“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” —Philippians 2:11 KJV.
“Touching People For Heaven”
Preaching from the 1611 King James Bible
The words of the LORD are pure words. Every word of God is pure. Thy word is truth.
—Psalm 12. Proverb 30. John 17. KJB.
This page is updated:
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faithfulness.
SUNDAY DECEMBER 31, 2023. Written Sunday December 31 at 8:26 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
By faithfulness we can move mountains… because do be faithful takes faith. We are able to grow are faith, because Jesus talked about our faith and about seed and about how the word of God is like a seed. And that faith comes by hearing the word of God. And that what we sow we reap. Yes, there are a multitude of scriptures that show us about our faith.
The question or request that I have before the Father is, help me Lord to be faithful, every day of my life. And you know, God is faithful! That is correct! We too then should be faithful…
Here is my street sermon from Colorado Springs… take a listen or rather watch through this street message and ask yourself about your own faithfulness…
Here is one of the verses that the Holy Ghost gave me to use in this street sermon; it’s Numbers 12:7-8 KJB.
7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
God bless you my friend.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27, 2023. Written Thursday December 28 at 9:24 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Tomorrow, Friday, I’ll be in Colorado Springs, Colorado at Southgate and Highway 115, the CanAm Highway, just about a mile south of the Tejon/Nevada Park & Ride (I-25 exit). Hope that gives a good understanding about where I’ll be at… maybe you can help me by praying and interceding for this location and for all the souls who will go by me this day. This is an extremely busy location, and the southgate into the city… it’s a very good location that the Holy Ghost placed me at. Thank you kindly!
I’ll update this page later this weekend on my Sabbath rest in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be blessed my friend… always in JESUS.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, 2023. Written Sunday December 24 at 12:56 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I was planning on going out on tho street today, as usual, but as the morning went on, I became more tired and more tired. For whatever unknown reason, currently, exhaustion seems to be around, temporarily though… for sure! So, I am working on the ministry from home. And that’s nice, especially when I’m not totally exhausted and needing bed rest. I’m feeling good… and am very excited with all that God is doing!
Most people are very focused on the Christmas holiday and the affairs that accompany the day. For me, I too celebrate… but due to season that I’m in… Jesus takes the highest importance in my life. Some Christmases I visit my friend’s family and enjoy the fellowship, this year like many others, this day, actually tomorrow Monday December 25th, is going to be a gift that I truly and very much need… and that is a day off to simple lay on the couch and read and relax and totally rest… at least that’s the plan, but all to often that doesn’t last very long… I’m typically up and working and the myriad of things that only I can do for the building of Gospel Evangelist Church. No need to feel like I’m missing out… because Jesus is with me, and I truly mean that… it is as if the Lord Jesus is sitting here in my humble abode. It’s absolutely the most peaceful time when the Lord is present… it’s so difficult to explain to people who might not know or have experienced the peace of God in their home… but for me, this is common, and has been for many many years and counting.
I occasionally write this posts or journal entry type stuff, to give to those who are keeping us with the building of GEC and possibly me. I realize many don’t even know this thing here exists. The modern era that we currently live is not anything like it was in the 1970’s or 1980’s, much of what we are experiencing started in the mid 1990’s… and it’s getting much worse, not better. But my faith continues to grow and grow!
Yes, Preacher John is excited for all that is going on… because I see the Lord Jesus Christ and his holy word every where I go and every thing that I do.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
TUESDAY DECEMBER 18, 2023. Written Tuesday December 18 at 9:14 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
If you live nearby Boulder, and would like to come and look at our family and receive prayer, then this is a family of God that would be good. However, be cautious of bringing preconceived ideas and thoughts of what you have maybe experienced before… in other words, come with an open heart. Sound good?
We also invite you, if interested, to minister with us on the street corners of our city of Boulder and many other cities of Colorado.
Our preaching calendar gives the places, dates, times… also, double check the calendar prior to coming out… things happen, things change. Okay?
Have a great day in JESUS!
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
SATURDAY DECEMBER 16, 2023. Written Saturday December 16 at 11:11 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The most important answer that the Father gives is his Son, The Word of God, Jesus Christ. It’s of the highest order to receive salvation through the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, for the remission of sin. Pray and turn from the world and sin, this is called in the bible as repenting, in this you pray and believe in your heart that God hears you, this is all by faith, however, after you pray asking Christ to save you, you will receive confirmation that you are born again and have become new… this is brand new, the bible says, a new creature in Christ.
Now, if you did not witness any of this, what typically happens in the intellectual modern civilized world we currently live in, we make this prayer for salvation a mental ascension rather than a cry from our heart and soul for salvation unto the only one who is able to save us, save from what, from eternal damnation.
This is real. This is what you will receive if you do not receive salvation through faith in Christ alone. Salvation is a free gift from Almighty God, but it takes faith to receive… NOT works or payment of any kind. Yes, there are many churches and/or organizations that teach salvation is a process of good works, and if you are good enough, then God may receive you.
However, it you’re not good enough then they say you go to another place, not hell, but to purgatory, (which is a lie) but many believe a lie. Salvation comes through the Lord Jesus Christ of his shedding of his precious blood to pay the wages of sin, which is death, and your sins are forgiven by faith in Christ.
There is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. The angel Gabriel called his name, JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Amen.
Thank you my friend for pondering your eternal resting place or rather your everlasting home… and hopefully this will be with God in heaven. Amen.
Have a great day!
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2023. Written Saturday December 9 at 9:49 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
What I did after I received Christ was go tell those who were praying for me what had happened. There was rejoicing on board our Navy ship, somewhere in the world. Praise JESUS.
I’ve now served Christ most of my life and am still in full time service unto the kingdom of God. I serve in two big capacities, one as a street preacher, and two as a founding pastor of Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. These take a great amount of my time, but they are a wonderful joy in my life. I love the Lord Jesus with all that I am.
Currently we are working in building out our fifth year of creating GEC. The work has been much different than expected. What I wasn’t fully aware of was the intense spiritual battle ground that this part of the United States of America is all about. This Boulder, Colorado and in fact, most all of Colorado is one huge spiritual battle that is currently going on, and I also know that many have quite the battle, and I suppose the Lord Jesus has brought in fresh soldiers to work in his field. And that is where I come in… yes, I am a soldier for Christ.
Whenever I come to mind, would you give a prayer, “Lord give him strength.” I sure would appreciate that, but if you don’t, that is just fine. God is with me. And I am with God. Amen.
Have a great day in JESUS.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
SUNDAY DECEMBER 3, 2023. Written Sunday December 3, 9:31 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One of the biggest reasons why I think this is, we earnestly pray to God that he will touch every soul here in this city, and whatever city we are currently in, yes… that God would touch the people where they are and help them to come to the knowledge of their Maker. In this we do much spiritual warfare and thus can always use another soldier of Christ to help us.
Thank you again for all your assistance and whatever the Lord has asked you to do in his body. This is a great season to be alive, let’s stay out in the field working the harvest!
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faithfulness.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2023. Written Sunday November 26, 04:05 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This week is slow and a bit of a struggle… this is mainly due to my physical body, being retired and at 70 creates some different challenges that I’ve not experienced before, but I’m learning how to work with what the Lord has given me. My only concern is that most all the people involved in our church and ministry are somewhat young, like by about 40 years younger, there abouts! And this is to say, that if you are not 70 or older, then it’s a little difficult to fully understand the physical challenges. But it’s all good!
Thank you my friend for being here and for all that you are serving in the body of Christ.
I love you very much.
Take care.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two through Book Four can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2023. Written Tuesday November 21, 09:14 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Today is Tuesday and I just wrapped up class number 62 or 65 in our GEC Truth Study — First Book. These classes are live broadcast at 7:00 am mountain time, Boulder, Colorado. And they are recorded and YouTube processes the recorded video and then uploads the entire class onto our channel… … It seems to take about 24 hours for this to happen? Not sure exactly. The classes are 1/3 prophesy, 1/3 teaching, and 1/3 truth study book orientation. At least this about what these classes are running. Give or take?
Anyways, we are still working hard every day six and a half days a week. I hope you too are serving Christ with your life.
Please stay in the Lord Jesus… and endure to the end.
Giving all glory and praise to our Father which is in heaven. Amen.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — First Book can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two through Book Four can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faithfulness.
FRIDAY OCTOBER 20, 2023. Written Saturday October 21, 12:00 PM/NOON.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I truly want to say thank you to all the students, all the wonderful people, who are joining in on the truth study classes. On Friday we completed class number 40! For some reason that seems like a very big number to me. I’m excited!
This coming week, October 22 through 26, Sunday to Thursday, I’ll be in Trinidad, Colorado. Preaching in the south gate of the state. And during this time, there will NOT be any classes. However, Friday October 27th, we’ll resume the GEC Truth Study classes. Thank you for understanding.
