“Touching People For Heaven”
“Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado believes the word of truth, as it is written in the Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version.”
KJV is the Bible for this church.
“The words of the LORD are pure words… Every word of God is pure… thy word is truth…”
Psalm 12. Proverbs 30. John 17. —KJV.
I write a semi-daily diary, log, or thoughts on the building of GEC here Calendar News 2021.
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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DECEMBER 31 — FRIDAY 2021. Written 10:32 AM Friday.
We all do our part in the body of Christ. Let’s all see where we are in his body and then ask his Spirit to teach us how to live and have our life in this calling upon our life. We can not do it on our own ability… don’t listen to the world when the say, “You can do it!”
You can only do it in the Holy Spirit of God. That is it… in this way, God receives all the glory! Which is what we all want… we should all desire to glorify God in our life.
This new year coming up is a new season. Every season has good times and bad times… and everything in between. A wise idea is to use Psalm 24 in the good times and then Psalm 23 in the bad times.
The other thing that should be said is let’s increase our prayer life this year… by doing this, our thoughts will be on God and not on the world.
Thank you my friend for everything… what a great joy you are! AMEN.
GEC—Calendar News 2022 is here, now.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 28 — TUESDAY 2021. Written 9:31 AM Tuesday.
“(NO STREET MINISTRY BY ME TODAY. STILL NEED HEALING. TAKING THE REST OF THIS WEEK TO HELP THIS BODY. THANKS!) Even though I’m not on the street with my banner… I’m am at home working many hours on ministry related material and things that absolutely need to be accomplished and readied and prepared for this upcoming new season of 2022. Lot’s of wonderful plans for the new season… BREAK THROUGH—OVERCOME is going to happen, no doubt about it! Trust in Almighty God: EVERY DAY! Tuesday ministry? Waiting on the Lord throughout this week… this is the final week of healing from abdomen surgery.”
As you may know, I went out on the “LAST SUNDAY of 2021” to minister at our usual Sunday location at 28th & Pearl… George came out and joined me for over and hour: and I prayed with 2 wonderful people, donated to 3 people, handed out 4 gospel tracts, talked with about 20 people, and probably had well over 60 people read my sign “Give Jesus A Call!” Sunday turned out to be about 3 1/2 hours of non-stop ministry… this street ministry is the greatest thing I’ve done in my 48 years of serving the Lord Jesus Christ! I can’t even describe all the activity, physical and spiritual, that takes place at these preaching locations the Holy Ghost has the banner placed.
I so want to thank ALL the people who keep this ministry and church in their prayers… I hear from a multitude of people who tell me that they are praying to God for us! In the beginning I just thought that was nice… but now, I see it as a MOST VITAL part of our ministry… yes, I’ve always have known that our prayers precede the preaching and ministering of the word of truth. However, something seems to have changed… in regards to the power and faith being demonstrated in people’s prayers. THANK YOU Thank You thank you!
Have a safe day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 26 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 8:58 AM Sunday.
In just a little while I’m going to get ready to head out to my Sunday location to minister for the first time since the abdomen surgery… I’m still in healing mode, but I’ve asked the Lord if I could go out for at least a couple hours. And thus I shall be there shortly… I’m looking at 11:00 am to 1:00 pm or maybe longer… I tried going out a couple times last week and fully exhausted myself and had to go to bed when I got home. Therefore, today, I want to be wiser! Good idea, right?
This past week, Satan tried to steal something from me… I’m not sure exactly what it was… but the Holy Spirit quickened me about this, I still don’t know what it was… however, shortly after this, the Lord said that he wants me to “Double Everything in 2022”… the implication was, if I was willing to do this… of course, I said yes!
I’m now in Psalm 37:5, which is the verse we use to commit back to God what desires he has given us. In clarifying this “Double Everything in 2022”… I took this serious and updated the 2022 results sheet on the website, and whenever I was unable to double the action, then I am to “double the quality”… this is fascinating to me, because it seems to give me strength and courage and boldness to serve Almighty God even more than the last two years.
“Double Everything in 2022” is this possible someone may say? Well, from my point of view… I believe it is. How? I don’t know myself.. however, I know the one who knows how to get the job done! I trust fully in my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a great day my friend!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 22 — WEDNESDAY 2021. Written 10:46 AM Thursday.
This was the underlining message title to this street message that I did on Tuesday December 22, 2021, after my post-operation surgery appointment. This is a message we all should watch and listen to… often!
—Preacher John.
I referenced the street sermon/message I spoke on this day that I finished my follow up appointment with Dr. Marthaller here at Boulder Community Health—Foothills Hospital. I’ll place a direct link here so if you are interested to taking a gander at the video… here is the link to our…
YouTube channel video on December 22, 2021 “Let’s Talk About Sheep!”
We all know that Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd! He calls us his sheep… we are called his because he said that we entered in the door, and Jesus said, he is the door. I sure hope you take the time to grab a coffee or tea and sit down for a rest and view and listen to this message. There are many bits and pieces throughout the message that really surprised me as I too watched the show this morning. I see that the Holy Ghost is truly moving here at Boulder and at Gospel Evangelist Church.
If for some reason, you are currenly not in a church family and have been asking the Lord about this… then give GEC an opportunity to minister to you. We just never really know for sure what the Holy Ghost has planned… we follow by faith! Amen.
As far as my healing is going, I am healing up nicely as the doctor said. My body is gaining more strength and healing the parts that were repaired. What a miracle we live in… the body is truly the work of the Creator!
God bless… hope you have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 20 — MONDAY 2021. Written 11:14 PM Monday.
We never doubt the word of truth. Faith is what pleases our heavenly Father… not doubt. That’s Hebrews 11:6, King James Bible.
By faith, we can say a lot of things that may seem to our brain, as foolish. For example, one day as I was sitting at my desk in my new home back in Redding, California… I pointed out the window by my desk and said, “Lord, I would like a palm tree right there.” (… pointing to the location that I wanted the palm!) Okay, is that foolish to the brain? Of course! However, I said this by faith, believing that this is actually what would happen! I actually saw it in the spirit, a type of vision. This is Psalm 37:4 and then 5 in the King James Bible.
It took two years of believing that I would receive (this is Mark 11:24, KJV) this palm tree. One day, as I was sitting at my desk, and pointing out the window, confessing my faith… I looked… I saw something in the ivy growing right where I was pointing… I ran outside… I moved the ivy back… and there it was… a brand new palm tree about 7 inches tall and growing, under the tall ivy along the walk way!!!
Did you see it? The palm began to grow the day I confessed my faith for this palm tree. It was growing, palms grow very slowly, hidden from view due to the tall ivy that grows along the pathway by my house. Now, do you get it? The moment we speak by faith, it begins!
