Take a Break and Relax . . . How many times have we just needed to stop . . . take a break and relax? I’m sitting at The Laughing Goat coffee house…Boulder, Colorado!
How many times have we just needed to stop…take a break and relax?
I’m sitting at The Laughing Goat coffee house…Boulder, Colorado!
How many times have we just needed to stop…take a break and relax? Well, for me it is about twice a week. As soon as I typed that, I thought, that sure sounds odd. Twice a week I take a break! What do I do every other day? Well, I work nearly all day and until I go to bed…I just don’t stop…to me there is so much to do in life that doing nothing is such a waste of life.
My only problem, in regard to working, is that I don’t always work on the most important thing. I put important things off until I absolutely need to get it done! If I don’t, then I get into trouble. I have tried every time management and disciplinary trick in the book. I just won’t do it. I should probably take a break and relax right now! LOL :)
I rebel against all kinds of authority.
I rebel against all kinds of authority. This is my main flaw in serving the Lord. Ministers aren’t supposed to be rebellious. I pray and work against this problem probably every day of my life. Yea, this has been a life long problem. The earliest I can remember is in kindergarten. At 4 I started school (3 months prior to my 5th birthday) I was rebellious against my parents. I don’t think I was though towards my teacher at Mt. Rose Elementary, Reno, Nevada.
I do become rebellious and none confirmative.
Often I find myself the most rebellious against people who have caused me problems. People who have done something against me. I don’t show anger per se, but I do become rebellious and none confirmative. People that try to “control” me don’t understand because I don’t show outrage nor anger. At least not like I used to when I was young. Of course that is probably subjective, depending on who you talk to…LOL! I become quiet and resistant.
Controllers hate that and usually fight back at me. But I don’t care because they’re not going to control me. I know lots about controllers. Why? Because I am an ex-controller myself. Thank God I have finally overcome that horrible disease. Controlling is such a destructive action or attitude or whatever you want to call it. God is the only one who is to control.
Some of these situations have been: the military, the police, my parents, my siblings, many of my bosses at different jobs that I’ve had, and well…this sure doesn’t sound to good. Because most people are so confirmative, that people don‘t understand, nor get ‘why’ …and so continues more rebellion.
I have worked at overcoming a rebellious nature.
On another note, finally, I love the Lord and I have worked at overcoming a rebellious nature towards God. This is what really throws people. Why would a minister, called by God to preach and minister and to build a church…why be rebellious? It doesn’t make any sense.
We are who we are. People don’t change. People are created in the womb and in that instant, we become who we are. People are complete at conception. Then the devil begins his life long attack on each and every human being. People don’t believe this. But it’s a fact. The devil hates God and everything in God’s creation.
We overcome the works of the devil everyday of our existence on earth. Of course it’s not a conscience effort to overcome. There is lots of scripture on this topic. Lots!
Telling my inner struggles is to give transparency.
One of the main reasons why I write like this, telling my inner struggles, is to give transparency of myself to others. As I talk to people, they often times get the impression that I am a ‘know-it-all’ …someone who thinks they know everything! I even come across as someone who is successful and well off…and this is so far far far from the truth, at least physically speaking. I’m not sure about the spiritual side of life. I feel very connected spiritually, however in physical sense I feel disconnected and lacking in so many areas of life.
I can go on and on about things that really have no value to you. My goal is to edify, build up, provide comfort and appreciate every person that I come in contact with. This has replaced a lot of my objectives and goals, I just want to touch people for heaven. 1 Corinthians 14 talks a lot about this…I love that chapter!
It’s interesting how each of us gets things done.
I’m finishing this blog post back at home because I was having too much trouble typing it in Pages on my iPhone. I used to type in Notes, then copy-paste into an email, then copy that into my WordPress blog. Now with my new iPhone I can use Pages which in turn is copied to iCloud then shows up on my MacBook Air. This is what I am using right now as I sit in my studio kitchen at my pub table on a Saturday afternoon. This is then easily copied and pasted into a new blog post and edited from there. Life is amazing…
It’s interesting how each of us gets things done. Just reviewing the previous paragraph made me almost delirious…LOL!
Take a break and relax
Once again, we all need to take a break and just relax . . . cause God has it all under His Control. No, we don’t have to control any situation. All we are required to do is be willing and obedient to what God is directing us to do…then get it done!
…and the journey continues in Boulder, Colorado!
Turn onto Jesus!
My simple prayer 43 years ago was…
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
If you need prayer assistance, contact me.
Is it break time yet? lol