Yes, I am very thankful for your care and service unto our Lord Jesus Christ.
May our Saviour continue blessing you with abundance of grace and mercy every morning, every day, every evening, every night. Amen.
Talk to you later! :)
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — Book One can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY OCTOBER 13, 2023. Written Sunday October 15, 10:00 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I’m moving the Sunday Prayer Letter to email only for awhile. I’m not physically able to do all that I’ve been doing and still format the letter for the website. Maintenance and updating websites are quite a bit time consuming. And time is what I’m short of, sort of. Even though the Lord continues to increase my time, which to me seems and appears like a miracle to me. I think most of the time he is giving me right now, is for preaching and ministering… not so much for maintenance.
One of the key works to do in ministry and with people is to stay in the creative side of the work. Whenever we move out of creating and into maintaining, things begin to slow down, and eventually they come to a halt. Therefore, going continuously in the creation of what the Lord has called us to is critical to the success and prosperity of the work and calling of God on our life.
For a small example is, the Sunday Prayer Letter, it is important, however, the preaching is more important. So, we prioritize our ministry to do the most important work first, which is to teach and preach Jesus Christ. And for this ministry, that is out in the public, on the streets of our city. This is where the Holy Ghost has placed us, at least at this time. Remembering, that seasons change and we must be ready to change with the seasons, and that is the seasons in the spirit.
Praise the Lord Jesus for all he has done for us, his wife. Amen.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — Book One can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY OCTOBER 6, 2023. Written Monday October 9, 10:09 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
We are now in the month of October 2023, and the question I ask so often is…
What have you done for the Lord Jesus so far this year? and a few more…
Have you touched people with the gospel of God?
Are you reaching out to the unsaved and the unbeliever?
Have you sent preachers to preach?
Is intercession for ministers of the gospel apart of your prayers?
Also, when will you do something for the kingdom of God?
Yes, I realize that are simple and pointed questions. What I am attempting to do is get us all to think about what we can do to serve our Saviour, rather than doing nothing for Christ in our daily lives.
And also, I fully realize that this has nothing to do with salvation. Being saved by Christ is “FREE” and there is no work involved other than to BELIEVE. Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?
Gospel Evangelist Church is not what people think it is. That’s right! Whenever someone says “church” they immediately think they know all about what some church is about. That is presumptuous thinking and that type of thinking is not appropriate according to the word of God. Instead, let’s look into the inner works and beliefs and statements and vision and calling of a certain church to know more of that church. It’s sort of like being a physician.
GEC is about teaching and preaching Jesus out in the public arena, and training every believer to be involved in the ministry of reconciliation. We are all called into service, we are all soldiers of Christ, we are all called into his service as ambassadors for Christ. “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20 King James Bible. Yes, and even “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:3 King James Bible.
And look at these truths right here, and see if you fit into these and are these truths in you and your daily life, or possibly weekly life?
These scriptures are 2 Corinthians 5: 17-20 King James Bible.
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
God loves you my dear friend. Let’s go and tell others about God’s love for them, that he alone gave his life for us to live. Amen.
These are the books the truth study class is using…
The GEC Truth Study — Book One can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faithfulness.
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2023. Written Wednesday 8:54 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Yes! Preacher John is excited!
I so hope that you too my friend can see what the Lord is doing and that you can hear all the things that God is doing… even right now, and I also pray that the Spirit of God gives you a heart to understand what God is doing… because it is exciting to see and to hear and to understand.
And I understand that we only know in part, we are only able to see a small portion of the works of God… but let’s all at least gain that understanding.
Also, Gospel Evangelist Church is moving right along very nicely. Every day that we at GEC are serving Christ, which is daily, we see the move of God… and not only in our ministry, but also in our city… what we are also looking for is God moving across our state, the state of Colorado.
Have a blessed day my brethren!
The GEC Truth Study — Book One can be acquired here at
Also, GEC Truth Study — Book Two can now be purchased here at
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2023. Written Monday 9:29 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Maybe to some, that doesn’t mean much or of anything. But for me, it means a whole lot. The great multitude of people that have passed by my banner since May 2019, have no idea of the struggle of doing what I’ve been doing and am doing, and will continue to do… until I reach the end of my course that the Lord Jesus has me on.
In every endeavour are challenges and obstacles to overcome. Sadly, many are unable to make it through these problems, and they get stuck somewhere along the way. I am no different. I’ve been stuck many times, and the Lord Jesus, by his great grace, has lifted me out of my stuck conditions.
And this is why, the LORD JESUS CHRIST GETS ALL THE GLORY AND ALL THE PRAISE for what he has allowed me to do in his kingdom.
From my point of view and my perspective, this all is a miracle to me, and a marvelous wonder of the mighty and wonderful works of God in my life and ministry.
Thank you my friend for reading this and for being apart of this ministry.
I love you greatly!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2023. Written Sunday 9:12 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The one big thing that is going on is our GEC Truth Study Class | M-F | 7-8 AM | Live Stream. We just finished class 15 of 65… it’s hard to imagine sometimes how simple little acts done consistently can add up to a huge number of events. And the opposite it true… by not doing much or not being consistent, can cause great swaths of time to pass by without any seed sown, or fruit harvested, or whatever the case may be.
Let’s get started and keep moving with the Lord Jesus Christ… as he builds his church, his body, and brings his bride to be… closer to the marriage supper of the Lamb… the Lamb of God, which took our sins away.
If you still have sin, and have not received Christ as your Saviour… then today, right now would be a perfect time… simply call out to JESUS to save you… do it in prayer… just don’t do it silently… unless this is impossible right now.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2023. Written Saturday 1:53 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Yes, I realize there are many who have been steady in their service, however, let’s not grow weary in well doing. The Lord knows we need to take breaks and rest, there’s no problem with that… however, when rest becomes “quitting” then and now this may not be acceptable in the sight of God.
Why? Because God hasn’t quite on us… and he never will, at least until the next season of his creation comes into play.
Trutly, reconsider your lifestyle, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see how to be involved in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You can do it… because you are a saint of God.
If you are reading this, and let’s say you are not sure of your eternal resting place… in other words, where you will be going after your last day on earth… then it’s simple! Just give Jesus Christ a call… read scripture like, Acts 16:31 and maybe Romans 10:9, and take another look at John 3:16 and the verses surrounding that verse.
Life is good in Christ because we have peace, the peace of Almighty God that passes our understanding.
I love you my friend… in Christ!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:45 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I’ve been way behind in updating, however, I’m able right now to do a little bit updating to our missionary website. I’ll keep working on it, as I do most mornings, but the class schedule has changed things slightly, until I get into an altered routine that allows me space to do this work of updating and operating this website… which, believe it or, take a lot of time!
Our GEC TRUTH STUDY — Live Stream Class — Monday thru Friday 7am to 8am. (This link is to the playlist on YouTube.) It has begun! Last Monday, August 28, when CU began their classes, we begun our classes. You can tune in to the live stream broadcast every morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday, I usually get to class a few minutes early, and leave class a few minutes early. Knowing, that this is only class number 7, and thus we are all still learning how this class will unfold as the Holy Ghost teaches and shows us what he wants accomplished. Therefore, let’s all, me included, be patient with the work that we are doing. Glory to God!
The GEC Truth Study notebook may be acquired from The Book Patch, who is the printer of our book… the link is right there. The book is priced at print cost, $9.27 (+ handling & shipping). The profit margin that could have easily been added was NOT… my thinking is, I’ll give the profit to pay for this handling and shipping; thus not receiving any at all profit or increase of any sort (except for any gift giving) for this book and I’ll be conducting free classes every morning to accompany this GEC Truth Study — First Book.
There will be other books in this series. Books one thru four are for the New Testament and covers twelve months (year one). Books five thru eight cover the old and the new testament together (year two). For our third year we have twenty text books that cover one single topic, and are for the year three and four (unless you are a very fast reader)… we’ll cover more on this later on. Thank you.
That’s it for now… I’m off to 28th and Colorado to preach and minister with my banner.
Tally ho!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faithfulness.
SUNDAY AUGUST 20, 2023. Written Monday 10:07 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
It’s a free gift, no work is involved, no payment, no money, no duty to perform… it’s all by faith and by confession of your mouth. If you need more faith to believe, then go find a good old King James Bible and read in the book of Romans chapter 10… there’s only 21 verses, read them all, slowly and deliberately… and think about what you are reading… then pray.
(My prayer was so simple, many have argued with me about it… I just prayed, “Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”)
But that was my prayer… not your prayer. I was hoping with all my heart that Jesus Christ was real and not some mythology or some made up thing that would bring in some devil or something… because that is what I needed to get away from… the Devil, Satan was living large in my life, and I needed to be set free from his evil darkness in my life.
