Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great Mercy he has given us New birth into a living hope! First Peter 1:3
New Push For 2015
Now is the time to create this new push into a new year. Each day will bring the necessary attributes that will shape our life and the way we see our life. Life is how we allow our Lord Jesus Christ to create his Mercy of giving us this new birth into a living hope. Mercy is what the charity Children’s Hunger Fund operates from. Mercy is made new every day! Mercy is what I require to make this New Push For 2015. What do you require to create a life of giving?
New Push For 2015 from John Choque on Vimeo.
Giving is what creates a life worthy of heaven. Heaven will be the eternal place we live (besides the New Earth spoken of in Revelation). Giving ignites a fire of happiness that cannot be quenched by any of the devils works. That’s right! Giving with Mercy in our heart and spirit will turbo-charge passion that brings rainbows of promise into our life! What am I saying here? Is it truly possible to ignite a New Push For 2015 that nothing can stop it, outside of God’s Mercy and direction? Yes, all toll, this passion and giving will create a thrust of force that can drive our words around the world!
Mercy For The New Push For 2015
Mercy ~ Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one’s power. A disposition to be kind and forgiving. A blessing. (American Heritage Dictionary)
So we then ask the question: Exactly who is under our power? I am so glad you asked! First, if you do not have the assurance in your heart that you would go to heaven when you pass away, then now is the time to get it right… receive Jesus as your savior, right now! (John 3:16) Second, if you are a born-again Christian, then you are automatically called into God’s service as a “Minister of Reconciliation.”
According to God’s Word . . .
~2 Corinthians 5:17-21… “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (NIV)
Blessing For The New Push For 2015
Each of us are blessed with the necessary tools and experiences to reach out and touch people for heaven. The blessing I am referring to is one of spiritual nature. This nature is and has already been deposited into our life at birth. I am speaking of both the old and new birth. You and I have the seed of ministry. What each one of us does with it is truly in our hands, not God’s. Even though many of us neglect this gift, most of us unknowingly use it daily to touch others. Mercy and the compassion for service unto others is what makes our life explode with strength and grandeur which fully points toward God and his righteousness. By allowing the Holy Spirit more freedom within us, we will have more power to touch people for heaven. This is what the Holy Spirit loves to do… touch people for heaven! Amen.
How Is This New Push For 2015 Going To Happen
I reference Acts 10:1-8 in God’s Word, namely verse 4, The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a remembrance before God.”
1. Prayers are the first part of the answer.
2. Gifts become the second part to complete this answer.
My Commitment And Therefore, My Challenge To You
~ First, I will pray everyday and throughout the day for you and for each person that I am reaching out to touch for heaven. My prayers will include the Word of God and other words that come inspired by the Holy Spirit. I will also pray in tongues, my spiritual language, so that every element will be covered even though I don’t personally know each one of you.
~ Next, I will give gifts to Children’s Hunger Fund. This is one of God’s great works that are touching people for heaven all over the world. My regular consistent gifts to the poor will help bless people in ways that I am not able. My prayers will also come into play in this arena. Praying in the spirit is the greatest gift God has given to each Christian who receives it and accepts it. My friend, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit!
John Choque’s Blog Mission ~ Gateway to Children’s Hunger Fund.
New Push For 2015 ~ is my next step to starting 2015 with a push toward serving God’s Word to each one who comes to this blog mission. An entry of sorts to a new push into the next year bringing blessings that I hope will inspire. Amen.
Great Blog to start off the New Year, and a nice look. I look forward to reading your mission blog post for the next 52 weeks. Thank You for sharing :)
Gracias! Week one will be Genesis.
Again thanks Mike for the comment! Looking forward to getting out of here and heading out across the globe, s o o n !