday’s are the worst day for believers to be out… what I mean is that, Sunday’s I see extremely few believers out and about… to me, this is the first day of the week and the day that Christians should go to work sharing and giving the word of truth to people. It’s a great day to witness because the majority of people out are those who need Christ.
However, it is the day that I see so little of Christians… compared to all the other days of the week. From my life long ministry in travel in the trucking business, I have always seen Sunday as the best day to witness. But get this… it is the day that many are deceived to think that God moved his sabbath to Sunday! That is from Satan. Actually, everyday is the same now after the resurrection of Christ. The Apostle Paul by the power of the Holy Ghost details much of how we are to live now in this new season of grace.
Anyways, just updating to what is happening from a street preacher’s perspective… NOT a preacher behind walls!!! Do you get it?
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 18, 2022 THURSDAY. Written 2:33 PM Friday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
What I’d like to do here is briefly make mention of my Vail, Colorado preaching trip and direct you to our video channel to view the many and various messages I delivered while at Vail.
On mobile:
On desktop:
These thumbnails are only a sampling of the video thumbnails on the video channel. There are a total of 9 videos that I filmed for Vail, Colorado. The main theme for these messages is Mark 16:15-20 King James Bible. I think I’ll place those scriptures here, so they would be easy to look at…
15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”
I do hope you take some time to view some or all these videos, because there might be something in them that would be beneficial to you or someone close that you know. It’s interesting how the Holy Ghost works and what he uses to get people to think about the gospel of Jesus Christ. God truly wants all to be saved… however, he will NOT force anyone to receive Christ; if they do NOT believe or are not interested in God or heaven or salvation… but are more in love with the world. And that is just fine… we all have a free will to make our own choices.
However, one of the greatest things that you can tell people is the consequences of their decision. They can choose whatever they want. All to often, people have no clue as to the results of their choice. This here is our ministry… to get people to see or to hear or to understand the end result… after they pass away. Because every person on earth will pass away… that is an absolute cold stone fact of life on earth. The problem with this is… WHEN? (TIME?)
People leave earth at every conceivable age… from the moment of conception, all the way into the hundred plus years of age! Is that right?
27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
❤️ —Go…preach the gospel | —PREACHER JOHN CHOQUE. Street Preacher. Founding Pastor. Soul winning message from our video channel.
God bless you my dear friend. I hope the Light of God shines brightly throughout your life on earth, never ever to be extinguished. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 17, 2022 WEDNESDAY. Written 9:06 AM Wednesday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
You are important… please be aware that the enemy does not believe in you nor is about helping you, be alert that the world is not your friend… even if the world appears to come alongside of you and ask you to allow him to help you.
The world is not going to bless you with everlasting life, even when it says to many who listen, that it does and it will provide all their needs even eternal destiny. The world is filled with lies from the father of lies, Satan, the Devil, the deceiver of all mankind.
Think on these verses of holy scripture from the Holy Bible, the Authorized King James Bible…
Psalm 37:3-8 King James Bible
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
Thank you for all you are in the body of Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
AUGUST 14, 2022 SUNDAY. Written 3:33 PM Tuesday.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The first is my relationship with Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Then second is my health, which is being somewhat difficult to deal with lately. Then thirdly is my preaching and ministering the gospel of Christ out in the public arena. Then when I’ve rested and ready to go preach again… somewhere in there, I need to update the website, the podcast, the video channel, the email system, and all the other bits and pieces that make up a church and ministry… oh, and there is the weekly house church… yes, Preacher John is actively and persistently and consistently serving the Lord Jesus Christ with all his mind, body, spirit, and strength.
I’ve dedicated my everyday to serving God in whatever capacity he wants of me. My life is his! Amen.
Thank you again brethren for any prayers tossed to God on our behalf. Thank you!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
JULY 15, 2022 FRIDAY. Written 12:16 PM Saturday.
Thursday in Louisville, Colorado was quite unique. I was able to be under the shade of an old locust tree and still be able to lift my gospel banner high in the air, without hit the tree branches. However, what I did NOT notice was a circling about me of evil spirits that harassed me the entire time I was in Louisville. I was unaware of and did not notice their attacks until I got home from Louisville. I was totally exhausted from spiritual warfare that I had no idea I was involved in the entire time I was in Louisville. This is most definitely not normal…at least for me.
When I began to edit Thursday’s video street sermon, after I got home, I began to see the real results of attacks…mainly it was on my spirit and then it moved into my body area and completly exhausted me. I was unable to finish the edit or even stay sitting up at the table…I had to go to bed to recover…then Friday morning, after battling most of Thursday night…I was still overwhelmed and exhausted to go up to Nederland, Colorado to preach and minister. This is NOT normal.