And guess what… JESUS saved me and delivered from that evil wicked angel, called Satan (or maybe more of his devils that were cast out of heaven with him)… I was free, I became in an instant, a brand new man, a new creature in Christ Jesus!
And that has been my life now for nearly 50 years… and still going strong in the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to Almighty God!
Hope you have a wonderful life my dear friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY AUGUST 18, 2023. Written Saturday 9:43 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Now, isn’t this simply amazing!!? I mean think about it… so often we do things like this right here, but we never ask the Lord Jesus what he wants us to do. Well, that is not me… at least for the last many many many years, not sure when this fully became a part of my life, but it has been so very long that I can’t recall when I noticed this as my lifestyle. God knows, though. (smiling)
Currently, I am not certain that as a world, that we are moving into the tribulation season. However, I know for an absolute fact of life, that I am moving through my very last season as I know it here on the world called earth. Therefore, the way I am living and the way the Lord is having me do his ministry is much different than ever before in my life. And this is another reason why I say so often, don’t copy, don’t copy me… do what God has called you to do, not what God has called Robert John Choque to do. I sure hope that truly is understandable… because, I see and hear the contrary often from Christians who want to be like their pastor or a preacher or an evangelist or a prophet… or some other minister they know of, and even who they have read in the scriptures… Be YOU!
Also, what I see is a great need for the body of Christ to come to grips with the understanding of holiness, being holy and pure before God. There is simply way to much sin in the body of Christ to be called a holy church. And I put this responsibility, after Christ, onto the pastors… these men (NOT WOMEN) have been chosen and trained and placed as shepherds over the sheep of the Lord’s house. And for whatever reason, and for many reasons, the pastors (NOT ALL), and there are quite a number around the world… who have allowed the wolf to come into their fold. Be alert my fellow pastors… because I too, am I pastor of Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado… and this is an assignment by the Lord Jesus that I take very very serious, and daily ask for help of the Spirit of the Lord to teach me and to shew me what I am to do to serve faithfully and fully in fulfilling this ministry, before the Lord brings me home. And that is exactly what is happening in my life. I truly believe to receive my prayers answered. All in the name of the Lord Jesus and to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
MONDAY AUGUST 14, 2023. Written Tuesday 11:16 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Thank you so very much for your patience and prayers for me. I don’t know why yet why I get so utterly exhausted from preaching and ministering on the street. I can see why so many street preachers who have preached full time, 4,5,6,7 days a week on the street, quite after 2,3,4,5 years. I’m in my 5th year of street preaching and ministry. but for me, I am dedicated and committed to a full 10 years of six days a week (when physically able) and also 3,000 days on the street, and 10,000 hours on the street, and 10,000,000 people. This is possible… it is IF YOU ARE CALLED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST… yes it is possible, but NOT ON YOUR OWN STRENGTH NOR ABILITY… you will burn out if you are doing it by your own spirit. Stop and pray! Amen.
Yes, I find it amazing how difficult it is to be a lifelong street preacher. And what I am referring to is a preacher who is working let’s say, 5 days a week, 4 hours a day, on the street preaching and ministering. That is 20 hours a week, a part time work schedule based upon a 40-hour-work-week that we have here in United States. Other countries have different work requirements.
The problem I see is that there might not be anyone that I know who has done this for a full career timeline, such as 20 years. Because that would be about 20,000 hours on the street preaching and ministering. How has done this?
Now, there are church pastors who have worked as a pastor for this length of time.
There are evangelist’s who have worked like this for 20 years.
There are other ministers, doing different ministry work that has done this.
However, is there anyone in history that has been a public street preacher for 20,000 hours. Which is 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, for 20 years. Is there?
I, at this time, have not done the proper research to know the answer.
Maybe I will do this looking around to find the answer.
By the way, I just thought I’d place my current numbers here for comparison.
DAYS: 918
HOURS: 3,897
PEOPLE: 3,217,000
DATES: May 26, 2019 to today, August 14, 2023
My objective…
DAYS: 3,000
HOURS: 10,000
PEOPLE: 10,000,000
DATES: May 26, 2019 to May 27, 2029 (This end date will change due to the health crisis and my physical limitations that I was unaware of when these objectives were created for me. This is why we trust in the LORD and not in ourselves and our abilities.)
This in NOT about me. This is about glorifying God in our life and trusting in the LORD for all that we are in this life. This is NOT about my anything. I AM NOTHING, SAVE MY SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. IN THE END, MY REWARD IS JESUS CHRIST.
Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9, 2023. Written Wednesday 11:01 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The Apostle Peter did the same thing, I think more than once! but guess what, Jesus still loved him and gave him some strong councel. That would be something like, have faith in God.
There is our answer! Have faith in God. It’s that simple… and yet so many of us go right around that answer, because it’s easy… and we may say, it can’t be that easy. And yes, at first glance, have faith in God, may seem that… however, when we actually launch out into this type of faith… well, things get a little messy.
And that is what it is like building a new missionary church from scratch off the streets of the city. By flying a large gospel banner and preaching the word of God, people eventually are drawn and some decide to come to our church and some stay and some leave… but what do I do? That’s right…
I just go right back out there the next day and lift that big ole banner high into the sky and lift my voice so that many can hear… but that is not the whole story. I’ll tell the rest of the story at a later time. Thank you.
The Holy Ghost has taught me exactly what to do at the locations that he has me at. I don’t copy anyone and don’t pretend to be someone I’m not. I just do what the Spirit of the Lord has showed me. And that makes life very simple for a street preacher like me!
I’m off to Superior, Colorado in the morning… so have a blessed day in the one and only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
SUNDAY AUGUST 6, 2023. Written Monday 9:12 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
If people were not out and about, and there were no more people on earth, I suppose I would not go out and preach any more. It’s because of you that I go out and preach and minister the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sometimes I hear ministers say, it is because of Jesus Christ that they go preach. And that is true, it’s the bible! But when you really sit down with the preacher, it’s because of the people.
Yes, it is because of you!
I’m sitting here this morning typing this out while I think of you and all the people that I meet every day… and that drives me to go get ready to go to work… because right now, my body is telling me something else… it’s tired. Monday’s after a Sunday in Boulder is really tough on me.
Boulder is different on Sunday’s. Every other day of the week is about normal like every other day… BUT NOT SUNDAY!
The Devil is what I see takes or has stolen Sunday’s from Christians and has made it his day, at least in Boulder, I’m not sure of your city… and I’m not sure that anyone in Boulder sees what I see. Yea I know, that sounds ridiculous! But you would not be saying that if you stood with me Sunday after Sunday after Sunday for well over 4 years!
Nevertheless, I will go get ready and head for work.
I love you! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
FRIDAY AUGUST 4, 2023. Written Saturday 9:03 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
On Friday I was in Denver, Colorado banner preaching and in street ministry. I was able to get a solid six hours in on the street. I suppose there were probably about 3,000 souls coming in and about and around all total for the day. It was a rather typical day in downtown Denver by the Union Station.
Faithfulnes is important for me as I build this church here at Boulder and Colorado. I see that the people also like and appreciate the predictablness of this ministry. This way of doing this certain ministry is providing harvestable returns that are building the foundation of what is to come with GEC.
The Lord Jesus still has me working “underground” in the building of this Gospel Evangelist Church. I’m amazed at how long the Lord has me below ground and how the Lord is constructing the foundation that most cannot see. Building a church that is founded on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, sometimes… based upon the calling of a certain church, takes time… time that we may not understand. However, we move and we build by faith, that is faith in God… not in our physical ability and talent to build. At least not this church!
So, what I’m saying is, be faithful to the individual calling that the Lord Jesus has placed upon you and your ministry.
Know that I love you.
Even if my street sermons sound gruff and sharp and pointed and maybe difficult to understand… I so hope that you know that God loves you and that I love you… if this was not so, I would not be doing this work… I would be somewhere else and doing something different than what I’m doing now.
I love you! ❤️
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2, 2023. Written Wednesday 4:13 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
So now I must ask you, are you born again?
Do you have absolute assurance in your heart that the moment you pass that you will be in the presence of Jesus Christ?
That’s sort of a loaded questions…
Do you know why I said that?
Anyways, I’m refurbishing this old website that I’ve had since 2014, and it takes dozens of hours to maintain and keep up the needed updates, ecetera. That’s life as a solo minister… at least for the time being, but that will change in the next few years, I know for sure. AMEN.
Have a blessed day my friend…
In Jesus Christ… always and forever!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
FRIDAY JULY 28, 2023. Written Saturday 11:45 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Now moving on to what I was thinking about when I came to write this update to the building of GEC. My first thought is to share a few messages that I wrote this morning on the video channel, if you’re not apart of this channel membership or partnership, then please seriously consider subscribing and liking and watching (listening) through each video from beginning to end (because many watch 7 minutes of a 30 minute message and thus miss the important gold nuggets that are given, and then they drop out, thinking the wrong thoughts… of course this is not anyone I know. I suppose! :)
Maybe next year, or later this year, or maybe even sooner… these writings here might become apart of an ongoing JOURNAL | BLOG that is on this website, but it is more of a sampling of the video channel. I’m still praying and asking the Holy Spirit about this. Thank you.