This palm tree grew to about 10 feet tall and stately before I was moved to Boulder to build Gospel Evangelist Church. Do I believe in faith? Totally!
God bless you my friend as you too grow in faith in our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! AMEN.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 19 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 12:23 PM Sunday.
Life is slow at times and then life is fast at times. Knowing where we are in our timeline of life helps in our prayer life, our fellowship with the Lord, and helps us in maintaining a balance in our life. Knowing that our eyes are upon the Lord Jesus Christ we can have faith that all things work out, somehow, for us who love Christ with all our heart!
This love of Christ is so important in our life that there are many things in life that attempt to snare us into the evil side of life. Always be mindful of the devices of Satan. Continually use the keys of the kingdom that Jesus gave us. Be always alert, watch and pray. Hear our mouth as we speak, guard the mouth and let no vile thing come across our lips.
Life is in accordance to the will of God. Almighty God is the Creator, and all of this is his… not ours. Yes, I realize that we inherit through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. However, that may be for a later time, as per scripture.
Be blessed my friend, for God is bountiful in all his works!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 15 — WEDNESDAY 2021. Written 11:51 AM Wednesday.
I can hear someone say, does the knowledge of evil come from God too? The answer is in the Holy Bible… God is the Creator of evil and of good. This provides all, angles and man, to make a clear decision of two choices. Choose evil or choose good. In this choosing, God sees who loves him no matter what, and at any and all costs they will love God with everything they are, no reservations of any kind. Almighty God is their one and only God!
Angeles had this choice to make. Man has NOW… this choice to make. I urge you my fellow man, male and female, make the choice to live… by faith through the precious shed blood of Christ on the cross. Receive your salvation by calling out to Jesus to save you. Every man, male and female, on planet earth must make the choice. No choice is an automatic choice against God and thus the consequences will be hell, then judgement, and then onto the lake of fire and brimstone for all eternity… never ever to be repealed… make the choice now… then go ask everyone you know, do they know Jesus Christ as their Saviour; are they saved? Make this act of evangelizing and soulwinning the top highest priority in your life today… and… everyday for the rest of your life! This is a huge decision on your part, and one that will be highly rewarded.
God bless you my good friend!
Also, my healing is coming along nicely. I hope to be back on the streets by Sunday December 26, 2021, God willing!
I love you very much. Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 5 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 11:54 AM Sunday.
On Friday December 3, 2021 I was operated on to repair some torn muscles in my abdomen. The recovery and healing is to take about 3 or 4 weeks. This places me back on the street about Sunday December 26th… or maybe Sunday January 2nd. Sunday is my first day of the week that I begin my work each week. I work six days a week and take the seventh off as a sabbath rest in the Lord Jesus Christ… PLEASE NOTE: This is only due to the Holy Ghost directing me to take this day of the Sabbath. This happened on Friday May 5, 2017 on my first week in Boulder, Colorado to build Gospel Evangelist Church. This is NOT law anymore. Jesus said the law was finished. We now rest daily in the Lord, the Lamb of God. Everyday now is unto the Lord… not just one day! We now give every day of the week! Which is what I do.
However, if I didn’t take Saturday off… I would most likely work seven days a week! NOT GOOD… that would spell “Burn-Out”… if you know what I mean.
Thank you again my friend for all your help and giving and support for this street ministry and missionary church.
And thank you for SUBSCRIBING to our YouTube® channel, along with VIEWING THROUGH THE VIDEOS that you may watch, and thank you for any COMMENTS and SHARING OF THE VIDEO… any and all activity on the channel tells the YT Algorithm to push these videos out to a wider audience… NOW GET THIS… EVERY VIDEO HAS “JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.” ON THE THUMBNAIL… even if no one clicks on the thumbnail, they get a witness of Christ in their life! Isn’t that cool?
God bless and please have a wonderful day in our beautiful KING JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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DECEMBER 2 — THURSDAY 2021. Written 1:10 PM Thursday.
However, we are here now in a new month and treking along to the next year of 2022. There are still many things that has to be accomplished in this missionary church and street ministry in regards to being fully ready for this next year 2022. I’m working the best I know how to finish up this year in honouring the Lord Jesus Christ.
What I really want to say here is… “THANK YOU TO EVERY SOUL WHO IS IN ANY WAY APART OF THIS MINISTRY!!” I love everyone of you… thank you for giving your life to the Lord Jesus, and for serving Jesus in all kinds of situations. The kingdom of God is at hand and we are the Lord’s servants out in the Lord’s harvest… YES! The fields are white for harvest! Praise Almighty God for ever and ever!
Tomorrow, Friday December 3, 7:30 AM, I head into the Foothills Hospital here in Boulder to get my abdomen fixed up. I thing I’m going to feel a million times better after this surgery or operation or whatever this is. In any case, the Lord Jesus Christ is my healer… and he uses all kinds of people to accomplish his will on earth. Isn’t that wonderful?
Thank you again my friend for serving and loving our great KING!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
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I write, from my calendar of events, a semi-daily diary of the building of GEC, here on this page, called Calendar News 2021.
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
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NOVEMBER 29 — MONDAY 2021. Written 8:21 AM Monday.
—Matthew 18:20, KJV.
I am excited to see this miracle in real time and be able to include so many other people in this miracle. In the past, in my ministry, it was mostly about me and God… however now, due to the “Building of a new missionary Church!” God is including many others who are willing and obedient to serve Almighty God with all their heart and soul and strength! I love every single person in our church and all who have EVER come to Gospel Evangelist Church! Each and every person is VERY IMPORTANT and I am totally thankful for ALL the wonderful saints of God that the Lord has placed in my life! What a huge and beautiful blessing to have lover’s of God in my life! Thank you! 😀
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 27 — SATURDAY 2021. Written 12:52 AM Saturday.
This week, if you remember, the Lord asked me many months ago to begin believing for “15 more steel stackable chairs for our church”, if I believe for the chairs, he will bring in the people. In the beginning I thought this was very difficult for me, because I don’t sow chairs… I sow people. Sow is used in terms of sowing seed to reap a harvest. I thought it would be easy for me to believe for 15 more people in church. But God said, believe for 15 chairs!
Well, Wednesday morning I got a text from a friend of the church and I was told that they had 23 steel stackable chairs for church!!! This is a free donation gift to our church… however, I still need to keep believing, because the chairs are about 100 miles away in Colorado Springs. The idea here on why I am sharing this is, we don’t lay down our faith and quit when there is an obstacle between us and the miracle. We must continue believing all the way to the end. This is also how we keep in the Lord Jesus, loving and serving, all the days of our life… to the end!
