Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you! The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you! –Leviticus 25:8-16
Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year Proclaims a Special Instruction
Leviticus Video by John Choque
Leviticus from JOHN CHOQUE on Vimeo.
John Choque’s Blog Mission ~ Gateway to Children’s Hunger Fund.
Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year
Leviticus is some times called the book of laws which concern the actions, behaviors and morals. Also included are cleanliness, food and other key attributes that God wanted in His people, the Israelites. Throughout Leviticus Moses writes how these first people are to live in order to have The Lord God live with them, or I could say, for them to live with God. The Lord is Supreme and is clean in all things! I mean in every little and every big thing, God reigns Supreme.
Leviticus is authored by Moses, the book is also called The Third Book of Moses. Jubilee Year is an interesting and thought provoking word. I use it here frequently because of my relationship with the Son of God, The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came to give us freedom (or Jubilee) from sin, therefore freedom is another term for Jubilee.
Jubilee is to return or in our case, the born-again Christian and a non-Isralite, we are required to be adopted into God’s family, commonly called the Children of God. This is why I use this title for my post, Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year… the title gives weight to requirements (you must be born-again), and an author (Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith), and freedom from eternal damnation (the shed blood of Christ on the cross), and the year is now, (now is the time of our salvation). As you can readily see, I am weaving various topics that can provide a launching platform to engage!
Leviticus Contains 27 Chapters and Spans 31 Pages (In My Thompson Chain-Reference Bible!)
As I am writing this blog post, I am frequently looking up various sections pertaining to Leviticus. These words continually surface, “Access” and “Holiness.” Why? Why do such words that we rarely use have such highlight for me? My first thoughts are about the word “Access”… this in my own thoughts related to the access we are able to gain to Almighty God who is Holy, we gain this access through the grace of Jesus Christ.
When we receive Jesus we become Holy and acceptable in the sight of God and therefore have access to God, whom we now call our Heavenly Father. We use the title Father because we are now Children of God, being born-again into God’s Family through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus became our offering of sacrifice that we read throughout the Third Book of Moses called Leviticus, the Jubilee Year!
Leviticus When Listening To Covers Nearly 3 Hours (In My Peterbilt!)
Rolling up the highway in my Peterbilt rig and listening to Leviticus, I kept thinking that this is The Lord actually speaking to Moses, face-to-face or mouth-to-mouth (as King James reads). The first verse of Leviticus says, “The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting (the King James reads “Tabernacle of the Congregation“). Stop right now and think about that…
Well, what thoughts came to you? Did you hear God? Is The Lord actually able to speak to His People? Are you counted among His People? When you pray, or talk to God through Jesus Christ, are you speaking directly to Him? Is it possible that Moses had something that we in 2015, who are Gentiles, cannot obtain?
What I noticed while studying for this blog post called, “Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year”, is that I was consciously asking myself about my understanding of God and my relationship with Him. I am so excited about all that I am learning about God that I stay alert, even when trucking!
Can we hear God’s Voice? Why is it that so many Christians seem to not hear the Voice of God? In the time of Leviticus, Moses wrote about the Jubilee Year and how he heard the Voice of God. Moses wrote what God was speaking. As we read the Torah, the First Five Books of The Hebrew Scriptures, which is also included in the Christian Bible, namely the first five books of the Bible: Genesis : Exodus : Leviticus : Numbers : Deuteronomy. This is God detailing exactly how to build a church!
God is the architect, the engineer and the owner of His Church! The scriptures tell us that God used Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge to construct the heavens and the earth. These three key components make up much of how God creates. When The Lord was speaking to Moses, He outlines and details these three key components. Therefore, when you read or listen to scripture, be alert to Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. When you gather more of who God is, you will sense more of a closeness to The Lord. When this happens you will grasp the Voice of God in your heart and mind!
Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year is the Title with Great Meaning
Great meaning is referring to the foundation that will be laid in your life when you venture into the next book in Bible. The book of Numbers will mean more to you when you Understand all that God spoke to Moses about in Leviticus.