As of this morning, Saturday 7/16/2022, I’m slowly gaining my strength…that is why I am writing this now.
Once again, thank you so very much for any and all your prayers and intercession and fasting for this street ministry and missionary church.
There clearly must be something going on in the spirit that I am not fully aware of…though, the devil is, and thus his concentrated attacks.
I fully understand that many who read this may not have any idea of what I’ve been writing…and that is just fine. Just understand that there is a world that is controlled by Satan and the unclean spirits that fell with Lucifer (now called Satan, the Devil, the deceiver, the father of lies, the god of this world…(and many more descriptive names he has. One day, he will be cast into the lake of fire…but not yet.) Take a look at this small portion of holy scripture…
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Thank you my dear friend for being apart of this street ministry and missionary church.
God bless you! I love you very much. Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JULY 12, 2022 TUESDAY. Written 10:24 AM Wednesday.
Thank you for your prayers and your giving and your attention to this ministry and church. God is doing something very special in the city of Boulder and the state of Colorado. (This is apart of my calling from the Lord Jesus, to build God a church in the state of Colorado, in the city of Boulder…) And it seems obvious to me that that is exactly what is happening. I give glory and honour and thanks to him that sits on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever…” (Revelation 4:9 KJV)
I’m excited!
Have a great day my friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JULY 11, 2022 MONDAY. Written 09:49 AM Tuesday.
God is an abundant God and Creator…we know that by simply looking around, or hearing the abundance of sound, or even touching the abundance of things around us. (I said it this way for all who may not see, hear or whatever may be going on.) Because you are alive and on this planet, God knows who you are…even if you don’t believe it, God knows his creation.
If it could be that you are reading this and not know for sure where you would spend your eternal destiny… then maybe you might not be born again. You receive Jesus Christ as Saviour by believeing in your heart and confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus. It’s an act of faith…not intellect or sight or…? Salavation is a free gift. Take it now my friend. Amen.
Have a great day!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JULY 10, 2022 SUNDAY. Written 09:23 AM Monday.
This week is starting off in an interesting place in the spirit. Yes, I know that sounds odd… however, as I’m on the streets of my city, I sometimes see things that catch my attention… these could be small things the Spirit of God wanted to show me? I’m not sure. I do know that the Holy Ghost is moving in this city and this state. I’m excited to know that the Spirit of God is interested in Boulder and in Colorado. Thank you Lord!
Friend, may the peace of God be so real in your life that you truly do live in peace and in patience, watching and praying… for we know not what hour the Lord Jesus will come. And we occupy till he does come for us… giving all glory and honour and power to our Father. Thank you Jesus for making a way for all who believe to receive everlasting life, through your precious shed blood. Amen.
Have a great in JESUS, my good friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JULY 04, 2022 MONDAY. Written 12:22 PM Tuesday.
Gospel Evangelist Church will exist! I have full confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ that he is building his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against this church. We are serving the Lord Jesus with all our life…and we do it by faith.
The point that occasionally comes to me is in the book Romans that says, God has ordained, that those that preach the gospel shall live of the gospel. Or something like that… in other words, preachers make their living, their paycheck, their income, by preaching the gospel. This is purely an act of faith and obedience and a willing heart to follow the word of truth. I love it!
God bless you my friend! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JULY 01, 2022 FRIDAY. Written 10:30 AM Saturday.
Every first Friday of the month I travel to Denver for banner preaching and street ministry. July 1st, 2022 was a wonderful day of ministry. Multitudes received a good solid witness for Christ Jesus. Amen.
I also had the joy of being joined with three other wonderful fellowlabourers in Christ. I praise God for the help and the ministry these wonderful saints of God demonstrated through their love of Christ and love of the Father. It truly was an amazing day!
And thank you to all who take on the ministry of intercession for our missionary church and street ministry. The Holy Ghost is doing great things in our midst. And we fully give all glory to God for what he is doing. Hallelujah!
Have a great day my friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
JUNE 27, 2022 MONDAY. Written 10:03 AM Tuesday.
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
—2 Corinthians 10:3-4 King James Bible.
One of many scriptures on the topic!
May the Light of God continue to shine in your life today.
I love you very much.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 26, 2022 SUNDAY. Written 9:34 AM Monday.
Every Sunday here in Boulder is about the same. From my perspective and view from the street corner where I’ve stood with my gospel banner for over three years now, is to say that Sunday’s in Boulder is not like any other day of the week. It is completely unique, in such that, I see and hear from very few Christians, as compared to every other day of the week. I preach six days a week, Sunday thru Friday… totaling over three thousand hours on the street. What a city we live in! It’s a mission field, for sure.
Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado will exist. God is building this church. This is good news. And this news is in perfect accord with the King James Bible, the holy word of truth.