Another miracle… I was praying about the doctor’s bill for this upcoming surgery, and was quickened to email a friend of our church and just share a happy thanksgiving wish to our friend. I received an email back stating they would be happy to help cover the co-pay required by my insurance company! Isn’t that a miracle!!! I did NOT ask for this… it was freely offered! Praise Almighty God!
Can you see that God truly does care for his church? We must fully understand that JESUS paid the FULL price for everything we need, now and in the future… being eternity. Everything is FINISHED in JESUS. The most difficult thing for all of us is to BELIEVE. This is what Jesus taught and told the people as he ministered. Believe. We can reference one of a multitude of scriptures, such as Mark 11:24. This is one that I use most often, and has produced great and marvelous miracles in my life and ministry. Praise God Almighty!
There are several more miracles that I have not written here, but will detail them as time goes on, plus the many more miracles that I am expecting…I love JESUS!!!
God bless you my dear friend! I love you very much. And thank you for being apart of this ministry. In Jesus name. Amen!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 23 — TUESDAY 2021. Written 11:22 AM Tuesday. Greetings my friend! I just cancelled today’s banner preaching and ministry on my calendar. I feel sorry that I can’t seem to go out due to the pain in my abdomen and my leg pain due to a fall last Monday… it’s like a constant attack, and yes, it does feel spiritual and physical obviously. However, there appears to be a concentrated effort to subvert this street ministry, which is the ministry that is building Gospel Evangelist Church. As of today, there is only me who goes out onto the street every day to minister, with the desire and focus of building this new missionary church, GEC. Yes, I understand that people are busy?
What I do know is that I love this ministry and all that the Holy Ghost is doing through this street ministry. My hope is that this upcoming surgery which is long overdue, for sure… will be a point of gaining a greater strength in my body to continue onward. Strength is an important aspect to ministry… it is not just about how spiritual someone is. Physical ability in the realm of strength is also something the Spirit uses to do the work of ministry.
This is why Satan attacks our physical bodies so heavily. Not to think that our bodies are also important, is to be foolish. That’s a tough word. I too need to hear it. I also realize and know for a fact that God is able to keep our bodies in strength all the way through our life and our ministry. God is able… however, God is not required to do it. This is used by Satan to get people mad and angry at God. I think it’s more like a test to see if we will love God no matter what.
I love God. I prove my love nearly every day… or possibly every day, I think. For me, there is no greater love in my life… and this has gone on for nearly all my born again life. Somehow when the Lord saved me, I fell in love with God… and have never fallen out of love. It’s very difficult to explain. I hope you have an idea of what I’m attempting to say.
This page on this ministry website is for Calendar News in regards to the building of Gospel Evangelist Church. That is why I write the way I do on this page. This is not a place to teach the scriptures… it’s more like a diary, or a log book of sorts. This is why I don’t write here every day.
And whoever may be reading this right now, please understand that I am NOT talking or referencing any one person. I am talking in general, and at large, to the entire body of Christ, across all the churches in the regions of where the Holy Ghost has me banner preaching and ministering.
Also please note that I am absolutely committed to my ten year season of banner preaching and ministry. This covers from May 26, 2019 to May 27, 2029. I’ll be 75 at the end of this ten years… therefore, I hope that you can understand why I am talking so much about strength. This is also scriptural, many references are made to our strength.
Thank you my dear friend for reading this, for praying to God, for serving our wonderful Saviour, and for all the little and big things that you do for the kingdom of God. You truly are a saint of God! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 21 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 10:10 AM Monday. Good morning my friend! As the days of 2021 roll by, being consistently about the Lord’s work will surprise you at year end! This surprise happens in two ways… 1. Surprised at the huge numbers of people who got a great witness for Jesus Christ, and all the potential new souls saved from being an open witness for Christ. 2. Surprised at how little the activity has been this year and being so occupied with serving the world and all its demands, and spending little to no time sharing Christ, or witnessing for Christ, or even giving to the gospel ministries who are out spreading the word of God in all their world.
Yes, I realize this is rough talk… and sometimes we all need to be questioned of our activity and labour in the Lord’s harvest. Let’s get out there today and be a powerful witness for our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST! Amen.
Monday I’m at 30th and Baseline by Williams Village… about 12 noon to about 4 pm… this is a great location for a great witness of the gospel!
Thank you to ALL who give and serve the Lord Jesus and give unto his ministry… I love you very much.
Have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 18 — THURSDAY 2021. Written 9:20 AM Wednesday. Good morning my dear friend! These days are really something to me… it seems like each day is a battle for souls and for the gospel. Then while I’m doing my work in the Lord, somehow the adversary still gets in and does damage. I’m not certain how the devil is allowed to do what he does when we have prayed and taken authourity and resisted the devil, and then I still get hit by him. I’m looking forward to the Holy Spirit revealing the scriptures and methods the devil uses on us preachers. There is more to learn in the holy scriptures in regards to overcoming and breaking through, which is the season that this street ministry and missionary church is in. As it is written, we are well able to overcome it. Amen.
On Monday I fell and twisted my left leg, the one that was rebuilt, and could not go out or even walk very well. However, today, Thursday, the knee feels well enough to venture out and do some banner preaching and ministry.
Today, Thursday, I’m in Lafayette, Colorado… at South Boulder Road and US-287 by Starbucks. I ride the DASH bus, going to attempt to catch the 11:07 and if not then the 11:37. Not sure how long my leg will last, but I desire to serve as long as possible.
Thank you for any and all prayers.
Praying and fasting is so very important to the Lord Jesus. Amen.
I love you very much. Hope you have a great day in JESUS!
Bye bye.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 9 — TUESDAY 2021. Written 6:07 PM Tuesday. Good evening my friend! Today was so full of ministry that I just had to write something here… also on Sunday at 28th & Pearl St. that day turned out to be a major day of ministry too. This is the third day: Friday, Sunday,
This all comes from being consistent and persistent in ministry. Even when physical pain is present in the body, we still go out and minister… this is the scripture that pertains to us being weak… and then God being strong in us! In this manner of preaching and ministering, it becomes fully obvious that it is God who is doing the ministry and not us. This is so important… because we are given the opportunity to give all the glory to the Father. It’s a big deal with the Father, because he knows how difficult it is, because it requires our faith. And God rewards our faith. Isn’t that great?
Today was also my second doctor appointment in regards to this bubble in my abdomen. I meet with the surgeon today and he gave me lots of confidence and took most of my fear away of being cut open. Remember, I’m sort of old, and don’t keep up with modern medicine. Apparently, there is no need to slice me open to do the repair. He simply make three very tiny incisions and a robot and camera go in and do the repairs on my muscles and whatever else it does in there. Sounds fine to me!
