“The Blue Sky of Spring! I snapped this beautiful photo in Redding, California.”
Understanding Why
Here I am sitting at my desk with keyboard under my fingers and struggling within myself that I may not be capable to write an article that would move you and others to understanding why Life is a miracle. Why do I struggle so?
As I was attempting to write I felt so frustrated with a confused mind or heart. I look about and see that my life is a miracle and still I question my ability to write.
To write is to expose . . .
Expose and be revealed,Revealed exposes the heart . . .
Heart is are hidden treasure,Treasure is our worth . . .
Worth creates are value,Value is to write and expose,
and reveal the heart of worthiness,
and this value makes the heart so.Poem by John Choque
Where Does Life Come From
Life is a miracle when we lift up our eyes to the hills. Where does our life come from? Is life a miracle? These questions are rhetorical, exposing the heart that I have, and that I am always asking questions. As I write I chuckle because so many parents begin to complain when their children insistently continue asking questions about everything! That sounds like me, I am right now asking questions!
Life is a miracle when I ask questions. The questions I tend to ask are directed towards God. The Creator is the Source of all answers. No He is not Oz!
When I think of spring, I think of the seasons and how they are so consistent. This winter in the Eastern US there was severe weather that caused much struggle for most or all of the winter season. As spring was approaching, I heard many begin to speak about spring is coming and will soon be here. The people knew and trusted the fact that winter will not last forever. The people, without questioning, knew absolutely that spring will be here. I did not hear even one person say that winter will last forever and never change. I find that amazing!
Listen to what is written in The Word of God . . .
Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.
John 4.35-36
Is Life Similar In Heaven
Life is one of the most inspiring miracles to living on earth. I wonder if life is similar in Heaven? Do angels feel the same about life? I wonder if humans feel that life is a miracle?
Earlier this morning I could hear, at a distance, the screaming and yelling of two adults, male and female, and the thoughts I had were dysfunctionalism. People who do not value the humanness of another have no regard for the miracle of life. My own parents lived this way. All my childhood I witnessed this dysfunction. Even today, sixty years later, these two people still struggle with the miracle of life. Why? What moves and influences people to have no regard to this miracle of life?
Daily I pray for my own peacefulness and patience. I am a peaceful man. I am a patient man. This has evolved over the years and is evident now, but not earlier in my youth. Possibly I too had no understanding of the miracle of life. I had little to no concern, at least that is what I remember. I may be wrong, my memory seems faded in these areas. Today, Life Is A Miracle! :)
Lord, my friend is like a sheltered olive tree protected by You. May my friend trust in Your mercy forever and ever.
Prayer Scripture Reference – Psalms 52.8-9
Pocket Prayers by Robert C. Savage
God Says What?
My Friend, above all else, I pray for your salvation! I want you to be in Heaven! In John 3.16 God says very clearly that if you simply believe – Jesus is Lord – you shall have eternal life – Heaven!
Peace and Good Will. See ya in the miracle of life! :)
Connect With Jesus at John 3.16?
Sit back. Relax. Get comfortable. Click the play button. I will read this article to you . . .
This cool and very new blog platform is fascinating to me. I hope it works good on your end. :)
Spring is such a wonderful time of the year. Even when life doesn’t seem to be going the way we think it should. Oh well, spring is still here and Life Is A Miracle!