I pray that you my friend, are walking in the Spirit every day. It is very important to understand this…for the time is at hand. Keep your eyes and ears open, and have a heart to understand. God loves you! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 21, 2022 TUESDAY. Written 10:12 AM Wednesday.
In building a new missionary church, like Gospel Evangelist Church, it takes faith in God. Therefore, since God is building GEC…then God receives ALL THE GLORY! This is his church and the Holy Ghost is our “Lead Pastor” if you are able to receive that.
I’m excited each and every day as I minister on the streets and in numerous other avenues of ministry. God is opening doors to preach the gospel of his Son, Jesus Christ. I praise God for all the help that this ministry is receiving from God. Hallelujah! Amen.
Have a super day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 17, 2022 FRIDAY. Written 9:52 AM Saturday.
Knowing the fact that God loves you and cares for you and is, right now, interceding on your behalf to the Father…this should give you joy in your spirit. All that God is doing for his beloved, his saints, is a wonderful blessing to us. We give all glory to God. Amen.
Have a blessed day my good friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 15, 2022 WEDNESDAY. Written 10:29 AM Wednesday.
This next part is something that I wrote on today’s calendar date…
(OFF ON MY HOURS?) (I still can’t seem to find out why this type of ministry is so difficult in the spirit. There is fully an opposition to this type ministry and a need to do daily spiritual warfare to keep moving in this ministry work. Being out in public with this huge 10 foot gospel banner and along with intercession in the spirit for every soul, is moving the spirit of Boulder and in the other towns that I go to. Something great for the kingdom of God is happening…I just can’t at this time discern exactly what is happening. I’m required to have faith…this is challenging at times. Thank you for all your help! Blessings friend. -John.)
As per what I just wrote…I can see, and my hope is, all would see, that serving the Lord Jesus Christ takes the full armour of God…and that without being in the Lord Jesus Christ with the armour of light being on or in place, there could be struggle that may stop street ministry. I think the key to moving forward is staying in the Lord Jesus and the word of God…being diligent in the pure word of God, the Holy Bible-King James Version… the reason I see this is that the word is seed… this seed will produce after it’s own kind. Therefore, what is planted is of great importance…because, most often we don’t see what we planted for many decades. (Go look up the problems that Hillsong church is currently in, 2022.) This is just one example of reaping from what is sowed. Be alert my friend!
Abundant blessings in the word of God, as you study to show yourself approved unto the most high God!
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” —2 Timothy 2:15 King James Bible.
I love you very much. Please take care and be very safe and alert as you move about your life. Thank you!
Just now, I posted this onto the “Street Preaching Videos June 2022” Blog | Journal post on this website… Because I think it’s important. God bless you!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 12, 2022 SUNDAY. Written 9:00 AM Sunday.
Thank you to all who pray and serve in the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord, and there is none other! Our Saviour is the only saviour and Lord that we need…there are no other gods or idols that are in our life as born again believers. Be very alert my brethren.
The last thing the Apostle John said in one of his books is, keep yourselves from idols. This is wise counsel in the word of truth. Let’s all heed to this wisdom. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
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JUNE 7, 2022 TUESDAY. Written 8:57 AM Wednesday.
This day at Iris and 28th was really over the top for ministry. I had such a wonderful time with all the people. Lot’s of ministry took place and the Spirit of God was present to minister. These corner locations that the Holy Ghost has set up for us are truly a ministry location. People are able to come to us and receive from the Spirit what ever the Spirit has for them. It’s truly beautiful!
Have a great day my dear friend!
I love you!!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
JUNE 6, 2022 MONDAY. Written 10:42 AM Tuesday.
It’s a great day in Jesus and I’m excited to be serving the Lord of the harvest. God’s word is going forth even today as I type this… I’ll be shortly leaving for Iris and 28th by gas station to preach a sermon and to lift the gospel banner and to ministry the Holy Ghost in intercession and in preaching the gospel of Christ. Hallelujah!
Enjoy your day!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
MAY 31, 2022 TUESDAY. Written 9:31 AM Tuesday.
We’re still moving and preaching the gospel of Christ and being a witness every where we go! It’s a great joy to be physically visible to so many people everyday! I think God is using this street ministry and missionary church to do a good work here at Boulder and Colorado!
Thank you for all your gifts and prayers and service to our Saviour. Take care!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MAY 30, 2022 MONDAY. Written 9:53 AM Monday.
May our Lord God continue blessing America as the word of God continues to go forth around the world. Amen.
Thank you to all who serve our King Jesus Christ, and have served our country. This is Memorial Day and a good day for sure. Thank you to all our service personnel. You are and have done a marvelous work and service. I remember my six years of service and do not regret at all for serving. I just wish I would have been better at my job.