However, now comes the problem. I will need to postpone this surgery until January. Why? Because, I made a mistake in selecting the proper insurance coverage a few years ago and need to change to another service to have this operation covered, probably $10-15,000.00 or so? Crazy world we live in!
Thank you for all your prayers and support and giving… to me these donations are a MIRACLE from God!!!!! God is having people give into this ministry field “good ground” and it is truly blessing the sowers. This is a miracle! It really is… I so desire that more people, who know this ministry, and the work the Holy Ghost is doing through this street ministry and missionary church, because blessings are coming out of this ministry! Wow! All glory to Almighty God!
Anyways, thank you for being apart of what God is doing with Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 5 — FRIDAY 2021. Written 1:27 PM Saturday. Greetings friend! Friday I was in Denver at 17th & Wykoop by Union Station. I worked from 12 noon to 5 pm and witnessed to somewhere around 2,000 people. Yes, I realize that sounds like a lot… however, remember, I am in a very busy location and it’s not that I talk to all the people. What I do is intercede in the Holy Ghost for every soul that passes me by. This is my partnership with the Spirit of God, I do the intercession, the Spirit does the touching people for heaven; or we could say the conviction in their spirit. All in all it was a fantastic day of banner preaching and ministry!
I really love serving the Lord in this street ministry. Through the work of this ministry, the church the Lord has called me to build, Gospel Evangelist Church — “Touching People For Heaven” is growing, or at least it is being talked about, because everyday I talk to people, GEC is mentioned to them. Praise the LORD!
This week I logged 20 hours in the street ministry. And 14,000 souls in the last 6 days. I work 6 days a week and take the seventh day to rest in the Lord. Yes, I know I am typing this message, but this is one of the things I do with the Lord. In a little bit, I will be sitting down at my desk to write the Sunday Prayer Letter, coming out tomorrow, Sunday the 7th. (my official 68th birthday!)
On this website I maintain a street preaching results page that logs all the important information for all to see. This ministry is visible to all, I hide nothing. If there is something that you would like to see or keep track of, please notify me and I’ll ask the Holy Spirit about it. Thanks!
Hope you have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 3 — WEDNESDAY 2021. Written 11:11 AM Thursday. Good morning my friend! Wednesday was a full day of ministry. I started about 9 am working and didn’t finish until 9:30 pm. Amazing how the Lord Jesus can keep us busy and the day seems like minutes instead of hours.
We will have break through and overcome because we are well able to overcome it. This takes great patience so that our faith will be strong and very courageous. By faith is how the walls of Jericho fell down. By faith is how we overcome and by faith is how we break through.
Gospel Evangelist Church will be built by faith. God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. We are “Touching People For Heaven” and the gates of hell will not prevail against us… because, Jesus said, that he will build his church. And that settles that!
Praise God for ever more! Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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NOVEMBER 1 — MONDAY 2021. Written 12:07 PM Tuesday. Good morning my friend! Starting a brand new month typically takes a few days to catch up and update to the new month. Thank you for your patience with me, I currently do all this administration by myself, along with all the work of ministry that takes place. So thanks for praying and having patience. God is good!
I’m sort of happy to be done with the month of October and onto this month of November. Last month was full and difficult in most areas of my life. I’m hoping this month may be a little bit easier on me? However, I live by faith, and sometimes faith is tested. In this, I just keep moving to the best I am able, and when I move by faith, it appears that God rewards our faith. Isn’t that wonderful!
Hopefully for you too my friend, November will be a good month. We always remember we live by faith not by sight. There is a fine line at times that separate the two… but as we’ve been teaching, we are well able to overcome it.
That’s good tidings… and good news from a far country… Boulder, Colorado. Hallelujah!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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I write, from my calendar of events, a semi-daily diary of the building of GEC, here on this page, called Calendar News 2021.
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
Opportunity | Supply. →
OCTOBER 29 — FRIDAY 2021. Written 3:42 PM Friday. Greetings my friend! Today is Friday and a rest and recovery day from my Trinidad, Colorado missionary trip. I put in a little over 21 hours on the street and talked with dozens, and probably interacted with around 200 people. Because the Holy Ghost had me at a very busy location I guesstimated around 6,000 people got a good solid witness for JESUS CHRIST! Wow, it was wonderful! And a very blessed time serving our great King! Amen!
The hard part was maintaining my physical abilities. I’m still really hurting in my back and abdomen. It hasn’t stopped… yet. I believe the Lord will take this incredible pain away shortly. But until then, I must keep moving, as best as I can. There are souls to be saved. My life is dedicated to serving our Saviour. Going to Trinidad was one more ministry that the Spirit of God used to touch people for heaven.
Also, this trip to Trinidad, Colorado completes two rounds about the state of Colorado. Two full and complete loops at the state line and what I see as the gateways into the state, and spiritually speaking: the ends of the cross which I see lays over the state of Colorado. I am just doing what the Boss has me doing. This is not my schedule nor calendar… everything that I am doing is Holy Ghost led, no doubt about it!
November will begin a couple new cities. Bringing the total to 13 cities in Colorado. I am called to the state of Colorado and the city of Boulder. This is why I move about the state with my banner preaching and ministry work. In this work, I am interceding for souls and doing spiritual battle at each of these locations. What exactly is happening… is in the hands of the Holy Ghost. I am simply doing what I have been directed to do… I do not add, nor take away from the calling of God on my life.
Thank you for praying for this missionary ministry and church. There are lots of very good things happening in the spirit and I think in the world in regards to witnessing and soulwinning and edifying believers to go to work in the harvest of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus is providing all our needs. It is truly a miracle to me to see the provision of the Lord manifested in real-time! To me it is a miracle!!!
God bless you and again… THANK YOU!
P.S. Just to recap… we are currently in the process of “Break Through and Overcome” and thus we are fasting and praying as the Holy Ghost directs us, or each of us individually. I personally am fasting my shaving, having this beard is difficult and very uncomfortable for me, and thus is a sign to God that I am serious about our break through and overcoming in our missionary church and in our street ministry. If you sense the Spirit leading you to join us in fasting and prayer for break through and overcoming, then please don’t hesitate… there are souls on the line. We are currently living in an extremely difficult season on earth, and one that requires more than before. To clarify, study the history of Jericho in the holy bible, King James Version. God bless!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 25 — MONDAY 2021. Written 7:53 AM Tuesday. Good morning my friend! Monday was my first full day of street ministry here in Trinidad, Colorado. There was so many people that interacted with me and the banner… and the upheld bible, it got very windy. Lots of decesions for Jesus and against Jesus… normal activity for sure.
