2019 – The Year I See 100 Souls Won For Heaven – Dec 30, 2018 Sun. Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
2019 – The Year I See 100 Souls Won For Heaven
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
Every day of my life over the last 15 plus years I’ve prayed, what I call my Morning Prayer. It’s a time that I sit down with the Lord and discuss, in a prayerful manner, the plans for the day. I see the Lord as my partner, senior partner…or maybe I should actually say, the Boss! lol :)
I sit down with a yellow pad and pen along with my bible and the monthly calendar…my usual tools for starting my day. Oh, and I play an instrumental CD that has an atmosphere of prayer and adoration for God’s Creation.
Morning prayer usually fills the entire page
Each day’s morning prayer usually fills the entire page and occasionally goes into two or three pages. I keep these pages for one year, typically there are about 500 pages, easily! Originally, I wanted to save all these sheets for my entire life. But, oh my, I was filling boxes and boxes with yellow sheets of paper…I couldn’t save them any longer and just threw them into recycle bin.
Now, after the new year starts I recycle last years yellow sheets. 2018 has a stack almost five inches high! I did a lot of praying this year! This is the year that I smashed my left leg in a serious skate board wreck…it’s been nine months today…March 30 to December 30…and I probably have another six to nine months of rehab…yea, it was very bad!
Working on coming up with next years theme
So, this morning I sat down with my freshly brewed cup of joe and began my usual morning prayer with the Lord. Over the last several weeks, I’ve been working on coming up with next years theme. Every year for the last fifteen plus years, I’ve had a key theme that has been the main focus for all my work throughout the year. The theme is usually very personal and thus unrelatable to most people, because, it doesn’t or won’t make sense to the person.
I think I came up with my 2019 theme….I’m going to put it here, even thou it’s sort of personal…but if you can use it…more the better…
Action plans or steps to fulfill this 2019 theme
2019 – The Year I See 100 Souls Won For Heaven
(The following points are the action plans or steps to fulfill this 2019 theme. Plus, realize that my entire life is saturated with prayer…that’s why I usually don’t write a step for prayer, it’s silly to me, because I live a constant life of prayer…please consider you’re own lifestyle for prayer.)
1. 40-50 (2 packs) tracts daily is 200 a week, 10,000 tracts a year…witnesses
2. 4-5 names and emails for my daily prayer is 20 a week, 1,000 people a year
3. 100 salvations for Christ. “Souls Won For Heaven”
4. 100 bibles and 100 dvds and 100 apps and 100 patrons (pledges to help support)
5. 100 families in 10 cell groups
6. 100 families in gec school
7. 100 families in bi-monthly all family church gathering / GEC
Add yourself to my daily prayer
Scripture verses to ponder
Here are some key Scripture verses to ponder on in regards to my 2019 theme…
Matthew 4:19 (KJV) And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
John 4:36 (KJV) And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.
1 Corinthians 9:19 (KJV) For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
1 Thessalonians 2:19 (KJV) For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
James 5:20 (KJV) Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Many reasons this Proverbs 11:30 is so personal
And again, one of my favorite verses…one of the many reasons this Proverbs 11:30 is so personal to me is…well, personal…when it’s just you and me, I’ll share the story with you, deal? By the way, if you’re in Boulder, Colorado get in touch with me and we’ll have coffee and visit about what the Lord is doing. Jesus is always a great conversational topic! :)
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
You know, if you take some time with the Holy Ghost, they’re seven key topics in this verse of Proverbs 11:30. I’ve taken hours and hours in prayer and mediation just in this tiny verse. So much is written here…however, it takes time spent with the Lord by the power of the Holy Ghost to unravel this seemingly simple straight forward verse.
God is a good God
Now, my heart shares a simple poem to you, my reader…
God is a good God
Goodness is God’s nature
God is overflowing with goodness
Goodness is for you
God desires to give you goodness
Goodness is one of God’s fruit
God loves you
God is good
In the Lord’s eternal service,
Two services I use to help support the ministry
If you would like to pledge to a brand new missionary type of church, that is being built by creating cell groups, then please use this service to give and support the work. (JC membership link) The idea is to have accountability and transparency regarding finances. Thank you for your faith.
This is a simple and effective service to hold my prayer list of people whom I’m talking with for salvation, ministry and in creating cell groups. (JC commission link) The idea is that after witnessing with a gospel tract, I stay in contact for follow up and daily prayer. God bless you.
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
Let me ask you a question… if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven? The answer is either yes or no, that’s it.
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here for more information.
As I wrote this post I couldn’t stop worshipping the Lord. I had to stop several times because I began crying. I love Jesus with everything I am. If you my friend, that I meet or have not yet meet, please deeply consider your life and more specifically life after death…there is absolutely an eternity after life on earth. The question is: will you spend eternity in heaven? OR will you spend eternity in the lake of fire? Sorry to ask so bluntly, but it’s an important life question. If you need prayer, contact me.