Luke 15:10 is today’s scripture that came to me while in this morning’s prayer time. Remember, we only use the King James Bible, seriously it is the most accurate and inspired and preserved Word of God. Over three years of research has totally proved that to me, forever!
Joy In The Presence Of The Angels Of God
Luke 15:10 KJV says, “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”
This morning the word joy was the first thing that popped out to me. Joy in heaven has a sound and an action. I mean what does joy sound like? What does joy feel like? Does heaven have feelings? Joy could be laughter? Is joy singing? Maybe joy is jumping up and down? Can joy be running around? Could joy be visible to the other angels?
If there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, does God see their joy? What is God seeing? What is God hearing? Does this phrase, “joy in the presence of the angels of God”, actually have nothing to do with God, in this scripture? Maybe it’s just the angels that are having joy together.
Take a quick look at some more simple references to this idea: Luke 15:6; Luke 15:7; Luke 15:24; Luke 15:32. The other gospels have similar parables or stories about this topic.
Please realize that I’m just typing this blog post off the top of my head, as the words flow out of me. I am in no way attempting to do an exhaustive study on this topic. Plus, my blog is more just for me because I really don’t know if anybody reads it…besides the hackers trying to break in to the blog back-office…it’s ridiculous!
Likewise Do This
The term likewise joins things together. Especially, in regards to the verses above and below Luke 15:20 in the KJV. Including the verses following this verse. Angels are apart of the story in this entire context. Getting out your KJV would help greatly. Just read it. Now read it in the Spirit. Was there a difference? Did the Holy Spirit show you something unique or different?
Do this…is an action phrase…do this! It’s sort of like, a round about way of telling every body to go out and preach the gospel! Fancy that…maybe that is what we all should be doing today. Likewise do this…preach so that sinners repent!
How Scripture Is All Connected
All the scriptures in the Word of God are connected together! Do you believe that? Why would they all be connected? Does God have a plan for his word? I know Satan has a plan! Yep, it’s all the modern corrupted versions that are flooding the bible market worldwide! It’s absolutely atrocious! (‘horrifyingly wicked.’)
Connecting all of the Word of God together forms a cohesive document that is legal binding.
What Does This Mean
When I think of what all this means to me, I reflected back to a prayer I had before the Father. I was praying about what type of or kind of praise and worship music do you want in Gospel Evangelist Church? Also, my desire is to have music that sounds like heaven.
Heaven has music! Do you know that? Maybe an organ? Possibly a flute? Possibly a three piece band? How about a fully staffed orchestra? What kind of music is in heaven?
I love music. Actually, the sounds of music that fills me to a feeling of getting high…that sounds funny! Music that destroys and kills and wrecks havoc is what some listen to. Sad, but so true…but why do they listen to such killing music? Could it be Satan at work again?
Do Sinners Really Repent
If Satan is doing what he does, then they’re fewer salvations than we think there is. The enemy keeps us all busy doing life, and ignoring the other people who are not are friends. The people we know, we know who they are, and if we are saved, then they probably are too. Are they? Have you asked them, “If you were to die tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart that you would go to heaven?”
Add Yourself To My Daily Prayer
Satan, our adversary, is working 24/7
People rarely ask that question. Why? Satan, our adversary, is working 24/7…do you realize that? The question still is, do sinners really repent? When a person calls out to the Lord in desperation, like a hurt child calling out to their mom, then the Lord hears and saves. Acts 2:21 KJV says, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That is exactly how I got saved!!! There was angels singing in heaven…or rather, there was ‘Joy In The Presence Of The Angels Of God’ over just one sinner…me John Choque! Thank you Lord for saving me that terrible day in 1974.
Two Services I Use To Help Support The Ministry
If you would like to give into a brand new missionary type of church here in Boulder, Colorado that the Lord has directed me to create, please use my Patreon platform to support the work, at least temporarily. Please use this BECOME A PATRON button. Thank you for your faith. God bless!
This is a simple, easy, smooth and effective method to build our list of people whom we are talking to for salvation, ministry and in creating cell groups. I really enjoy the simplicity, because this works! (John’s Affiliate Link) The idea is that after witnessing with the gospel tract, you stay in contact, forever!
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
It’s really funny, please read (‘frustrating’, lol) how when I sit down to write a medium length blog, 500-800 words and then I look at the clock….what!….4 hours later! Amazing time consumer. Oh well. Praise God.
Also, I just disabled Discus comment form and re-enabled the WordPress comments. I’m just trying different things.