Thank you for your prayers and support and fasting and intercession for this street ministry and missionary church. God is building Gospel Evangelist Church. Let’s all stay with Jesus and work together, where ever you may be and what ever service the Lord has you performing. All is being accounted for… we will reap if we faint not. Be strong. Be courageous.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 19 — TUESDAY 2021. Written 9:28 AM Wednesday. Good morning my friend! Tuesday was an unusual day of ministry. It started off being a witness in the doctors office to the staff and nurses and to the doctor. It was an odd reception, but not a bad one, actually quite a good one. I hope that the seeds that were planted take hold and grow into salvation for their soul. Thank you Holy Spirit for all you are doing. Hallelujah!
Then Monday was a day of ministry that seemed to be filled with outstanding ministry by the Spirit of God. It was as if I was watching a theater play and the Spirit was the main actor… this doesn’t diminish the Holy Spirit of Almighty God… it is the Spirit of God that seals the believer when they receive Christ as Saviour. I love this ministry!
Anyways, just wanted to post some updates on the news calendar page. Lots of things are going on in the spirit… no doubt about it. God bless you!
Hope you have a great day in JESUS!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 17 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 9:51 AM Monday. Good morning my friend! This entry is about Sunday’s ministry at the location/corner of 28th and Pearl Street by the Target store. Each Sunday seems to be different from every other day of the week. I’m out on the street ministering Sunday through Friday, and Sunday appears to be consistent in a certain spirit.
From my point of view, I truly need to keep myself in check. Sunday is the easiest day for me to become angry at believers for the lack of dedication to the service of God. However, I have gotten much better and am living Sunday’s in a more peaceful manner, sort of? I always must keep in mind, my expectation is ON God, NOT on people. My videos often come across as sharp and blunt towards believers… normally this is on Sunday’s message.
What helps me in staying in peace is keeping the thought in my mind, that the believers are ALL at church worshiping God and working and serving in their church home. My hope is that this scenario is correct. So while I’m on the street for the 5 to 7 hours, I just ignore the image of seeing the believers playing with the world. And keep in my mind the image of the believers doing ministry.
Why do I think this is so utterly important? Well, let me ask this question, What season are we currently living in? Is it one of peace? Is it one of turmoil? Or, Is it a season that the antichrist is moving across the land?
If peace: then play!
If turmoil: then pray!
If antichrist: then go to work in the field!
Thank you to all who put up with my manner of ministry. It’s not the smoothest and easiest to be around. Truly, thank you!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 12 — TUESDAY 2021. Written 9:52 AM Wednesday. Good morning my good friend! I hope this note finds you well and healthy and healed of ALL infirmities, in Jesus name. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Go and search the scriptures for yourself, renew your mind to the pure word of God, such as here in Isaiah 53:5 Authorized King James Bible.
Do you see it? “…and with his stripes we are healed.” The holy scripture plainly and clearly tells us, “we are healed.” This is one of the many works that Christ did for us on his cross. However, this is ONLY for the believer. Take a look at Mark 16:15-20 KJV. If you do not believe in the healing grace of Christ, then by your faith, you are not healed. Then God uses a different method to help you.
Why would God go a different direction to help the sick? Because our God is a good God. Our God loves you! Go over to John 3:16 KJV and read this slowly and then the verses above and below it. God really truly loves you! And we know that because God went to the cross and shed his blood and died and rose from the dead on the third day and then a little later ascended back to heaven… ALL FOR YOU! Believe it my friend.
Abundant blessing to you and your family this day… and every day. In our Saviour’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 10 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 10:47 AM Monday. Good morning my good friend! Well, we have finally gotten into the next season or what I am now calling “BREAKTHROUGH”. As Caleb said so very well, as recorded in Numbers 13:30, “…we are well able to overcome it.” His partner in the recon mission was Joshua and he too agreed that they as a nation were well able to overcome the tremendous obstacles that Satan had placed before the nation of Israel.
We too as a missionary church and a street ministry are well able to overcome what the enemy has erected directly in front of us. Satan’s plan is to completely stop the building of this new missionary church and most definitely bring to a complete halt the enormous work that Preacher John Choque is doing out on the streets and lanes of Boulder and Colorado.
However, we are believers in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We are filled with the HOLY GHOST and with the power of the Holy Ghost, bringing all glory to Almighty God, our heavenly Father. All in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 8 — FRIDAY 2021. Written 12:49 PM Friday. Good morning my friend! There seems to be times in our life that quite frankly, make no sense at all! However, in these uncertain times, our trust in Almighty God is paramount. There are no other choices or selections that, as a believer, we are able to choose. Now understand, that each of us have a free will… meaning that you and I are free by creation to select and choose any thing or any one and even… any god to serve and worship. Is this hard for you to see and grasp? My friend, we are created in the image and likeness of God. We, like God, (GOD IS NOT A CREATED BEING!!! WE ARE AND SO ARE ANGELS!) have the created ability to create, and to create requires free choices. This is what makes salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ so very very special! I have many times called salvation, “a miracle!” This may be one more reason why I become angry at ministers who say that there are no miracles. How sad is that? Then when I tell them that becoming a new creature in Christ is a MIRACLE!! Then they say to me, will of course. Do you see it? As ministers, we can not select what to believe of God’s word. The word of truth is for us, to serve with wisdom and with understanding and with knowledge. This is all contained in the Holy Scriptures.
Today, 3rd Friday of the Month, is normally my day I travel to Golden, Colorado. However, I am still in recovery from influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Day 15 is today. This has been extremely rough on me. But my trust in the LORD is greater today than two weeks ago. How about that?
When I return to the streets, I see that things will be a little bit different. I am believing for “BREAKTHROUGH” and to accomplish this, I have entered into a long fast and petitioning of the Lord for this breakthrough for Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado.
Building a new missionary church is not like building a business, or a career, or even building a life. Yes, there are similarities… however, mostly the underpinning of a ministry is the minister’s relationship with God. This is developed through prayer. No prayer. No ministry. If you see a minister that doesn’t pray, but still has a ministry, this is because of their own spirit, NOT the Spirit of God. It’s very dangerous in the ministry, because many Christians cannot tell the difference. But some can.
God bless you my dear friend. I love you very much. I really do…
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 6 — WEDNESDAY 2021. Written 2:24 PM Wednesday. Good morning my friend! This text right below here is what I just typed into my calendar on Oct 18, Mon. I felt like I wanted to place it here also in the calendar news. God bless you my dear friend! I love you very much, I really do!