God bless you abundatly, my dear friend.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MAY 26, 2022 THURSDAY. Written 9:29 AM Thursday.
Off in a little bit to preach and minister at 28th and Arapahoe today, 12 noon to 5 pm… it’s going to be hot for Boulder… about 81 degrees, and no shade, except what I can get from my big ol’banner!! Amen.
Have a great day!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MAY 25, 2022 WEDNESDAY. Written 3:27 PM Saturday.
Thank you again for all your help and service in the kingdom of God.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
APRIL 22, 2022 FRIDAY. Written 11:12 AM Saturday.
Thank you friend for believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and receiving him as your Saviour. Life is good because of this decision… yes, I know that Satan will do all he can or is able, to steal that from you… but Jesus Christ is God and has given you power to resist the devil… therefore, use your faith.
Have faith in God.
And peace be with you my dear friend.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
APRIL 19, 2022 TUESDAY. Written 10:55 AM Wednesday.
NEW Note here: As of Wednesday April 20, 2022, 10:08 AM. I am updating these harvest objectives to come more into my faith to believe. I’m challenged to believe for these large numbers, so as of today, I am reducing the numbers for me to have the faith to believe that I receive what I am asking the Lord Jesus for in regards to this street ministry and missionary church. This may change, but as of now this is what I am doing. I read through this near daily and after 3 1/2 months I still can’t see the objective coming. The Holy Ghost may correct me on this, I am fully open to the Real Pastor of Gospel Evangelist Church, which is the Holy Ghost. Thank you my friend. Amen.
I had to do this to keep from moving into doubt. Faith cannot grow if doubt is present. And doubt could be a wicked spirit… always be alert and aware of what Satan is capable of doing. This does not take away from our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. To many people think that if they ignore the enemy, then the enemy will go away, or worse, be not real.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
APRIL 17, 2022 Sunday. Written 11:13 AM Sunday.
Today is the day that believers around the world celebrate the Easter of the Christ, the day the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected from the tomb.
JESUS IS ALIVE! There is no body in the grave… if there were a body, Satan would have paraded it around the world… however… there is NO body! Jesus was resurrected and ascended back to heaven at the right hand of the Father.
And guess what, if you are reading this and do not believe a word I just wrote… it does not make this untrue, give Jesus a call, and ask him if he is real and alive… and to save you!
Thank you for whatever it is you are doing in the body of Christ. Every believer is a light in the world, and thus extremely valuable to the kingdom of God.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. (II Corinthians 13:14, KJV)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
APRIL 13, 2022 Wednesday. Written 11:28 AM Thursday.
Thank you to all who are serving the Lord Jesus Christ in whatever capacity he has you in… all service is highly important in the body of Christ for the kingdom of heaven. Nothing you are doing shall go unrewarded. Amen.
Have a bless day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
APRIL 11, 2022 Monday. Written 9:39 AM Tuesday.
I love JESUS my Saviour! I hope you do too my friend… if by chance, you are here reading this and not sure of where you will go after you pass, then probably you may not have confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Scripture tells us to, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”
Here is Acts 16:29-34… verse 31 is the verse I was referring to…
29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.
33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.
34 And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.
Anyways, God bless you my dear friend… and thank you so very much for keeping this street ministry and missionary church in your prayer, mentioning daily our name to God. I realize this is work, however, you will be rewarded for all the labour you have done in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
The following is a comment from Kevin Honeycutt from our YouTube video channel on this video asking this question.
The works Paul is saying is not relevant now, are works under the law of Moses (circumcision) Romans and Ephesians, that Israelites were telling new gentile Christians that they had to do to be Christian. What Jesus and the Apostles said is required today. Let us look at what the Apostles told everyone they must do to be saved,
Hear- Romans 10:17, Matthew 11:15, Acts 18:8, Acts 28:28
Believe- John 5:24, Mark 16:16, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8.
Confess- 1 John 4:15, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:35-38.
Repent- Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Matthew 9:13 Acts 17:30-31.
Baptized- John 3:5, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 8:5-13, Acts 8:35-38, Acts 9:17-19, Acts 10:47-48, Acts 16:13-15, Acts 16:15, Acts 16:31-33, Acts 18:8, Acts 19:1-5, Acts 22:16, Matthew 28:19.
Then God adds you into the Church- Acts 2:41, Acts 2:47, Colossians 2:12, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-11.
Study the Scriptures daily- 2 Timothy 2:15.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
APRIL 6, 2022 Wednesday. Written 1:13 PM Thursday.
I’ve taken a few personal days off from banner preaching, and have worked on other necessary parts of the ministry in order to keep it moving forward. There seems to be a lot of behind the scenes work that must be completed. Thank you for keeping this street ministry and missionary church in your prayers, if the Lord calls you to. It is truly appreciated, my friend!