First let me share a few thoughts on the ministry outreach to Burlington, Colorado this week (July 23 to July 27, 2023). This was the 4th annual trip into this city in eastern Colorado, it is the east gate of the state, and also the eastern end of the cross that I see that lays over the state of Colorado. This is spiritual, not physical. I hope you understand, it is similar to the way the Spirit had Israel lay out their camp in the wilderness as they traveled for 40 years. It’s something that produced fear in the surrounding countries and the people and kings of these other nations. It’s pretty cool how the Lord works!
Burlington was filled with miracles every day that I was there. I was able to preach and minister effectively from the location that the Spirit of the Lord had me at. Many people, maybe hundreds, interacted with me… which is what I want, because this is apart of my supplication unto the Lord Jesus. Many stopped by and talked with me, many prayed with me, and still many simply LOVED me being in there city and flying the big gospel banner of truth! It was great!
Now, let me share the messages from the video channel that I wrote this morning…
Good morning sister! I haven’t answered your notes in the last few videos, because I noticed that was thinking and praying for you and your family, and when I write my reply, it’s like I’m off to the next prayer for the next person… but here lately, you have been heavy on my heart, I’ve tried to answer, but it seems the Holy Spirit held me back, so I just kept believing for miracles in your life and in Olly’s and of course in little Blue’s.
At some point soon in your life, if not already, the Lord Jesus may baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and when you are filled with the Spirit of the Lord, your life will take on much power and authority, and frustration will depart, because you know more of God and how God is working in your life… more than you could ever know before. The Holy Ghost is the power of God, the Spirit of God, and is part of the Godhead. I know that you understand what I’m attempting to write here, but I’m simply bringing things up so you remember the scriptures that talk of the Holy Spirit and all that Jesus taught about the Spirit of God. This is the best way to live… in the power of God. I hope this all makes sense to your spirit and to your mind… if not, then ask the Lord Jesus to show you more scriptures in his word. And always be praying for help… remember, you are like a “little Blue” to our Father which is in heaven. Pretty cool huh? :) (smiling)
Have a blessed day my daughter, in JESUS!
Good morning Tara! I hope you read the message I wrote to you a few minutes ago… not sure exactly what video it was on, but I’m sure you can see it. I think it is an important word to you (and probably for Olly and Blue)… because of what the Holy Spirit can provide. There is something great the Lord Jesus has placed within you that will come out when the Lord Jesus has made you ready for it. Stay close to Jesus as he equips you for his ministry. You have a great and wonderful life in Christ, you might not see it right now… but I see it, and you will see it as you walk by faith in willingness and obedience to the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Ghost. Tara, I’m so very excited for you, my daughter… and one of the reasons why I’m so excited is, your faithfulness to continue seeking the Lord, while he may be found. Please, never turn from the Lord, keep stedfastly looking upon the Lord Jesus… he is your Saviour, there is none other, none… absolutely none! You are his child, and as a Father, he has created you for his glory and his purpose, which actually brings the most joy and happiness that is possible, while on earth. Later it will be different, but for now… ask Jesus to fill you with his Spirit. Amen.
Amen daughter! (can I still call you daughter? I like that. My blood daughter doesn’t talk to me very much. I also have a couple other very nice sister’s in Christ who look to me as their dad. I call them my daughter as well. I always had the dream when I was growing up to have a big family, but the devil got in my life and stole most it, and now it’s as if the Father is giving me spiritual sons and daughters. I love you daughter, and pray for you often, yes.)
Once again, I hope you have found the other two messages I wrote to you on the previous videos, I think they are important for you and all who are in your life now and will be later on.
And thank you so very much for praying for the sister in Burlington, Colorado. She is a miracle, and has been praying much for this ministry and church. She even obeyed the Lord Jesus when he asked her to drive me back to Boulder, several hundred miles!!! That was a miracle trip which took place Thursday, 7/27/23. I’m in awe at the love God has for each of us… God’s love so fills me and helps me… and yes, sometimes I mess up, but because God loves me, I’m able to ask forgiveness. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul and body and life and everything that is in me or ever will be… JESUS is everything to me! Praise his glorious name!!!
Be blessed Tara, be abundantly blessed with more of God… yes, more! Amen.
So there you go, not sure if those messages helped… but I felt led to share here these notes that were given to a dear sister.
God bless you my friend… yes, I do love you very much! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY JULY 21, 2023. Written Saturday 11:50 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I rest often, but only when I am physically unable to go out and preach. I never know which day this might be… so what I do is follow the Holy Spirit in my life, because it is clear to me that the Spirit of the Lord knows when I need rest. I find this somewhat of a miracle to me, or maybe we can call it a wonder!
Whatever we call it, it is critically important to be in the Lord Jesus Christ each and everyday of our lives as believers and followers of Christ, disciples of Christ.
This week in building GEC has been sort of like a challenge of problems that I was unaware of. What I mean is, I’m challenged in my thoughts about people and their faithfulness to follow through with what they say they are going to do. I struggle with this because one of the things that I dislike the most is the notion, “do as I say, not as I do”. People say one thing, then I believe that, but they don’t do what they say, this then hurts me, because I believed in my heart and this hurts my heart. Let’s all hear what we are saying and see what we are doing and let’s ask the Spirit of God to help us live a faithful life in front of our family, the body of Christ. How does that sound to you?
Talk to ya later! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY JULY 17, 2023. Written Tuesday 7:56 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The Authorized Version 1611 King James Bible KJV is clear on the answer of what is truth? It says in John 17:17 that thy word is truth, this is referring to The Word of God, which is Jesus Christ, and this is referring to his written word, the holy scriptures. Also look at John 14:6 for more clarification. In Psalm 138:2 we see that the Lord has magnified thy word above all thy name. This is big stuff!
Could this be why the Devil is and has always attacked the word of God since the beginning?
Could the Devil be doing that in 2023?
Could there be people who agree with Satan and his destruction of the word of God?
Could there be organizations that work indirectly or directly with the Deceiver in regards to the word of God?
Could there be more changing of the word of God as we move further into the future?
What will happen when the word of God is so different than what it was when the word of God was being written by holy men of God?
Will Christians believe that the perverse book they are reading is the word of truth?
What is truth?
This are questions that I have nearly every day.
I have the answer.
However, my answer will not help you who are not assured of the word of truth.
Please, ask… What about the bible you are reading?
JOHN 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
JOHN 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
PSALMS 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
REVELATION 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY JULY 14, 2023. Written Saturday 8:33 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This week in building Gospel Evangelist Church was a great test, or rather an exam of great proportions! Last Saturday while I was writing the church’s prayer letter, this dark ominous cloud descended upon me, and nothing I could do would shake it and make it leave. I actually stopped and went to bed, because I became overwhelming tired and clearly needed to lay down. This spiritual storm lasted for about 120 hours, Saturday afternoon till Thursday Afternoon… I couldn’t seem to do a thing except wait out this storm to pass. And of course, storms pass… they don’t stay forever.
I went on to Golden, Colorado on my scheduled 2nd Friday banner preaching and street ministry… and as you might have supposed, it too was full of problems and challenges that I needed to work through to keep moving. I made it to just after 2 pm and caught the next bus for home. And wow, was I glad I did… because I knew that if hadn’t obeyed the Lord at that time to leave when I did, I would have burned myself out and would not be typing this this morning… because I wouldn’t have been able. You see, that is why I continually say, God is good. My continual prayer before the Father is, help me to be as good to you Lord as you are to me.
Another thing that I was reassured of is, to keep my eyes and ears upon The Word of God, Jesus Christ. This has got to be one of the greatest teachings that the Holy Ghost is giving me in these last many years of ministry. I suppose that is because when my eyes and ears are moved away from the Lord Jesus, I get all kinds of problems, that come because of me… not because of anything else. This is not to say, that when our eyes and ears are upon the Lord that we won’t suffer from the evil one. That happens anyways, because that is what he does, test test test… trying to find our weaknesses so that he can make us fall. Be aware my brethren… Satan is like a roaring lion seeking out our weakness so that he can cause havock in our life… be alert be aware.
This week we are going to stay in Chapter 8 of Acts, because we didn’t get to preach this week like usual, and so the Holy Ghost has shewed me to stay in the chapter and preach out it this week… guess what, that is what Preacher John will be doing! Yes, willing and obediently doing the word of the Lord by the power of his Spirit. Amen.
