March 23, 2022
WEDNESDAY — Gospel Evangelist Church — "house church" 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Early Prayer 6:00PM to 7:00PM. For directions, contact John :D
Every Wednesday we have church at our church building the Lord Jesus has so wonderfully provided for our church family.
I get here about 5:30 for early prayer: this is praying in the spirit, spiritual worship, intercession, and whatever the Holy Ghost wants us to do. If you would like to pray with us, please feel free to come.
About 6:45 to 7:00 people typically begin showing up for our house church, and this is led by the Spirit, we allow the moving of the Holy Ghost to move as he wills... we on purpose do not control the Spirit of God. People come as they are led of the Spirit... this is not normal for most churches.
At 7:00 we begin our services by using the GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter for this week beginning on Sunday. It is on our website, on email, on podcast, and on livestream (YouTube). We use this letter for our format... and fully submit to the move of the Holy Ghost, as he wills.
About 8:30 PM we attempt to be finished, but as typical... things keep moving for a little while... fellowship seems to happen around this time.
NOTE: we start at 7:00 PM, we don't start when everyone shows up... we begin on time (God willing) and all is free to come in at any time. Please don't feel hurried, our under compulsion, be at peace and move by the Spirit of God. Amen!