THURSDAY — Banner Preaching and Street Ministry — 28th and Arapahoe by Safeway store. S/W. (REDUCED TODAY 12-3 PM. THANKS.) THURSDAY — Banner Preaching and Street Ministry — 28th and Arapahoe by Safeway store. S/W. (REDUCED TODAY 12-3 PM. THANKS.) 12:00 PM – 5:00 PMApril 14, 2022 THURSDAY — Banner Preaching and Street Ministry — 28th and Arapahoe by Safeway store. S/W. One of my busiest locations of all! It's a wonderful location to witness for JESUS CHRIST! View full calendar
THURSDAY — Banner Preaching and Street Ministry — 28th and Arapahoe by Safeway store. S/W. (REDUCED TODAY 12-3 PM. THANKS.) 12:00 PM – 5:00 PMApril 14, 2022 THURSDAY — Banner Preaching and Street Ministry — 28th and Arapahoe by Safeway store. S/W. One of my busiest locations of all! It's a wonderful location to witness for JESUS CHRIST! View full calendar