Gospel Evangelist Church is the ministry that I am building. I, in NO way, am building a personal ministry of any kind! My life is in the Lord Jesus Christ… and I also know where I am in the number of days I have here (of course this is approximate… but I am 68, soon to be 69 and 70!) the Lord Jesus has given me much grace and mercy.
Everything that I am doing is all about serving the kingdom of God. There is totally and absolutely nothing that I desire on earth… speaking in physical terms, such as personal possessions and lifestyle, ecetera. What I desire is souls to be saved for the kingdom of heaven, to see the lost saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and be taught the word of truth so they all can go out and minister however the Spirit of truth leads them, is what I want.
In doing this ministry, Gospel Evangelist Church is being built for this purpose. GEC is a type of “ark”… at least this is a term that see the Holy Ghost is using in this missionary church. It’s sort of new to me, but appears rather interesting… and of course, to have this church built this way… it can ONLY be built by God himself! And God uses people to get the job done. Think of Noah!
Have a great day in JESUS my dear friend! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
MARCH 27, 2022 Sunday. Written 10:31 AM Monday.
I know that sounds rough coming from a preacher who preaches the love of God. But life is what it is… and there is a prince of this world that causes lots of upheavals that most people wish didn’t happen.
However, ONLY through the shed blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, are we able to wash away sin and receive eternal life… and become a child of God. That’s good news my friend!
This world is passing away… but as a child of God, we have everlasting life!
Stay in the word of God, in prayer, and fast often… watching and praying for all the saints of God, and intercede for your family and friends, and even those whom you may not even know, yet.
Thank you for all your prayers and supplications.
May God be large in your life!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MARCH 27, 2022 Sunday. Written 10:31 AM Monday.
Sunday was very good! For some reason, the peace of God was throughout the entire day… this is not a normal Sunday in Boulder. However, I so enjoyed the peace… and a multitude of people viewed, saw, read, or commented and gestured about my gospel sign. It was great!
There truly is something going on in the spirit of Boulder… and it’s pointed toward Almighty God. This is a good thing… at least, I think it is and hope that many here in Boulder should come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I’m believing for 2,000 lost souls to be saved from the work we do this year 2022. Amen.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MARCH 25, 2022 Friday. Written 9:41 AM Saturday.
This week has been a full week of ministry with lots of action. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all he has done this week in this ministry he has called into existence. It’s not my ministry… it’s the Lord’s! It’s important to not lean on our own abilities to get the job done. Yes, it seems that we may need to at times, but don’t let the deceiver into your life. He is very good at what he does. Watch and pray continually my friend.
We were able to log another 26 hours of street banner preaching and ministry this week. This is not travel time, prayer time, getting ready time, it’s only preaching the gospel on the street of my city and neighboring cities and towns. I love my job!
Thank you so very much for praying and mentioning our name to the Lord Jesus in prayer. I truly appreciate all your service to God. And hope that God provides all your needs according to his riches in glory. Amen.
Take care my friend!
Hope to see you on Sunday out on the street… I’ll be at 28th and Pearl in Boulder, Colorado from 11am to 5pm, doing what I do out there!
God bless you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MARCH 21, 2022 Monday. Written 10:17 AM Tuesday.
I so hope that you are watching the daily street video sermons/messages on the video channel. Sunday and Monday were pretty good and a little bit reduced in length. I noticed that I’m not putting in the obvious chapter closings and openings. I think that this is helping in reducing the length of the video. Not sure, though.
Each video sermon is by the Spirit. I don’t plan the messages… however, I do prepare and study for a message, it’s just that the Holy Spirit takes the message into a different direction than I originally planned. And that’s wonderful and desired!
Every message/sermon video is apart of the GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter, system. I see that the Holy Ghost is building something here with this letter and the parts to it, into a program or what I’ve been calling since Sunday, “a system”… for lack of a better word at this time. I hope you partake of all the Spirit is providing in our church, that is if you apart of Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. God bless you my good friend… and have a great day in JESUS! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
The following is apart of our missionary church and street ministry:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MARCH 16, 2022 Wednesday. Written 10:55 AM Thursday.
Thank you my friend for all you are doing in the kingdom of God. Yes, it is tough at times… but let’s keep our eyes on our Saviour… fore he is interceding for you and for me. Hallelujah!
Have a wonderful day in our beautiful Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!
God bless you!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
MARCH 13, 2022 Sunday. Written 9:56 AM Monday.
Needless to say, I so truly appreciate any and all prayers for this street ministry, for our missionary church, and for me as a preacher. Thank you so very much!