Have a great day and a great week in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY JULY 7, 2023. Written Saturday 11:49 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
When we simply stay humble before the LORD God we are able to receive the calling and direction and the teaching of the word of truth in our lives, and in this we are able to move freely without hindrance and the burden of control around us. God is in control, not people.
July is a unique month in our country of the United States of America. This is the month we celebrate our freedom from another country who ruled or controlled us. This may even look like a “born again” experience! Sort of?
Before we knew Christ as our Saviour we were under control of another god, the god of this world… and then we got our freedom from this control, and now we are free in Christ Jesus. And guess what, those who are still under that other god, say we as believers and saints of God, that we are still under control… and what they don’t understand nor grasp is the grace of God that we move into. We as the children of God are in grace and thus have full control of our will. And this is what souls outside of Christ don’t see, nor understand, because all they know is bondage.
With this, let’s continue to move out into our world and witness for Jesus Christ and the gospel of God to all who have a heart to understand and ears to hear the word of truth. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY JULY 3, 2023. Written Tuesday 8:23 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Hope your ministry is moving along as well. Knowing there are seasons for all of us. Therefore, let’s not compare ministries. We are not competitors. We all work for the same God, the same Boss! And all in the same field of harvest. Let’s simply word as the Spirit of the Lord provides to us the power to work unto the Lord Jesus, and giving all glory to our Father which is in heaven. Amen.
Have a blessed day my brethren! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY JULY 1, 2023. Written Sunday 9:17 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC.—“Touching People For Heaven”©
1 of 9 — Read about Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven.”*
*Building a new missionary church!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
FRIDAY JUNE 23, 2023. Written Saturday 11:50 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I hear preachers in churches much of the time telling their flock to be happy and how to be happy, and things like that… and this is true, however, our happiness comes from God as we live inside the body of Christ. This is difficult for many to understand because they may not be familiar with the whole council of God. And then they may be studying a corrupt bible that seems and feels right, but has altered text from the correct text.
Let’s all continue to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. In our life we look to Jesus Christ for our life and for our purpose. When we come to the fullness of understanding that our whole life is in Christ, then we will be sanctified to live a holy and righteous life that is full of the light of God.
I love the verse in Jude, Jude 1:20 “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost…”
That scripture is a key principle on how to live by faith in God.
I hope you know what it is saying, because… some don’t.
Blessings be yours, in Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY JUNE 19, 2023. Written Monday 8:37 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following is a note I placed on the caption of Sunday’s thumbnail which I posted to the front page of this website. I sensed that I should place it here as well.
“Greetings! This street sermon was preached and recorded on Sunday June 18, 2023 at 28th and Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado. We are building a new missionary church named Gospel Evangelist Church. If you are interested in having a church family, then Gospel Evangelist Church may be where the Holy Ghost is directing you. You are fully welcome to come and look and listen with the Spirit to understand where we are in the word of truth and our heart as a church family. Thank you for your prayers and your care. If you do not know for sure that you are born again, then simply by faith believe in your heart the Lord Jesus Christ and pray to Jesus and ask to be saved. This is an act of faith and belief, not mental gymnastics nor some religious work, salvation is free for the asking in faith and belief. If you have questions, any kind of question, we are here to answer by and through the Holy Ghost. We love you! Amen.”
I think one of the reasons why I placed this here is to make known that we are building a new missionary church here in Boulder, Colorado. Our doors have been open about 4 years now, as of Sunday May 26, 2019. The Holy Ghost had this new church begin different than many local or community or region or denominational churches are begun.
Gospel Evangelist Church begun as a street preaching ministry from the first day (on this new season of GEC). Please understand that we are not like any other church that God has built. What this means is that we are simply one more member in the body of Christ that is being used by God to demonstrate the word of truth in a different way, in this current season, however not different than what has been done for centuries. There has been street preachers from the beginning… I think!
What we are more specifically and currently doing in this new season is intercession in the Holy Ghost for the body of Christ. We are making up the hedge and standing in the gap before the LORD God for every soul in this city and in this state. We are called to the state of Colorado. This is where the Holy Ghost has planted us, therefore, we stay faithful to God’s calling, and not say we are reaching the world… yes, indirectly we are by all the different tools that the Holy Ghost has provided to this part of the body of Christ.
Also know that the body of Christ has one soul, one heart, one Lord Jesus Christ… we are a body with many members, but one body.
I’ll stop here for now. I update and add to this news page often. Please come back often or daily to pray for us and to understand more of us, Gospel Evangelist Church. Thank you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY JUNE 16, 2023. Written Saturday 8:48 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One of the signs that follow the preaching of the gospel is people receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour. This is the top most important thing that I see in the kingdom of God’s service. Everything else is geared to keep people in the body of Christ and protecting them from being lost to the deceiver. Thus one of our activities as saints of God is to intercede for souls, for the souls in the family of God. Then after that, pray for lost souls to be saved. Family first, Strangers second… I think that is appropriate according to scripture.
Another thing that I see in the kingdom of God, here on earth, is the very important need to live the word of God, to live with the word of God, and to live as an example of the word of God. In one area this becomes evident to me is how people give… giving their prayers, their time, their possesions… and yes, even their money. It’s hard to give when you love the thing that is trying to be given away… this might be an issue of the heart. We all know what the scriptures say, we cannot serve God and mammon. It seems pretty clear to me… but unfortunately this is not clear to all the saints of God. So let’s keep all our brothers and sisters in prayer before the Lord God. Amen.
Have a beautiful day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 14, 2023. Written Saturday 12:18 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Wednesday June 14, 2023, 10:30 am.
Good morning sister!
Yes, I too agree it is all about JESUS. I’m so glad that you are committed to Jesus like that. Because there are lots of things going on that can sway believers away for Jesus Christ. Vigilance and commitment to Christ, no matter what, is a quality of the saints of God. And that’s you Dorcas! Praise the LORD. Amen.
In regards to what I do with my banner and how I minister on the street (after the camera goes off) is quite different than those you see on this video network. The most important thing that we are to do is pray and ask the Holy Ghost how he wants us to minister by his power. Remembering that the Spirit of the Lord only speaks what he hears the Lord Jesus Christ speak. Therefore, since the power of God is in the Holy Ghost and we serve The Christ of God, we each must be willing and obedient to be led by the Spirit of God. How we each are led may be different for each one of us… and this is why I say so often, Don’t copy, copy Jesus, our example.
When I was preparing in the beginning to go out to the streets to preach the gospel, I watch dozens of hours on YouTube© to know what to do, I even bought a loud speaker and other things that I though I needed. Then when the day came for me to go to the street, Sunday May 26, 2019 3pm to 6pm, the Spirit said, “Don’t take the speaker, I’ll show you what to do when you get there.” My first thought was, did I make a mistake? He said nothing. When I got to my location, 28th & Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado, the Holy Spirit said to go to Ezekiel 22:30. (I had no idea what that verse said. I had to look it up.) Then he said, Romans 8. (I had to go read that again to, because I only heard the whole chapter, not a single verse.) Then my eyes saw, verses 26,27,28. And then the Holy Spirit specifically directed me to make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before the Lord God, interceding aloud for all the souls in the region where my banner is, and for all the souls going by me, and for the state I live in and called to. Thus I began my street ministry of lifting a gospel banner with the message of salvation, and standing before the Lord God interceding on behalf of every soul where I am for the day. When people come up to me to talk, I converse with them, get their first name, give them three gospel tracts (one to keep and two to give away), and then I put their name in my prayer book and begin interceding for their soul every day.
I live a life of prayer and intercession. Boulder is changing spiritually because of my obedience to God, and to not changing or altering the calling on my life to match what others think I should do, or to please anyone. Because I please the Father. Not man. Thus, many don’t understand this ministry, that the Lord has me in, currently. And I’m fine with that. The gospel is published on my banner and my voice is lifted up and my hand is lifted up. I fully and completely depend on the Spirit of God for this ministry. This is a walk of faith, not sight. And this is why I say, Don’t copy another person, copy Jesus Christ.
Abundant blessings my dear sister,
Preacher John.
Thank you my friend! For all your service in the kingdom of God. You are important to God and to all of us in his body. Please continue to love and serve with your whole heart.
Come Lord Jesus.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2023. Written Saturday 12:18 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This week has been very interesting to say the least. Things have happened in ministry and in our church that catches my attention to what the Lord Jesus is doing in building Gospel Evangelist Church. One of the biggest things that I received and witnessed was something the Holy Ghost revealed to me, while I was in prayer. And that is a question, “How do I build this church?” … “You obey God.”
Yes, at first glance this may seem oversimplified. However, to obey God is one of the most difficult things for Christians to do. Of course, no one admits to this, but it is… I know. Thus to obey God and what he has exactly directed me to do will build Gospel Evangelist Church. This is not seeking mankind for direction… no! This is seeking God and being willing and obedient to the commands of God.
