This is a directive from the Lord to me. Monday, August 28, 2017, I am to start the building of GEC. Exactly what that means, is a mystery. Therefore, by FAITH, yes, only by faith will I be able to even remotely get close to what God is saying to me. Also, for those reading this who just absolutely dis-believe that God speaks to His people, all I can say is, I am sorry you believe that way. It’s not scriptural nor in alignment to God’s nature. I’ll go on now…
When School Begins, You Begin!
Tomorrow, Monday, I will write what I do and what the Lord has me doing to build GEC. To clarify something, I have been very open to the Lord in saying, I cannot build this church. There is no way I can succeed in any way. By myself, I can do nothing, even if God has called me. Only God can build GEC.
I Just Write
Also, when I write these blog posts, I do very little, if any editing. I just write and write until I stop writing. I do check for spelling and punctuation. I don’t correct run on sentences, or incomplete sentences. I also don’t try to make much sense of what I am writing or trying to say.
Counsel or Ministry
I write mainly for myself…sort of like a diary that you and everyone else can read. So, please don’t correct me and try to fix me or critic me…I simply don’t receive that type of counsel or ministry. There are other avenues that I do bring in proper counsel in every area of my life. I think life is a miracle!
I am held extremely accountable for every thing I do. That’s the life of a minister of Jesus Christ! Amen.
Turn Onto Jesus!
My simple prayer 43 years ago was…
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
If you need prayer assistance, contact me.
John Choque
I really like the Giraffe picture!! LOL :)