January 9, 2024
On corner by Safeway store.
(This is not normal for me. I'm a very dedicated faithful worker. I don't call in sick, I don't skate and do little to nothing and expect to get paid, and I have always been a worker that can be counted on to get the job done, this has been my work career way of living. But here, there is now something going on in this body that is stealing my strength, even the doctor a couple months ago couldn't find a reason... this is one reason why I see this "lack of strength" to go to work, a work of the enemy. To get out of this takes time and prayer. And if the Lord says to go to the doctor, I am one who will say yes. Therefore, I am asking for patience from all... and I already know that many are patient with me and are praying for me and our ministry. I'm actually quite excited!!! There are some very wonderful things going on that lets me have confidence that the work we are doing is of the Lord Jesus. From my perspective... all is going just fine. The only challenge I see is from maybe some who have not been around for very long and think this is the way I do things. I can't change people's behavior nor their decisions. I will just keep on moving along in the Spirit. And actually this is nothing new to me... I've been doing ministry for so long that there is really nothing new under the sun. Truly. So, Praise ye the LORD! Amen. -John.)