I see that one of the most important things that I need to do when I’m on the street with my banner is to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus. By doing this, I may keep the world away from my thoughts. What I mean here is, the spiritual attacks from the prince of this world is unrelenting. I do receive protection and provision, and also have the peace of God; however, it seems a bit dark at times… and I pray the light of God to shine around me. I also put on the armour of light, as per Romans 13:12 “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” Including the verse below here at Romans 13:14 “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lust thereof.”
The above scriptures for me pertain to my defense against the “…wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11.
If you look these verses up, use the King James Bible, and not any other… “…a friendly reminder!”
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
MARCH 11, 2022 Friday. Written 10:52 AM Saturday.
This next following text I typed on the calendar for Wednesday “house church” and seemed led to place it here as well? Here is the following…
WEDNESDAY — Gospel Evangelist Church — “house church” 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Early Prayer 6:00PM to 7:00PM. For directions, contact John :D
Every Wednesday we have church at our church building the Lord Jesus has so wonderfully provided for our church family.
I get here about 5:30 for early prayer: this is praying in the spirit, spiritual worship, intercession, and whatever the Holy Ghost wants us to do. If you would like to pray with us, please feel free to come.
About 6:45 to 7:00 people typically begin showing up for our house church, and this is led by the Spirit, we allow the moving of the Holy Ghost to move as he wills… we on purpose do not control the Spirit of God. People come as they are led of the Spirit… this is not normal for most churches.
At 7:00 we begin our services by using the GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter for this week beginning on Sunday. It is on our website, on email, on podcast, and on livestream (YouTube). We use this letter for our format… and fully submit to the move of the Holy Ghost, as he wills.
About 8:30 PM we attempt to be finished, but as typical… things keep moving for a little while… fellowship seems to happen around this time.
NOTE: we start at 7:00 PM, we don’t start when everyone shows up… we begin on time (God willing) and all is free to come in at any time. Please don’t feel hurried, our under compulsion, be at peace and move by the Spirit of God. Amen!
Not sure why the Spirit directed me to place the above text here, but there it is! I really desire to let all know that Gospel Evangelist Church is NOT like any other church. The Lord Jesus Christ is building a church that has a specific call on it. This is why I say often, “God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. No man, will ever be able to say, they built GEC.” And this is exactly how I see it!
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
MARCH 4, 2022 Friday. Written 11:34 AM Saturday.
For the previous about two weeks, I’ve noticed a change in the spirit on the street. This is a good change for the kingdom of God. I see more people than ever beginning to respond to the gospel and to this street banner. We’ll need to wait to see if this will continue.
In regards to our church, more people are coming and being ministered to. We are looking for 30 new families to attend our services, and at around that point we may be blessed by the Lord Jesus to begin conducting proper Sunday services. This is totally in God’s hands… not mine, nor anyone in our church. God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. The Lord Jesus has called me to steward this ministry, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, that is what I’m attempting to do… be a good steward of all that God has called me to do. Praise the LORD!
Thank you so very much again for being apart of our ministry… by prayers, by supplications, by fasting, by offerings, by service of all kinds!
I love you very much.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
MARCH 1, 2022 Tuesday. Written 9:55 AM Tuesday.
God provides to his own. “Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” Psalm 37:3 KJV.
God knows what is going on… therefore, let us watch and pray; “…make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me (the Lord GOD) for the land…” Ezekiel 22:30 KJV.
Have a great day, man… in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
FEBRUARY 20, 2022 Sunday. Written 10:09 AM Monday.
Sunday, Feb 20, 2022 was a very good day for Boulder. I think it was because of a holiday weekend, there were a lot of new people who have never seen my JESUS banner. Therefore, I got a lot of people reading the gospel message printed on the banner. It was great!
The day started off as typical for Boulder… many people who don’t agree with the message, voiced or acted their disbelief for the Saviour. Oh well, that is not going to stop the preaching of the gospel.
Let’s all do something as often as possible to continue getting the gospel out to people whom we see daily, or whom we know may see a gospel tract that we placed. These little silent preachers, a gospel booklet, are wonderful tools for preaching the gospel. The key to being successful with the gospel tracts is being creative and imaginative! Simply ask the Holy Ghost for help!
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎁 Gift Supply Support — give!
FEBRUARY 19, 2022 Saturday. Written 12:52 PM Tuesday.
February has also been a trying month for me due to this month being my studio apartment renewal lease coming due. This has been tough because we are coming out of the health issue in the world and it looks like landlords want to jump their prices as high as possible to make up for their losses. However, even before this news came to me, the Lord has already provided for this increase. It’s a miracle! And… this… proves to me… that… GOD is with me in this building of Gospel Evangelist Church.
Another thing that I see is, because God is showing himself as provider… Jehovahjireh (Genesis 22:14, KJV)… that for all who are giving unto this ministry, there should be a clear harvest return for your sowing. My prayer is that this is obvious to each and every giver into this street ministry and missionary church. However, much is up to each giver and their own heart. God knows who gives and who does not, and how they give. There are many scriptures about this topic.