What God has told me to do is, “I want you to advertise.” … this is what I am going on currently. After much prayer, the Holy Ghost showed me that I am to lift a banner in my city and my state, and in this, the scripture reference is Ezekiel 22:30 and Romans 8:1-39. I stand in the gap before God and intercede on behalf of every soul in the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, Preacher John simply keeps on going serving and loving as moved by the Spirit of God. And thus everything works out as planned according the word of God. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 7, 2023. Written Thursday 12:36 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to provide all your needs according to his riches in glory. This is such wonderful news to grasp. The Lord meets our needs, and works with us to create a life that is worthy for him to be apart of our life. We live a holy and righteous life through the Holy Ghost and this brings glory to the Father. We magnify God in all that we do. Our life is a testimony to God’s love for us.
Let’s continue to be witness for Christ and to share our story our testimony of the wonderful works of God in our life.
All praise to God!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
SUNDAY MAY 28, 2023. Written Monday 7:36 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Staying in the Lord Jesus Christ will give great blessings in your life and the life of your family and friends. Jesus loves you very much and has given to you freely eternal life… please consider and pray for strength to go out and be a witness for Jesus Christ in your life. This act lays up treasure in heaven that you will reap a reward later on.
Thank you for being here and for your prayers for this ministry. Good things are happening and should continue to be manifest as we live in Christ all the days of our life.
Remember, stay in Christ and make no opportunity for sin to come into you. Guard your heart always! Amen.
I love you very much. Take care.
P.S. This May 28th 2023 is my 4 year anniversary of lifting the gospel banner. I’m excited to have made it this far… only 6 more years to go (but probably a couple more after that due to the health crisis that happened)… yes, just about 6 years for my 10 years that has been set. I pray the Lord continues to strengthen me as we move daily by the power of the Holy Ghost.
We are building Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. Actually God is building GEC… and he works with us to accomplish his plan. This is a privilege to be apart of what God is doing. I hope that you too my friend would ask the Lord what you can do to help us grow and what part God has for you in this church and ministry. It is a worthy endeavor.
Abundant blessings friend as you live large in Christ Jesus! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY MAY 27, 2023. Written Saturday 10:04 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One of the things that I saw often this week was the change of people and regions. What I mean is it appears that people change as the seasons change and the events in our lives change. Maybe that is how God intended it. For me, I use to be all over the place and unstable and sort of unpredictable. But then as time continued in Christ, it seemed to me that my life began to be consistent and predictable and even keel and stable. It’s rather difficult to explain, but when we are in Christ, it is like being in the ark of Noah during the great flood. As the world outside of the ark was in turmoil, the world in the ark was stable… we know that because every body got off the boat. No body died in the ark. So the upheaval going on outside the ark did not directly effect those inside the ark. Jesus Christ is our ark.
Live your life in Christ. This is the best council we can give, to prepare and be ready for what is going to happen one day.
Anyways, this has been one of those weeks… onto the next week!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY MAY 20, 2023. Written Sunday 10:54 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Thursday and Friday were more difficult than normal, meaning the spiritual battle was more intense than maybe I was able to handle. I say this knowing that some may not quite understand what goes on for me while I’m out on the street in the public eye witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ.
And this is normal, because many or maybe most, of the body of Christ only sees what goes on in a church building. This is much different than what I’m referring to. I also realize that many Christians know about spiritual warfare that is talked about in the bible. However, it may be that some are not aware of what this actually means. And that’s fine too.
The body of Christ is made of all kinds of members. Some do this, some do that, and many do other things, then there a few that do something much different based upon the calling of God on their life. (I’m not being specific here for a reason, and I’m not being fatigue, but rather giving room for the Spirit of God to move on your behalf.)
The Lord is so gracious and kind to us and to me, that he allowed me to take today and tomorrow off to rest and to heal. Truthfully speaking, it feels weird to me to not be out on the street preaching and ministering. However, rest is very important to continued work in the kingdom of God. Rest helps us to endure till the end. Rest aids our patience which also helps us to endure till the end. Jesus rested in his ministry here on earth.
Another point to make is to remind myself and to make mention is that I’m working on a ten year window of time, and of course this for me is a variable that expands due to the nature of who I am. My history is that it takes more time than normal for me to accomplish and finish a task. God knows that and gives me grace to walk in. This is a wonderful way to live! I know clearly the difference of being in grace and not living in grace. I’ve lived for years as a performance orientated minister, rather than a minster in the grace of God.
As I write this, I’m reminded of all the struggle that I’ve lived through and how God in his mercy has been with me every step of the way. This is one more reason why I love Jesus so very much. My trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ. At one time, my trust was in me, only. Then at another time, I put my trust in people, this didn’t work either. Finally, God was able to get into my heart and teach me how to trust only in him, now my full trust is in my Lord and Saviour. This has been for a long time now, however, it’s like I continue to grow in understanding of trust in God.
Therefore, today, Sunday May 21, 2023 is a day of trusting in my God, the Lord Jesus Christ for all my provision, both here on earth and life everlasting. I have resurrection and I have life and will be in the Lord Jesus till he calls me home.
Until that glorious day, I will continue to be and shew my faithfulness in JESUS, all the days of my life. Amen.
I love you Jesus!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY MAY 17, 2023. Written Wednesday 11:22 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
It’s late at night, because I just got home a little while ago from church. Gospel Evangelist Church is a very interesting church. It seems to me that the Holy Ghost is doing something incredibly good. It’s sort of difficult to put into words all that is happening in our church, but one thing is for certain, the Holy Ghost has free reign at GEC. And I think this is due to the leadership at our church… we are committed to The Word of God, and if you read the King James Bible alone, you will recognize this as the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Revelation 19:13)
This type of commitment to Jesus Christ, on the surface, may seem like any other church… why is GEC different? At first thought, I would say it is the “one accord” that we have. You can also read this in several places in the King James Bible.
Another point I would bring up is the bible that we read and study and preach from… this one bible, not two or three, or ten or twenty different bibles… this number could go upwards of nine hundred! Yes, this is English bibles, not all the different languages in the world. Then why do we need this many English bibles? Exactly!
I suppose I could list many other things here… but suffice to say, that we truly make Jesus Christ, Lord over Gospel Evangelist Church. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
TUESDAY MAY 16, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:28 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This may sound subjective, however, after have over 3 million people go by my banner and having it flying for over 3 thousand hours, I can gather a rather close accuracy of what this banner is doing. Then we can include almost 900 days of flying the banner… and when added all together we have a some what accurate statistic of results.
These results tell me a lot about the people and about their relationship with God and with the freedoms of our country here in the United States of America. And of course this country is different and stands out from most of the other countries in the world, but it doesn’t make this country better than your country, if you live somewhere else. We are all on one single planet… this makes all countries similar, due to all of us are on this one planet.
One more thing that I’ve noticed is that pushing through the spiritual obstacles and physical limitations is required to gain success in what we are doing in this ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many who quit or take a break and possibly not come back for a while, and still others who never really do much for the kingdom of God. This pressing forward is an action of faith… and this could be one more reason why God rewards our faith. Because it is most definitely not easy to do what I am doing.
Thank you my dear friend for being apart of all that God is doing with this street ministry and missionary church.
May the Lord Jesus continue doing what he is doing in your life and ministry.
If you are interested in attending a new start up church, may I suggest Gospel Evangelist Church. Contact me for information of where we are meeting. Or you may simply take a look at our preaching calendar and come to the location for the day that is scheduled, and there we can pray or answer any questions you may have.
Thank you again my friend… I love you very much. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY MAY 15, 2023. Written Monday 10:54 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
If you are saved and born again, then let’s go out and share our testimony with someone that we may connect with. Trust in the LORD to make a way for you to share and give the truth of your salvation to the person whom the Lord draws to you. Then speak from the heart filled with thanksgiving and love of Christ. And watch what the Holy Spirit may do right before your eyes in the soul of that person you’re talking with. It could be a miracle!
This month of May is more difficult than I thought it would be. I was thinking that May would be an easy month with lots of activity and action in the kingdom of God. Yes, I realize that there is always stuff going on in God’s world… but I was more referring to what is happening in the cities that I travel to and preach in. It’s a tough month so far… I’m hoping this will change.
Thank you for being here and praying for this street ministry and missionary church.
Abundant mercy of God be yours my friend.
I love you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
TUESDAY MAY 2, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:17 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
“Good morning my dear sister in Christ! You know one of the odd things that I’ve been learning recently, probably in the last 3 to 4 years is how I need to listen closer to the Lord Jesus when he speaks and then do that what he says… rather than doing what people want and being nervous about what people may think of me. Because, typically with me when I obey the Lord, it seems to be often times things that may not agree with people. Then I must make a choice … Do I obey my Saviour? … or, Do I obey man? On the surface this seems obvious. But when things are hard and difficult and requiring lots of faith, it gets very hard to make the right choice, but of course I normally do, it doesn’t come naturally, though. Following the Lord Jesus Christ is not a natural thing to do. Following people is the more natural thing to do. This is where we grow in our relationship with our Saviour and Lord. However, this takes time, and so often people are to busy to build this relationship. And thus is my problem, I get to busy serving… and not relating to Jesus. (Sort of a Martha and Mary situation… if you know what I mean?)
