And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Genesis 3:15 [The First Messianic Promise]
Genesis – The First Book of Moses
Genesis is the book of origins. The origin of the universe, human race and redemption. Genesis is a book of drama detailing the record of the early history of the chosen people of God, called “Israel”. [Some of this text is from my Thompson Chain Reference Bible*, NIV version, Page 1510.]
Genesis is the first book of Moses. Moses wrote the first five books of our bible. Moses actually talked with God like a friend, personally, one-on-one. It is recorded that his face shined with a bright glow. This brightness was all over his face and he had to cover his face with a vail. However when he went to talk with God he would remove this vail. Personally, I am astonished at the life of Moses! I think more study of Moses would be good.
Before writing this article I completely listened to every word of Genesis. I went through the book of Genesis three times. Even as I write right now I am over flowing with the majesty and enormity of just who God is! “I AM”… this is the very first name we actually hear in Genesis. Interesting that for much of the beginning part of our history no one seemed to want to know God’s name? Strange to me that someone does not desire to know your name? However, Moses wanted to know God’s name, right away! God said, “I AM”.
Genesis – The Book of Origins
Genesis is a record of the origin of our universe, the human race, sin, redemption, family life, corruption of society, the nations, the different languages, the Hebrew race, and a record of God’s original family tree.*
The early part of Genesis covers a brief from darkness to light; from creation of sun and moon; even these and much of the parts of our world are continually under attack by people who don’t believe any of this is true. However, and to me very interesting is that the nay sayers actually cannot disprove it either. So, therefore, one can either believe or doubt. I, John Choque, believe!
I strongly suggest that each one of us listen to the reading of Genesis. Then listen again and even one more time. Listening ignites our imagination and thus opens a unique door to our spirit. When we believe in God, through the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s son, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God we can see things as we listen that we may miss when only reading. I also suggest that when listening, select an audio series that is not like a drama play. Listen more like a book on tape. In this way, a steady stream of consistency will flow into your spirit.
When starting through the Bible in 2015 I bought a complete CD set narrated by the famous Alexander Scourby. I am also listening to the King James Version, 1611 of the Holy Bible. [There are 60 CD’s.] I also acquired a new book of King James 1611 version. This is my sixth time of going completely through, cover to cover, the Word of God. Each time that I have done this I have selected a different translation or version. This time through the Bible in 2015 is King James Version Authorized in 1611.
However, I will most likely use my personal study bible to complete this blog series of through the bible in 2015. As I have already stated, I use the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. This is a complete numerical system of chain references, analyses of books, outline studies of characters and unique charts, with pictorial maps and archaeological discoveries.. Compiled and edited by Frank Charles Thompson, D.D., Ph.D. The first copyrights of the Thompson Chain go all the way back to 1908, then 1917, 1929, 1934, 1957, and 1982, which is the one that I have here. Thank you!
Why do this?
“Study to show thyself approved unto God.” -2 Timothy 2:15
Genesis – Key Word. BEGINNING.
When starting anything of great worth and longevity, let’s start at the Beginning! Genesis is such a book that will lay a solid foundation under the Christian faith. I still must emphasize the need to maintain an open mind and open imagination. God created the human mind so that we can believe His creation.
The third chapter of this beginning book – Genesis – states the promise of a savior. Do you personally know this savior?
Genesis – Synopsis*
I. The history of creation
II. The story of primeval man
III. The history of the chosen people.
(1) The career of Abraham
(2) The career of Isaac
(3) The career of Jacob
(4) The career of Esau
(5) The career of Joseph
Genesis – Prominent Names Associated Together*
Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel
Abraham and Lot, Isaac and Ishmael
Esau and Jacob, Joseph and his brothers
Genesis – Five Great Spiritual Characters*
(1) Enoch… the man who walked with God
(2) Noah… the ark builder
(3) Abraham… the father of the faithful
(4) Jacob… the man whose life was transformed by prayer
(5) Joseph… the son of Jacob, who rose from slavery to become the governor of Egypt
Genesis – The Lesson of The Ages*
The Bible opens with mankind ruined… paradise lost!
The plan of salvation instituted
The Bible closes with the promise redeemed… paradise regained!
[*The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, New International Version, copyright 1983. B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc. and The Zondervan Corporation.]
Genesis – The Beginning and The Ending of An Era
As stated just above here, … paradise lost and paradise regained… I can see when I read the last verses in Genesis, chapter 50 verses 22-26, it talks about the death of Joseph. Joseph was a key person is the building of the people Israel, even as we know them today. Without Joseph, God would have to change the course of the future, of course He is more than able to do, He’s GOD! Joseph lived a hundred and ten years. Much of his life was in slavery. However, he was the type of savior that provided a way for Israel to be Israel.
I marvel at the character of Joseph… the son of Jacob [who became Israel], who rose from slavery to become the governor over all of the great land of Egypt! Egypt was a great and mighty land, one to behold, and this man of slavery led this land and this people, [of course under the Egyptian Ruler – The Pharaoh Of Egypt], to even more greatness and wealth and prominence. Joseph lays the ground work for our future redeemer, Jesus Christ.
“Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.” [Genesis 50:25]
Slavery, is a condition and a state of living that no one likes . . .
My friend, are you in slavery?
Do you need to be set free?
Is your life one of freedom?
Can you relate to the book of Genesis?
Does Joseph sound anything like you?
Will you die full of years and a life full of vision and of fulfillment?
Will you see your hundred and tenth birthday?
Will your bones be carried up out of the land of slavery?
Will you be redeemed at the resurrection?
My friend, are you saved?
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Time is . . .
and time will be no more . . .
I love you.
John Choque’s Blog Mission ~ Gateway to Children’s Hunger Fund.
Featured Image and Photos Courtesy of John Choque.
Genesis – Week One of Fifty-Two blog posts to be authored through this year 2015. Through the Bible in 2015! This is the real first installment. I’m excited! God is worthy of praise!
This is a different view of my comments… I just now 1-4-15, disabled the Disqus Comment System. Not sure if this is good or bad. I am attempting to clean and trim the entire blog website. Genesis is what this is all about… Starting fresh and clean, amen!