One more thing I want to mention about this giving and serving topic… when we get to heaven, we all will see exactly what we have done in the kingdom of heaven. I caution each one of you who are reading this, whomever you may be… there are a multitude of people from numerous countries around the world who read this website, be very alert to how you live your life for God. One of the jobs of Satan is to steal as much from you as he possibly can. And this is done also in regards to your reward in heaven for the works done for the kingdom of heaven. Be very alert!
The last point I would like to share is that preaching the gospel is an ongoing activity that needs to be top priority in our life. This is another way to view, “seek first the kingdom of God” because, when we seek… we are actively pursuing… and thus building and growing or harvest and planting the seeds of the word of truth into the hearts and minds of souls in and around our life. Do this daily!
God bless you my friend! I love you very much. Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
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This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
I write a semi-daily log, diary, or thoughts on the building of GEC here GEC—Calendar News 2022.
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. |
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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See GEC—Preaching Calendar 2022.
JANUARY 30, 2022 Sunday. Written 1:46 PM Monday.
(I’M VERY LATE! HAD TROUBLE YESTERDAY. DON’T HAVE A TIME RIGHT NOW. THANKS.) (NOT GOING TO MAKE IT.) (Satan is very slippery, a devil got to me yesterday afternoon and I didn’t notice the devil until it was to late and it attacked my spirit or body or something, I didn’t catch this sneaky devil until this morning late. After I found it, I immediately cast it away from me, and instantly I felt renewed and stronger! AMAZING!
I would also like to write a note here: I see way to many people who don’t want to minister, they just want to talk and talk and talk… this is fine when it’s time to talk, but when it is time to work and minister, then it’s time to minister. If I’m not at a location… THEN, you preach and minister! This ministry is NOT about ME!!! IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MINISTRY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! I don’t know why believers can’t seem to grasp this concept! Be a preacher. Be a minister. Be a soul winner. DON’T BE A LOVER OF THIS WORLD! LOVE GOD! WORSHIP GOD! Okay, I’m done with my rant. Thank you saints of God! I sincerely apologize if I stepped on anyone’s emotions.
Well, that is the small rant… which is on my preaching calendar for Monday January 31, 2022… the last day of January! Yep, this is all truly amazing to me… but guess what? I am not stopping for any devil. I may get slowed up a bit here and there… but I am not ever going to stop… until God brings me home! AMEN.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
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JANUARY 26, 2022 Wednesday. Written 9:22 AM Thursday.
After what seems like a lifetime of ministering, actually only 48 years… I’m still actively and enthusiastically preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would listen! Like today, I’m finishing up on a 5 day preaching trip to Grand Junction, Colorado… and what a great trip it has been! About 19,000 people got a solid witness for Christ, dozens of gospel tracts, about a dozen prayers for people, and hundreds of other Christians being encouraged and interceded for while I was banner preaching and ministering!
I so love my job as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you too my friend accept all that God has for you in your life with our great King. Life as a minister is the best!
Soon I will be boarding the Amtrak Train back to Denver, Colorado; then board the RTD coach for Boulder; then walk home from the bus terminal in downtown Boulder. This is a long day for sure… but it will be one of ministry, because that is what I do… that’s why they call me… “Preacher John”
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
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JANUARY 25, 2022 Tuesday. Written 10:36 AM Wednesday.
Grand Junction is where I’ve been for the last few days. I traveled here on Sunday and will travel back to Boulder on Thursday. My hope is to get at least 20 hours of banner preaching and ministry here in Junction on the streets. As of this moment, I have another 7 hours to reach my target, I believe I’ll be able to do this, in Jesus name.
Today, Wednesday morning, it’s sort of rough in getting going… the last three day have been packed with ministry. I’m so very excited to see so many people respond favourably to the gospel of Christ. I truly see that having a heart full of love for the people has greatly changed my ministry to receive many more people into the kingdom of heaven. Prior to this love of God and Christ, I had to much anger or frustration with people. Now, as of the last couple years, it seems like I have demonstrated more love for people. I use John 3:16 to help me in this love for people.
Anyways, I just wanted to write something quick here due to my busy schedule I’ve not been very good at updating things. Also my street message/sermon videos are way way behind… I may not be able to post all the videos. I do a street video every day… I just don’t have the energy after preaching all day to edit these videos. However, God is still with me and is comforting me by his holy Spirit. Yes, without the Holy Ghost there would be little to no comfort in my soul for what I am doing each and everyday in serving God.
