Episode 7 – Podcast show – Touching People For Heaven – with your host Preacher John
Matthew 24:45 (KJV) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Who then is a faithful and wise Servant
Who Then is a Faithful and Wise Servant – Matthew 24:45-46 – Jan 13, 2019 Sunday
Matthew 24:45 (KJV) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
The passage of today’s school work was from Matthew 23:2 – Matthew 24:48. This entire section of scripture was very heavy! You know, I forget sometimes exactly where I am in reading the bible. So today’s reading took me by surprise. I had forgotten that this part of the scripture is the last days of Jesus’ ministry on earth. And thus he was speaking some very heavy doomsday preaching and teaching!
I said the word doomsday because Jesus is speaking about the last days. These are the last days that we are living in, but Jesus is also referring to a later book that will be written years down the road by the Apostle John called The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Go get your bible
Yes, I know that Jesus is talking about the hypocrites, the scribes and the Pharisees. However, Jesus is also teaching his disciples about the end of this season. Actually, if you’re able, you might want to just go get your bible and stop the reading (or podcast) and read this passage. That is Matthew 23:2 all the way to Matthew 24:48 (I know that this is not an exact reading from beginning to end of a story because these verses are a part of our school curriculum.
What I’m going to do now is just skip right into today’s verses… let’s read them again…
Matthew 24:45 (KJV) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Remember, to get the full context by reading the verses above and the verses below these. Okay?
The best way to understand any word
The question that Jesus is supposing is, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant,” The word ‘faithful’ is a good description of a Christian that is filled to overflowing with faith. Also this a good description of a Believer who is consistent and stays solid in their walk with the Lord.
Faithful. The best way to understand any word in the King James Version is to go to the scripture that the word that you want to know is first written. For example, faithful has 78 verses in the search that I just did. Another search with a more complete list comes up with 107 verses. Now, it’s not necessary to read all these verses to understand the meaning. Nor is it necessary to go to a dictionary or bible lexicon or a Greek bible or anything like that.
The very first usage of that word
Just simply go to the very first usage of that word. Faithful is first in Numbers 12:7 (My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.) When you find the first usage look at the verses just above and the verses just below. In this context the word definition should be explained.
Now, sometimes you have to go a distance to get the whole definition. And sometimes, you have to read the next verse in line that has the word you’re looking for. For example, the next verse with faithful is Deuteronomy 7:9 (Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;)
Here you can read the definition! “keepeth covenant and mercy, keep commandments” and this is what Moses was known for by the Lord. Moses kept with the covenant and with mercy and all of God’s commandments.
Something unique with the KJV
Anyways, that is not the best way to explain how to find definitions in God’s Word. I’m not doing a very good job here. In another discourse I’ll attempt to do a better job. Okay? Also, this actually only works in the King James. The modern Alexandrian versions mix up God’s word making it difficult to impossible to comprehend the words of God. It’s just something unique with the KJV.
I’ve been going on in for so long about definitions that I got to far off from our verse… so let’s get back to it…
Matthew 24:45 (KJV) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Matthew 24:46 (KJV) Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Add yourself to my daily prayer
The depth of these two words
The idea of being a “wise servant” is a servant who listens to the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is understanding and understanding points to wisdom. The scripture says, when you get wisdom, get understanding. (Hers’s just one verse in reference to this… Proverbs 4:5 (KJV) (Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.) …there are dozens of verses talking about wisdom and understanding. It takes a lot of studying to grasp the depth of these two words as in the Holy Bible.
Needles to say, the servant that is here in our verse is filled with wisdom and understanding. You can see the results of the faithfulness of this servant, “whom his lord hath made ruler over his household” …that’s a big deal!
Study the word with the word
Successful people don’t pick bums to rule their household or their business or their going’s on in their life. Great people know how to pick the right people for the right job. This is stupid for me to talk about this verse like this! You see, the world’s teaching will get into all kinds of areas…and that is why I’m not deleting this part of the discourse. Oh well!
Listen, when we study God’s Word…. only study exactly that… God’s Word! Study the word with the word. All the scriptures are linked together by the author, Jesus Christ! He is the Word of God!
The servant was working when his lord returned
The example given for the servant was “to give them meat in due season” …the word is give…not sell. the word is meat…not milk. the time is due season! Knowing the times is key to helping people the most. Sometimes we give and people don’t receive because it’s the wrong season!
The biggest tale of this servant to me is that the servant was working when his lord returned! I remember when I was a kid and when my parents left I would go play instead of go work like they told me to. I got into more trouble than I can tell you in all my kid years!
I don’t know why this was so hard for me
I just couldn’t seem to work when my parents left the house. I don’t know why this was so hard for me to learn. But it was! Then one day when I was about 11 years old, I got a job working at a print shop. On Saturday’s I worked. In the morning, Mr. Skinner would give me a list of things he wanted done. Then he would leave for the day and not return until the end of the day, or sometimes not at all.
Well, you know me, I had not learned to work when the boss leaves! So, I would goof around and play with things and not really get anything done he listed out for me to do. Then one day, Mr. Ed Skinner returns early! He found me playing!
I played when the boss would leave
Boy, that was the worst day and the day I still remember even at 65 years old! That was the last day of my life that I played when the boss would leave! From that day until today I work harder when the boss leaves than when he’s around. Because of this, I’ve been given total freedom in all my jobs to work unattended! By the way, I worked at Washoe Valley Printing for three years!
I’ve always have had freedom to do whatever I wanted to do. I suppose that is why I am working right now! I’m retired and after a little while in my retirement I figured out how to work without a job or a boss and as of several months ago, have been working 12-16 hours a day! My boss is Jesus Christ… just because I can’t see him, does not mean I can play!
New career in preaching and ministering
I will faithfully work with wisdom and understanding and knowledge the work I must do in due season. Meat will be preached throughout the remaining years of my life. Generally speaking, I’m in the current process of building an entire new career in preaching and ministering the gospel. Also in building God a church here in Boulder, Colorado and beyond. Praise Jesus!
I realize that was a rather long story, but it’s an important story. How many do you know that can’t work on their own? They need someone to tell them what to do. They need help in what they do. They can’t seem to figure things out. Well, these verses for today is the answer for them!
Work until the boss returns
Let’s re-read these verses…
Matthew 24:45 (KJV) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Matthew 24:46 (KJV) Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
God bless you my friend,
May you be a faithful and wise servant,
Whom when his boss has left,
Continues the work until the boss returns!
Remember, the BOSS is returning!
The one service I use to help fund the ministry
If you would like to pledge to a brand new missionary type of church, that is being built by creating cell groups, then please use this service to give, fund and support this creation. This creative work also includes my Podcast Shows that Touch People For Heaven with new episodes everyday, for awhile. Another great service of Patreon is they let every one know when one of my podcasts or blog posts goes live. I really like Patreon! The idea of using Patreon is to have accountability, stability and transparency regarding finances. Which is a key aspect to a legitimate ministry. JC membership link. Thank you for your faith. And if you want to talk to me first, please contact me. God bless you.
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
Let me ask you a question… if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven? (The answer is either yes or no, that’s it.)
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here for more information.
I’m not sure why, but Sunday’s have always been a strange day for me! Today’s discourse and podcast demonstrate exactly that! Oh well, Jesus still loves me, because the bible tells me so! Don’t you just love Sunday School?