October begins a new reshuffling of locations and a reduced number of corners, with one more added city; Superior. Still need to add Louisville and Broomfield. These two are still in prayer. This year 2022 coming up will be this new schedule, with a 6-week rotation of locations, for a total of 33 preaching locations, and a quarterly-schedule for the state line locations (rather than the 5th Friday-which is now shifting due to calendar days.) State line is the last week in January, April, July, October 2022. Friday’s are still Denver, Golden, Nederland, Longmont. Each six weeks begin a new round of corners. My hours are still 12 noon to 5 pm (however, I am still battling this bubble in the lower abdomen – until healed of this, hours are 12-3pm…(of course as you know, I am currently battling through influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia… this is why I’ve been out of commission for 14 days now). Even Sunday and Friday are 10-3pm (approx.) instead of 10 am to 5 pm.
My life is in God’s hands, and I have fully committed to the Lord the next ten years, May 2019 to May 2029 with 10,000 hours on the street. I may have to increase my time to get the 10,000 hours. I’ve done this before. This is all by the will of God… NOT by my will, no way! Thank you for partnering with this ministry and helping to supply (as we all know, what we hold dear to our heart is where we put our hard earned cash money… this is why God called the problem, “the love of money” NOT money, alone.)
So, with what the Lord Jesus Christ is supplying… together we will accomplish touching ten million people for heaven with this banner preaching and ministry, along with all the ministries connected to this missionary outreach. The lifetime vision is to see one million people in heaven from our lifestyle as ministers, that is 1,000,000 names written in the book of life! In Jesus name. Amen, and Amen.
I so hope that through your prayers and intercession, that the Holy Ghost will reveal this lifetime vision to your heart. Once you see it… it will alter your life and provide a drive and passion to see the lost saved. This could be one more reason why the enemy is attempting stop the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ at Boulder and Colorado. God bless you my friend!
To Recap: 6-week rotation, 11 cities, 23 Boulder locations, 4 outline cities, 2 more cities, 4 state line cities, about 22 hours per week for over 1,000 hours for the year and 1,000,000 people passing by the banner. If there is not enough hours to accomplish the people number, then I’ll increase the hours to hit the one million (this is calculated on the average of 1,000 people per hour (60,000 minutes at 15-20 per minute, this is at busy locations, I’ve calculated these numbers many times-coming up with a guess-timation of what I use for my street preaching results that you see on that page of results.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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OCTOBER 3 — SUNDAY 2021. Written 1:18 PM Sunday. Good morning my friends! This is day 11 of this flu, bronchitis, pneumonia or whatever thing it is. Yesterday, Saturday I think I began recovery. And now today, the recovery seems real. All be it, very slow at the moment. I have decided to go into “breakthrough” mode… I am making a concentrated effort to have breakthrough for this church and ministry. It appears that Satan has brought in more devils to combat whatever the Holy Ghost is doing with this street ministry and missionary church. The onslaught was clearly seen by me, and others who are apart of intercession. This is when I got the attack in my abdomen. And then recently this flu thing. There is more going on than meets the physical eye. Breakthrough intercession takes a very long time, normally. With breakthrough, normally there is an outward sign that lets God know how serious you are. This usually takes some form of fasting. For me, I have fasted all kinds of things. I also have been involved with breakthrough on many many occasions. Mainly due to my unusual ministry; I have needed more breakthrough than the typical ministry. The reason is probably relating to the ministry that does spiritual warfare. Most ministries and Christians don’t really get involved with spiritual warfare. It’s just the way it is. So anyways, we will continue on this course that has been set by the Holy Ghost. I am fully committed to completing the task the Spirit has placed me in. ONLY by HOLY GHOST POWER am I able to do anything. My complete an utter dependence is on the Holy Ghost. The power of the LORD is what we all need in this season on earth. Yes.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. And thank you for showing your faith.
Opportunity | Supply. →
SEPTEMBER 26, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 6:33 AM, Sunday. Good morning my friend. Well as I have said so often, there are good times and there are bad times, or seasons. It appears that I have entered into a very trying time… with the health climate like it is around the world, having the flu becomes not just a physical challenge, but ALSO a mental challenge… this is due to the fear proprogated on every channel in society, it’s like impossible to get away from it. I’ve had the flu in the past, but just dealt with the physical problems, and every time came out just fine.
However, this time is feels “physical-emotional” that this flu is different… however, understand that the symptoms are IDENTICAL to what I’ve had in the past. ( I’ve never taken seasonal flu shots. ) I just take care of myself the best possible way in accordance with my income. More income would provide more health benefits, this has always been the challenge… I’ve been a low income labourer all my life, nearly 50 years of working for a paycheck… mostly miniumum wage. But because I’m a hard worker, working 80 hours a week, my income reflects similarly.
I suppose that is the challenge that I am going through right now as a fulltime preacher and minister of the Lord. I’m still putting in huge hours of labour, around 50-60 hours weekly. My income is very low… the good part is decades ago, I’ve built the habit of tithing and giving offerings… this has been the best decision of my financial life. And it still is! Hands down, tithing, the giving to God of a tenth of gross income so that there will be meat in God’s house, is by far the very very best thing for me, in conjunction with my consistent preaching over the decades. Along with staying somewhat focused on my life vision that I received when I was about 8 or 9 years of age. This lifetime vision is burned into my spirit… it’s apart of my life.
So, I just want to say thank you for all the givers and tithers and ministers that frequent Gospel Evangelist Church. I so pray that the Holy Ghost teaches each person everything they need in order to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. This is a major blessing to me as a minister of the gospel of Christ.
Nearly every thing I do in ministry is about teaching how to minister, how to preach, and how to serve the Lord. Some receive this, others do not receive it, over the many years. This means nothing to me, because the Lord Jesus is the Lord of the harvest… not preacher John. And that is good news to me!
Until I am fully recovered from these symptoms of influensa, I will stay quarantined, the sick are to be quarantined not the healthy, in my home, doing what I am able to do in moving the ministry forward, as planned, and as led by the Holy Ghost, which is our Comforter!
Abundant blessing of grace and mercy be upon you and your household, In Jesus name. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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SEPTEMBER 21, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 11:15 AM, Wednesday. Good morning my good friend! Have you noticed that when you begin reaching out to people to witness Jesus Christ to them, that there are things that seem to go wrong in other areas of your life??? It’s a long question!
This is the work of our enemy. Satan has enormous outreach throughout the world, and in every strata of life. Wherever you may be right now, who is reading this currently… our enemy has you covered, and selected to fulfill John 10:10/B.
Now, this statement is not for the believer who is virtually nonexistent in service to our King. The Lord Jesus Christ knows whose are his. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that he shall also reap. I think this is Galatians 6:7, KJV.