Anyways, blessings sister, I just wanted to share that with you. And who ever decides to read this.
Have a great day in JESUS! :)
I’m not sure if that makes sense, it’s just something that often times goes through me, because I’ve struggled so much with pleasing people, even though I’m a radical guy and do things that are not normal with most people, I still want to do things that agrees with people. Not so much so that I want people to like me, it’s more of a feeling of wanting people to agree with me or maybe it’s please people… this has always been a fascinating subject to me.
I see in scriptures many of the challenges that people go through in life. The bible is so current and real to me… it’s like it was just written this year! I love the word of God.
Anyways, thought I’d share this… even though, I know it’s easier to criticize me… more information to empower the mocker. But I truly don’t care… my overwhelming desire in this season of my life is to please my JESUS! Amen.
Because of what I just wrote above, this is what I placed on today’s calendar…
(I’ll be working at home on different ministry parts. And actually resting in the Lord Jesus. I am so utterly and inwardly exhausted, and the only way for me personally to rest is to be with my Saviour. Thank you for understanding.)
This action is the hardest for me, because I am concerned about what people may think of me, of taking another day off from banner preaching and street ministry. I’m just being real.
Thank you! :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY MAY 1, 2023. Written Monday 6:32 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Turn onto Jesus today and get your eternal resting place all set up and ready to go! Yes, do it today, right now… as you are reading this.
Now, doesn’t that feel so much better? What! You didn’t pray and ask Jesus to save you? Why? What is stopping you? Think about this… it is very very very important. It really is!
May is off and running… this month begins my 5th year of the street as a street minister, for the purpose of building Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. I’m excited!!!
Have a great day in Jesus my friend! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
STREET PREACHING RESULTS. | 2019. | 2020. | 2021. | 2022. | 2023. |
A LOG IS WRITTEN as a diary of thoughts on the building of GEC at GEC—Calendar News 2023.
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
WEDNESDAY APRIL 19, 2023. Written Thursday 9:21 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The best thing to do when you notice this good thing, is to give God the glory for it and for your life. Giving God glory takes faith, but as believers, we are to walk in faith, therefore it may be easier than we think to worship God in truth and in faith. God rewards our faith… I think it’s because God knows how difficult it is. Now that is a good Father! Amen.
Let’s keep on trucking for Jesus.
The road ahead is wide open for us.
Let’s make the best time possible with what we’ve got. Deal?
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY APRIL 16, 2023. Written Monday 10:47 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
However, due to our limited ability to truly hear and understand what someone is speaking, some cannot hear what is going on. Then these are the people who begin to criticize and murmur about people… because they don’t actually listen and hear what is being spoken. Let’s all come to grips about this challenge that people have, and make a concerned effort to listen and really hear what someone is saying to us.
This is the challenge with the word of God. The word says one thing, and people do something different! Why is that? It’s because they don’t have ears to hear, and eyes to see, and a heart to understand. It’s truly quite simple! It’s not complicated. There are no maladies that hinder our ability to hear. People simply choose not to hear. It’s a choice.
I enjoy growing and learning and becoming smarter and wiser and more knowledgeable. I attempt to look closely at what I am doing and what I am saying… and yes, I do miss speak and say things that are backwards, that’s due to physical challenges that resulted from past health issues. But I am constantly working on growing past this. I don’t accept… this is the way I am mentality… we all can grow! I grow in Christ and the knowledge of Christ nearly every day, at least that is what it seems like to me.
Let’s continue renewing our mind to the holy scriptures, and continue to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ, and continue walking by faith, and praying in the Holy Ghost.
Good things are going to happen, to you and to me as we continue and endure till the end.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
THURSDAY APRIL 13, 2023. Written Thursday 9547 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Do you know the Holy Ghost? Do you have communion with the Spirit of God? Do you have a relationship with the Holy Ghost? Do you have the power of God to be a witness for Christ? Are you filled with the Holy Ghost? Are you baptized with the Holy Ghost? Yes… lots of questions… questions that just popped into my head as I began to write this summary for today.
This has been a strange month and one that has been filled with lots of pressure. Could it be that this month is the month that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ… and that is why the Devil is turning up the oppression? I don’t know the answer… I just know what is going on when I’m on the street as I preach and minister.
As we move through this year, 2023… we may need to readjust our objectives and outlooks for this year… that is what I am doing today. I am decreasing my goals from praying to win 2,000 lost souls to winning 1,000 lost souls for the kingdom of heaven… and from praying to touch 2,000,000 people this year to touching 1,000,000 people for heaven. These numbers are my normal numbers that I believe and pray for each year. They’re not abnormal to me… but the larger numbers are just to much for me… and the reason for this is there doesn’t seem to be enough people around me who are working like me to win the lost and to preach the gospel… these are people who work with me, not all the wonderful people that are at a distance… there are dozens and dozens and maybe hundreds and thousands who are at a distance with the street ministry and missionary church. God bless every one of you, in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Thank you for your love my friend.
Be abundantly blessed with all the wonder and majesty that God the Father shews you!
Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
TUESDAY APRIL 11, 2023. Written Tuesday 8:17 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
As I go out nearly every day to preach and minister, one of the ministries that I do is intercession in the Holy Ghost, as per Romans 8:26 KJV. This type of intercession in an unknown (new) tongue is extremely powerful. I spend many hours solely in tongues for the region that the banner is at on the certain day. My supplication is nearly one hour long for the land and for souls. I work by authority of Ezekiel 22:30 King James Bible. This scripture is what the Holy Ghost gave me to do this street ministry. This was on the very first day that our “church doors” opened… May 26, 2019 at 3:00 PM, Memorial Day Weekend, Boulder, Colorado at 28th and Pearl Street.
On that day, I lifted our gospel banner for the first time to begin a ten years season of building Gospel Evangelist Church. So much has happened since that glorious first day. The benefits of diligence is indescribable. In other words, I am currently unable to articulate all that has happened here in Boulder in regards to the spirit and of the building of GEC.
Suffice to say, absolutely good things are happening for all the body of Christ at Boulder and Colorado… due to this banner street preaching ministry in about 15 cities of Colorado.
Thank you my friend for your continual intercession for this missionary church and street ministry. Thank you!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY APRIL 10, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:22 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I so hope that you too my friend can witness the move of the Spirit where you live. I truly don’t see that this is the time to step away from the Lord and his ministry. If someone does leave, they might be leaving due to deception from our adversary. Watch and pray, take heed and beware of the devices of Satan. This will take much prayer and intercession. And this type of praying should send you into the word of truth, and in this way you will build your faith… because you may see and understand that by being filled with the Holy Ghost and then praying in the Holy Ghost, unknown or new tongues, that your most holy faith is being built! This is great news to know!!!
Stay steadfast my friend and keep on trucking… (smiling)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY APRIL 1, 2023. Written Saturday 12:29 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
I’m so very excited to what the Lord Jesus is doing. There are great things happening, that is if you have eyes to see. Yes, I do realize that there are very very horrible things going on here, and around the world. But do we truly need to worry about that? Isn’t God the Creator and Author of his own creation? Doesn’t God know what is going on here on planet earth?
Let’s let God be God… and we be the saints of God, and do what it is that we are to do… and if that is to rest, or to be with family, or to go to our jobs and businesses or schooling, then let’s do that… however, we must also include the preaching of the gospel of God.
This is what I do… preach nearly six days a week. I can do this because I understand where I am on the time line of my life. Remember what the Holy Ghost taught us… to teach us how to number our days. Some take this serious, and others don’t. I guess that is fine? I know how to number my days, and thus have a proximity to where I am living in this life.
Therefore, I rest in the Lord Jesus today, which is the sabbath, the seventh day of the week. And then tomorrow, the first day of the week, I will go out to 28th and Pearl Street to banner preach and street minister to all the souls who happen to go by me, and I will intercede for the whole city of Boulder, Colorado.
What will you be doing?
Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Street Ministry and Missionary Church, Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Our whole ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
TUESDAY MARCH 28, 2023. Written Wednesday 11:14 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This is often times similar to when we lead someone to Christ for their salvation, and also for many whom we pray for… we as ministers, desire for others the best relationship with the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, as possible. And when people act differently than expected or desired, we can struggle because we don’t understand what is going on in their heart.
Here is where are dependence of the Holy Ghost comes in… we don’t know what is going on in another souls heart. Therefore, we lean on and trust that the Spirit of God has all in his hand. We as believers and ministers… and specifically, parents, we truly need to release our children into God’s hand… we still pray and stand in the gap for each of our children, but understand that we still live here on earth and in the physical body with all its limitations.
