All Day
December 19, 2021 – December 21, 2021
Will be HOME and NOT on the street due to this surgery... it was rough. It feels like my guts want to spill out onto the floor! Very weird feeling, indeed!
Thank you for any and ALL prayers... a simple mentioning of my name to God is sufficient. This sort of puts you to work and serving our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God rewards ALL services!!! Amen.
I realize this sounds like a long while... however, this operation was quite a big deal to me... then, include my age of 68, this makes a huge difference. Plus, it seems to me that the Lord Jesus is wanting me to rest up for what is going to go on next in the ministry, starting Sunday January 2, 2022. We all need to be watching and praying. I still am fasting and praying for break through and overcome. I am certain of this, however it is God's will... not mine. Amen.
AT HOME in RECOVERY and HEALING from abdomen SURGERY. May last for about 4 weeks? Friday December 3 until Friday December 31, 2021.
Thank you!
Blessings my dear friend...