This seems to me like a Jubilee Year! 2015, can be your Jubilee Year… right now as I write, I am led to write about your salvation… are you saved… do you have the assurance in your heart, that if you were to die tonight, you would go to Heaven? John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Then verse 17 says, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” My friend it is a simple act of your faith. Only believe and you shall be saved. You can say a simple prayer from your heart like this, “Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
Now, don’t you feel better? Why sure you do! If you are already a Christian, you can too say, those wonderful words in your heart, just speak to The Lord and He will speak to you. My friend God loves you very very much and to show His love for you, he gave everything… everything… everything so that you can be saved and be with Him in Heaven!
Leviticus Chapter 27 Verse 34 (the last verse of the book)
These are the commands The Lord gave Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites. -Leviticus 27:34 NIV
The commands are the laws and rules, and basically principles, to live a Holy life before God Almighty. Living a righteous life, one in right standing with God, is important to hearing the Voice of God. Mount Sinai was a special place that God chose to meet with Moses. In my life God choses special places to touch my life. Like right now, as I write this, I can sense that I am in or around God’s presence. This is not to be taken weirdly, every Christian experiences The Lord in their unique way. Just like Moses experienced The Lord on Mount Sinai. Do you have a special place that you meet with God? What “commands” is The Lord giving you in your “Mount Sinai?”
Leviticus Moses Jubilee Year
The following is an excerpt from my “Thompson Chain Reference Bible, New International Version.” By the way, I highly recommend this study Bible because it has everything one requires to come to a complete physical understanding of God. When all one has is the scriptures, sometimes it becomes difficult to grasp the Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge of God. The Thompson Chain-Reference is a complete system of Bible study.
This Bible came to me when I was on a missionary trip and stopped to visit some people who were praying for me. The father of my friend was studying his Bible. I was amazed at how he knew so much about the Word. Then he showed me that he study the Thompson Chain-Reference system in his King James Version Bible! I thought it was special just for him. I didn’t realize that anyone could go out and buy one. I know…
So years later, I was praying for a study Bible, and this memory came to me and I got so excited that I knew what God wanted me to have… this right here in front of me! I prayed and God through His amazing grace provided this incredible gift… when I was ministering some years ago, the person was told by God to give me their Bible… it was this one… The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible! Can you see it? Can you hear what I am saying? God will speak to you just like He spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai. And the person who gave me their Bible! Believe my friend, in The Lord Jesus Christ, and live for Him!
Now, for the excerpt…
* Analysis Outline:
I. The Way of Access to God.
II. Special Laws Governing Israel.
III. The Five Annual Feasts.
IV. General Laws and Instructions.
Companion Book: Hebrews.
Central Theme: How can sinful man approach a holy God? The word holy occurs over eighty times in the book.
Central Person: The High Priest.
Subject Matter: A digest of divine laws.
The Book Name: Is derived from the name of the tribe of Levi.
* The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, New International Version, Copyright 1983.
“The Third Book of Moses, called Leviticus”
Please Allow Me To Pray For You
Lord Jesus, I pray, “Teach my friend your rules and statues and instructions and laws and commandments and may they rejoice in them more than in riches. Give my friend the desire to meditate on your precepts and give them their full respect.” Scripture Reference: Psalms 119:12-16 -Pocket Prayers by Robert C. Savage
Thank you my friend for your time and attention. I realize this has been an ordeal going through this word-filled article/post. I do so pray that God has spoken to you as He did with Moses. I really enjoyed writing this out. It went very fast and didn’t even need to re-read the Leviticus to do this. Most of the words just flowed out of me! I typically don’t re-write my blog post’s. However, I will go through it and attempt to clean up some of the sentences. When you find run-on-sentences, incomplete sentences, context incomplete and other english grammar errors, I sincerely apologize. I am in a constant state of learning and refinement.
May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ find you humble and fulfilled with all that you need and require in your life, In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Featured Image and Photos Courtesy of John Choque.
There are a lot of words here on this post. This entry flowed out of me very quickly and I really enjoyed writing Leviticus. Now it is onto Numbers!!