So what do we do? We trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for our entire and whole life… holding nothing back from the Lord Jesus, because he held nothing back when he saved us… therefore, we follow his lead and hold nothing back. Yes, easy to say and write… difficult to do sometimes.
We will simply have faith in God.
Delight ourselves in the LORD.
That’s the best counsel… at least for now :)
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY MARCH 24, 2023. Written Saturday 10:11 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Sometimes when we are in stress about something, we really should not worry or get into anxiety about it. Instead the best is to go to God in prayer and counsel… and continue in this until you receive the peace of God, and this can take some time… so patience is the key to going through this event.
I know a lot about this way of living and lifestyle of ministry, because of my extensive traveling most all my life. In traveling, there are always problems to solve, these are different than the everyday stuff we all deal with… however, when our movement is in jeopardy, then caution and peace are required to safely navigate through the solution.
There are many scriptures relating to this. What I’m saying is not worldly, it’s learning to walk by faith, not by sight. Remember the justified in Christ shall live by faith… not by sight. This is not automatic, but must be learned as we grow in Christ.
I’m excited for all that is going on in the building of Gospel Evangelist Church! It seems like daily God is showing me things that will be taking place and things that are currently taking place… all right before my eyes! It’s a glorious way to live, serving in the kingdom of God.
One way to explain this is, learning a new way of life. To learn a new lifestyle takes making mistakes, correcting those mishaps, re-organizing yourself, moving out and meeting new people… even learning how to dress differently, and act different than you used to… all is quite fascinating and challenging, to say the least!
What I’m actually referring to is … “change” … change is one of the most feared things by mankind. For some reason, I’ve embraced change most all my life… its sort of been my way of life. Remember, traveling entails constant change and adjustment. And I’ve been traveling since I was about 15 years of age. Traveling more in my lifetime than hundreds of thousands have, all combined. That’s just the way it’s been. And not planned, it just was… and is, still to this day… I’m turning 70 this year!
So, if you my friend desire to grow in Christ… then get set to change. Because change is on the horizon… yes it is!
Abundant blessings my dear friend.
I love you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY MARCH 17, 2023. Written Saturday 11:01 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Please understand that four years ago, no one appeared to be excited about Jesus Christ, as seen on the street as I lift a banner of truth and proclaim the truth of the Gospel. However, with the thousands of hours of intercession and preaching and ministering, there has become a multitude of people who are outwardly excited about Jesus Christ.
I attribute this enthusiasm for Jesus Christ to the Holy Ghost having me pray in the Spirit for much of these many thousands of hours while on the street in Boulder and in Colorado. I see Satan’s kingdom being dismantled here in Boulder and across Colorado. And this too is coming about because of the obedience of God’s people, praying and interceding for their city and their state… prayers work!
Thank you my friend for partnering with this street ministry and missionary church… you are a vital part of all that is going on in the kingdom of God. May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you with his truth. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY MARCH 15, 2023. Written Thursday 9:10 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
But we all remember what Jesus said to us before he left to go back to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father, interceding for all of us… he said, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” That’s recorded for us in Matthew 5:11 in the King James Bible.
There are many more scriptures relating a similar point to us so that we all may know before hand on what may befall us. Stay strong in Christ. Stand fast on that Rock, which is Christ. Watch and pray. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28 KJV)
Thank you my friend for your prayers, your offerings, your ministry, and all the events and faith that you are demonstrating to us all in the body of Christ.
Be blessed my friend, in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY MARCH 13, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:29 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
There may be more people touched for heaven than we all realize. And that is good news! When we are sowing the pure word of God into the lives of people, good things are able to come about. So, let’s all continue doing exactly what the Lord Jesus has called each of us to do. We are all working with one mind one mouth one word and serving one Saviour, Jesus Christ! Praise the LORD. Amen.
Hope you have a great day my friend!
Off to Alpine and Broadway today, Tuesday March 14, 2023.
Take care.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SATURDAY MARCH 11, 2023. Written Saturday 1:38 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
These past weeks have been a little different than normal. I’m not sure why, but they just seem to be different. I suppose it is a good different, because I see the Holy Ghost moving in our midst. The Spirit of God is a sight to behold! When the power of the Lord is present, miracles seem to appear all around us! I love it! It’s easy to get caught up with the Spirit and forget all the problems and troubles that the world seems to be in. It’s like we can rise above the world and not be plagued by the world… that is if we walk in the Spirit and keep the commandments of Jesus Christ… which, I suppose, may be different for each of us.
What I mean is, some of the faith may be struggling to stay in Christ, because, I think, they are inviting the world to come into their life. Be alert to what is going on around you… at all times!
Well, I just wanted to catch you up a little in the building of Gospel Evangelist Church. If you’re truly interested to keep up with us, the best at this time, may be our video channel…. YouTube (desktop) … YouTube (mobile/cell). And to keep up with our GEC Sunday Prayer Letter… subscribe here! (I am having a bit of trouble with the HTML page for the letter subscribe page, I hope it works for you?)
Be blessed my dear friend! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2023. Written Wednesday 9:47 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus as move and go about our days of service.
Sound good?
Broomfield, Colorado in the morning for me.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:30 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
This standing alone may be at times a part of the public minister, yes, even when we stand out in the public… we are alone. This could be why the Lord Jesus assigns angels to watch over us, as the bible says… our fellowservants. Many times in my decades of service unto God, I have witnessed the work of angels in my midst… it was the only thing that I could attribute the miracle or wonder to… the angel was doing what the Lord Jesus directed them to do. The Lord Jesus has faithful angels that serve him and his kingdom. God is a good God!
Tonight as I write this, I have had to take a couple days off to regroup… and most of this is due to standing alone… yes, we may be called to stand like this, but there is a price that we pay that the Lord Jesus helps us to pay… only by his strength are we able to stand.
Thank you my dear friend for your prayers and your supplications for this street ministry and missionary church… and all the churches and ministries that you are apart of or are aware of… we all serve one Lord one God with one mouth and one body… we give all glory to our God the Father. Amen.
Now… onto the month of March! Bring it on…
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2023. Written Monday 10:09 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Why is Boulder, Colorado so different? What makes this geographical location so odd? Or is this place actually like most other locations in the world? Could there be something here in Boulder that God is shewing me that is important for this preacher to know so that he and the church he attends can pray more precise and intercede more abundantly for this land and for her souls?
Questions without answers require patience. Waiting upon the Lord as the answers come is key for faith to increase, because waiting is not easy for mankind… thus, faith grows and God rewards the saint with increased faith. Or something like that… ?
Have a great day my friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2023. Written Sunday 7:48 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Friday in Longmont was extremely excellent. Many received a great witness for Jesus Christ. Prayed for some, Talked with some. Ministered to some. And even did a pretty cool video for the day… you can watch it on our video channel. Praise Jesus Christ for all he is doing for Colorado!
I so encourage you to continue serving the kingdom of God even when life is not smooth or easy. The faith required to live and walk in the truth when your in that valley is huge… this faith can be increased by hearing the word of truth, and this is why I suggest Psalm 23 when life is not going as planned or hoped.
By living in Psalm 23, you can get through the valley in good speed and exit the valley and begin heading up the mountain… and then move into Psalm 24… Thus, God always gets the glory for your life. It’s just a good way to live the word of life! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2023. Written Wednesday 5:39 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
One of the things that is on my heart is that there are some members of our family that need our help. What do I mean? Well, it’s not the help that you may be thinking right now… what I see is the need for our family members to be laying up treasure in heaven, rather than here on earth. This is something that is sort of like a retirement plan, but for heaven… it’s not that we need a monthly income in heaven, no. But there must be something that is important otherwise the Lord Jesus would not have talked about it, and others would not have said anything about it.
The best way I currently see is for us to read in the word of truth about this, and then to teach others about this.
I’m simply bringing up something of interest, and maybe it’s something that you haven’t thought about?
God bless you man. Take care.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
MONDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2023. Written Tuesday 9:09 AM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
God bless you abundantly my friend! You are important! Yes.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19, 2023. Written Sunday 11:20 PM.
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
Praise to Jesus Christ.
May all be going well in your life. Yes, there are rough times and may be more ahead, but because we are in Jesus Christ, we have a strong refuge for our life.
Keep the Lord’s commandments and the love of the Father will be in you.
Always be looking at giving something, whatever it may be… this will produce in your life. And it’s bible!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church—“Touching People For Heaven”©
The following web links are apart of our missionary church and street ministry outreach:
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — watch.
🎙 Podcast Show Episodes — listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter© — read.
🎁 Gift Supply Support Donate — give.
This GEC—Calendar News 2023 page is a simple summary or log or even a journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!