Also, the enemy is not currently surrounding you, if you are doing nothing with your salvation. Why? Because the tempter has already conquered you. Why? Because you are doing nothing for the kingdom of God. And that is exactly where the devil wants you. Sad, I know. But you can change this…. today, right now! If you want to.
What God wants, is of no relevance to you. Why? Because you have a free will, the ability to make choices and decisions outside of God. We are made and created in the image and likeness of God. No one controls God. Therefore, no one can control you.
Stop. Look. Listen.
The Spirit of God is talking to you, my good friend.
I love you very much.
Hope to see you out on the field!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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SEPTEMBER 19, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:07 AM, Monday. Good morning my good friend! Sunday was a very nice day, as it goes for the city of Boulder. Only a few people in the beginning of the day that was normal, then it got quite for the day.
Once again, I’m reducing my street ministry hours to accommodate my healing. The stress of banner preaching and ministry is messing with my intestines, because in my body, for some reason, I feel the stress of ministry in my lower intestinal tract. This has caused a temporary swelling on my left side. I have prayed. I believe in healing. I believe that I receive when I pray. I can already witness my healing taking place. However, soon I will go to the doctor for a through exam and their diagnoses. I’m not worried. But, this is important. We all need to take care of our body. Amen? And thank you all for your prayers to the Father, in our Saviour’s name, Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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SEPTEMBER 16, THURSDAY, 2021. Written 10:02 AM, Thursday. Good morning! Thank you for being here my friend. There are so many wonderful souls who are faithful to God and for praying for this ministry. From my heart, I truly want to say “thank you” for your giving of your time and thoughts and care for this street ministry and missionary church. Building and ministering in this certain city, Boulder, Colorado; is not the easiest, spiritually speaking. It’s easy to get around and to converse with people. However, there seems to me, to be an obvious satanic presence over this certain city.
Therefore, Holy Ghost intercession is of the utmost importance in building a pure and true ministry of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Yes, ministries are being built today, however, what I currently see is ministries focused on things that may not be fully Holy Spirit led? This is ONLY my opinion, NOT from GOD. All blame goes on me for my view of Boulder churches and ministries. Also, this statement is coming from about 2,350 hours of street ministry and banner preaching in the last 28 months, with about 2,000,000 people passing by my gospel banner.
This type of ministry work provides a unique or peculiar perspective rather than from a church building. It’s simply two different points-of-view. One or the other is not correct or right; it’s just the way the view presents itself. That’s all.
The following upper case text is from today’s calendar entry and cancellation of today’s event…
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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SEPTEMBER 14, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 10:02 AM, Wednesday. The below text is what I have written on the Street Preaching Results In 2021 page on this website. I did this because Tuesday was an important day for Gospel Evangelist Church. Thank you my friend for being here! Now the text copied and pasted here…
3 of 5 | GRAND HARVEST 2019 — 2029 RUNNING TOTALS.
As of: Tuesday, 10:00 pm, September 14, 2021 — Month is: 28 of 120 — Year is: 3 of 10.
10 Year Season: Touching 10,000,000 People For Heaven — Began: Sunday, 3:00 PM, May 26, 2019 — Street Ministry Work 10,000 Hours — End: Sunday, 5:00 PM, May 27, 2029.
—Banner Preaching and Intercession total: 2,002,000 people touched for heaven
—Street Ministry Hours total: 2,347 hours of street preaching and ministry work
—(My Lifetime Vision) Book of Life total: 1,000,000 names written in the book of life
Our current mark or harvest that we press toward is that we may obtain 2,000,000 people touched for heaven. This appears to be a mark that the Holy Ghost desires for us to obtain for the foundation/unseen/underground part of our church. We also needed to reach 2,000 hours of street preaching. The hours have been obtained, still working for the people.
As of Tuesday September 14, 2021 we crossed over the 2,000,000 mark of people passing by the gospel banner. This has taken an extra 347 hours to complete due to world events. We can see that serving our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost, we are able to continue the work, even when times are not ideal. Let’s all continue serving in our calling from God. I love you all. Praise the LORD!
The Lord Jesus Christ is adding to his church daily such as should be saved. From these numbers of people and of labour, it appears to me that the Lord Jesus Christ is working with us, and confirming the word with signs following. From my point of view on the street, this street ministry and this missionary church, by the grace of God, appears to be good ground and bearing good fruit.
This ten year vision is “Touching Ten Million People For Heaven”. With this vision and dream of touching 10,000,000 people, there is an opportunity to win one million 1,000,000 souls for heaven, whose names are in the book of life. Thank you Holy Ghost for all that you are doing with us. Heavenly Father, thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. In the name of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. “Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.”
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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SEPTEMBER 13, MONDAY, 2021. Written 9:51 AM, Tuesday. Good morning my friend! Sometimes life is different than expected… at times. Then on other occasions life seems to be better or even worse. In either case, no matter what is happening in your life, and life on earth at the moment; we must fully and completely trust in God.
Everything is God’s. Nothing is ours. Nothing is Satan’s. Nothing is the angels. All things are for God.
When we accepted this fact that everything belongs to God… then life seems to be seen through different eyes. The important thing is to have faith in God. To put your trust in God, through the Lord Jesus Christ… the Word of God. Jesus Christ is our everything! Through Jesus, we have eternal life and all things that comes with eternal life.
If you don’t know what will happen to you when you pass away… then the very best thing for you to do right now is, pray.
Pray to God. Ask Jesus to save you.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
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📧 …Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
✝️ …Street Preaching Videos — watch!
SEPTEMBER 10, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 7:01 PM, Friday. Good evening my friends! Today was the 2nd Friday of Month, which is Golden, Colorado! Got there right on time and worked right through the high heat and forest fire smoke… it was better today than yesterday. Lots and lots of people today. It seemed like the people just kept increasing and increasing as the day moved onward. I loved it! It was great seeing so many people, even when the weather was not ideal. But I too, was there with my big ole gospel banner, witnessing for our Saviour and Lord, JESUS CHRIST! What a joy the Lord provides to me… this is the most satisfying ministry activity that I have ever done in my 47 years of ministry!
My heart breaks though… so many many many multitudes could care less about JESUS. It is so utterly sad to me… there’s like nothing that I can do to stop them and get them to wake up to the TRUTH! However, I can’t let this get to me… because, I could get discouraged or maybe even depressed… therefore, I simply give my heart to everyone who comes by the banner.
There are many who lift me up throughout the day!!! It is truly a blessing when you meet a believer who is not ashamed of the gospel, or scared of people, or even frightened by a street minister… these believers display some boldness that edifies me and builds me up. It’s great! And I too, hope that my presence with a great witness for Christ, edifies them as well.
God is a good God!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 …Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 …Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
✝️ …Street Preaching Videos — watch!