May you t0o my dear friend find your place in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. We all have a set place that God wants us at… by prayer and supplication with fastings and prayers, you and I may see where God wants us and how God wants us to minister to the people. Remember this…
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
—John 3:16, KJV.
God bless you man!
I love you very much.
Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
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JANUARY 18, 2022 Tuesday. Written 2:14 AM Wednesday.
The biggest take away is to keep moving. The moment we stop, then things begin to slow down and they too come to a halt. Therefore, it sometimes is not the speed of advancement, but rather the direction and faithfulness of our commitment to serving God with all that we are. I think this is key!
As you know, the new objective for this year is, “Double Everything in 2022” (from last year’s numbers). In the beginning of this call, I was taken back initially, however I spent much time in prayer and seemed to receive comfort that God is with us and with me in this endearvour. The thoughts of doubling everything is actually keeping me more excited than previously! Strange, I thought it would wear me out… or exhaust me to the point of stopping. However, I sense strength in the spirit to keep moving by faith, and led by the Spirit of God. Amen.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
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JANUARY 17, 2022 Monday. Written 1:14 AM Tuesday.
Thank you my friend for even being around me and seeking the Lord Jesus. My greatest joy is to see people love Jesus with all their heart and give all they have to the Lord in whatever capacity God has blessed them with.
Serving Jesus is the greatest activity we could do in life… there is much in this word “serving” and I hope you serve like a true server would serve.
God bless you my dear friend… in JESUS.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
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JANUARY 5, 2022 Wednesday. Written 9:54 AM Wednesday.
Today is Wednesday and our house church with early prayer at 5:45 to 6:45. I love this time, it is so spiritually invigorating to pray for a solid hour in church! I love it… because I used to do this every Sunday that I was in town back in Redding… I’ve missed this type of ministry because very few churches open for pre-service prayer, or what I call, early prayer.
Then at 6:45 people start showing up who enjoy the fellowship and ministry of the word… it’s amazing to me how every house church fellowship is different than the previous… the Spirit of God is so present in these times! Praise the LORD!
At 7:00 we begin on time and go until 8:30. I’m really attempting to keep a schedule so as not to infringe on people’s time and schedule. The Holy Ghost has directed this church to allow people to come and go as they are led… not on an agenda type program… there is freedom at Gospel Evangelist Church… not man’s control. Know, that this is not easy to do, because we all naturally want to organize the meetings. But it seems to be working out just fine!
Then at 8:30, about, the teaching is finished and what I noticed is most want to hang out and visit… this I really love… people making friends with each other is so beautiful for me to watch… because this is not one of my strong traits. As a founding pastor, I desire everyone to connect to each other and share their life with each other… I am not the focal point… and I love this… because I see that the people make Jesus their focus! And then they are free to fellowship with each other in JESUS!
Let’s Pray…
“Lord Jesus, thank you for helping us and showing us how to love you and to love others as you love us… we so appreciate all that you are doing in this church… you truly are building your church ‘and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ We love you Jesus.. and in your name we pray. Amen.”
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
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💵 Tip Jar — thanks for the tip! 😀
JANUARY 3, 2022 Monday. Written 10:04 AM Tuesday.
I would like to make a declaration here on this log, partly for me to write and see it, and part for all others to see it and read it… this is something the Holy Spirit has quickened me about several times, I’m attempting to obey, but seem to not be doing very well at it. The request by the Holy Ghost is for me to take responsibility and authority at the banner locations. (This isn’t exactly what he said, it’s paraphrased.)
This here is what I wrote down in my book while in this morning’s prayer…
“This street ministry is an Intercessional, Banner Preaching, Tract Placement Ministry! NOT a Question & Answer session. NOT a Fellowship time. NOT a Hangout time. — This Time is for Standing in the Gap before the LORD for Souls and this Land.”
—Ezekiel 22:30 KJV.
Lost souls is what we are about… we’re looking for the one.
Consider these holy scriptures… Matthew 18:12-13 and Luke 15:4-7, plus Proverbs 11:30 KJV.
Anyways, may the Lord Jesus Christ be mighty in your life and ministry! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
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💵 Tip Jar — thanks for the tip! 😀
JANUARY 1, 2022 Saturday. Written 11:13 PM Saturday.
Gospel Evangelist Church is not the normal modern church that so many are going to right now. And that is by plan and design. God is building GEC. And the Lord definitely has a plan that is peculiar and focused on heaven.
I love my job as a preacher and a minister. I’m retired now from a life of being an over-the-road trucker for 40 years and 3 million miles. At 68 I’m very excited to be doing what I am doing… I love it!
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue blessing your life my dear friend as you begin moving into this new year 2022.
I love you very much.
Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch!
🎁 Supply Give Support — gift!
💵 Tip Jar — thanks for the tip! 😀
This GEC—Calendar News 2022 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!