SEPTEMBER 8, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 10:26 AM, Thursday. Another great big GOOD MORNING my friend! As we push through the opposition, which is our adversary, the power of God seems to appear to help us to move onward toward the high calling of God on our life.
Yes, I do fully realize that the enemy does things to us and our world around us that appears to have defeated us. But alas, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is our VICTOR! We have already won the battle! That is if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord… do you?
Yesterday’s Gospel Evangelist Church, “house church”, was filled with the victory in so many many areas of people’s lives! I myself was so filled with joy and a true feeling of overcoming! I love every single person who is involved with Gospel Evangelist… there is so much going on in the spirit, that to not get excited about what God is doing is sort of odd… but it’s okay. Many of us are along for the ride… and this ride is speeding up!
All Aboard!!!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 …Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 …Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
✝️ …Street Preaching Videos — watch!
SEPTEMBER 7, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 10:24 AM, Wednesday. Good morning my friend! It looks like I’m a little behind in updating my missionary ministry website. However, this does not mean that I’ve not been working hard for the Lord Jesus Christ. Every day I’ve been out on the street ministering and preaching the gospel of Christ to all who would listen.
Also, September could be a very big month. I’ve crossed over 2,300 hours on the street flying the gospel banner. And This month, Lord willing, I’ll cross the 2,000,000 mark for people who have passed by the banner. This is big because the Holy Ghost has directed me that this is the foundation of Gospel Evangelist Church… you see, we are a soul winning church and preach the pure word of God and holiness unto the Lord God Almighty.
Being all about winning souls for the kingdom of heaven is vitally important. Bringing in souls is a work that seems to be highly important to God. Therefore, it is with our church and ministry!
God is good and we are looking forward to watching and praying!
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 …Podcast Show Episodes — listen!
📧 …Sunday Prayer Letter© — read!
✝️ …Street Preaching Videos — watch!
THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen. Thank you.
Opportunity. →
TUESDAY AUGUST 24, 2021. Written 3:05 PM, Tuesday. In the morning I thought I’d be fine. However, in a short period of time I was not doing well. I’m believing for a healing in my intestines. I’m a little bit uneasy about it. My healing comes and goes it seems. This is not unusual. Search the scriptures on healing and see that there are many things that go on with healing. It ranges from instant healing to a long process. Why? I don’t know. I do know that healing takes faith. So may be the longer process is a faith building activity. Because for me, I seems like my faith is growing, not diminishing. Let the healing begin! Amen.
Due to this, I was overly tired and not in my usual strength. Therefore, I thought it best to be safe and cancel today’s banner preaching and ministry.
I still work at home on the ministry. There is so much to do. I get behind sometimes when I’m going out everyday to preach. But this banner preaching and intercession is what is building GEC. This is also why I have a ten year season or window of opportunity to build. So I am building because I know the season and time that I am living in. All this is not because of my knowledge… NO, it is fully the Holy Ghost! And if the Lord Jesus Christ comes before the end of the ten year season, then I’ll go with Jesus! Pretty simple to do.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 2021. Written 2:08 PM, Saturday. This week has been one filled with struggle from all ends. I think this week is not normal due to the huge student move-in. CU is rebuilding its momentum after the world wide struggle that has been going on and still is being dealt with. Let’s continue believing God for our healing and health and provision.
Friday I was in Nederland, Colorado. A great time of ministry! There was not as many people as has been in the last few months. I don’t know why. However, the message of JESUS CHRIST was still published and preached in the town.
Today is my rest in the Lord Jesus Christ, a type of Sabbath the Lord asked me to do over 4 years ago, and I’m still obeying this directive. It is not a law in the New Testament. If the Lord asked you to do something, then it’s best to do!
It looks like we will continue the teaching and preaching beginning from Revelation and then going back into the scriptures for confirming the word. Praise the LORD! Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
MONDAY AUGUST 16, 2021. Written 10:03 AM, Tuesday.
The following message below here is the text I placed on today’s date (Tuesday) in my calendar. I thought it would be good to place it here as well. I left it in all uppercase because that is what I do on the calendar to separate it from the rest on the text in the calendar. My preaching calendar is an important tool in this street ministry and missionary church. There seems to be a lot going on that is not easily seen. On the calendar though, people are able to interact with me, via text, email, phone, and physical visits at the corners. All this is bits and pieces of the building of Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. God bless you all today and tomorrow… if the Lord tarries. Amen.
Au revoir!
Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
FRIDAY AUGUST 13, 2021. Written 7:45 AM, Sunday. Good morning! As I write this, it is Sunday, and the day that I leave early to head out to the corner of 28th and Pearl Street by the Target store. This is a 7 hour day, 10 am to 5 pm, of banner preaching and ministry.
On Friday, I was in Golden, Colorado. Due to the smoke, I only ministered for 4 hours, 11 am to 3 pm. However, the ministry didn’t stop… I was able to pray for three more people and fellowship with my friend, Barry. What a great time of witnessing for Jesus Christ. Always being ready and able to minister at any moment is a mark of being led by the Spirit of God. What I mean is, all to often we are distracted by our physical needs and wants, and thus not thinking about the Spirit. This is just a heads up!
There are more and more people in Golden that are aware of the gospel banner and are beginning to agree with it. When I started in Golden, the common response was… Why? Do we really need that here? That is stupid?
These are typical responses from people who don’t understand the ministry of intercession. I may fly a tall gospel banner… however, I am interceding in the spirit, at the same time for the souls and the city. This is very important. We can find many examples in the holy scriptures about this type of ministry.
Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your help in all that you are doing for the kingdom of God. Everything you are doing is being recorded in heaven. Yes, it really is!
Au revoir!
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
AUGUST 11, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 11:29 AM, Thursday. Greetings my good friend! It seems that there is a true trend happening in Gospel Evangelist Church. Wednesday’s it appears that the Spirit of God is increasing in our house church. What I mean is that, the power the Lord is present for refreshing. It’s sort of like what is written in scripture, “…the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord…” —Acts 3:19, KJV. This to me is so very very important! As believers in the season of the world that we are in, we need this refreshing. There are many scriptures taking about refreshing. This is not a modern new age thing… no, it is for us now!
This is the first mention of the word ‘refresh’ in the word of God. “Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, my be refreshed.” —Exodus 23:12, King James Bible.
Thank you for all your prayers and support for this street ministry and missionary church. May the Lord Jesus Christ bring more abundant life into your life and the lives of your loved ones. Amen.
Au revoir!
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
AUGUST 8, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:17 AM, Monday. Good morning my good friends! This is Monday morning as I write this, because it’s to much for me to write a brief on Sunday, or the day of banner preaching and ministry. This is why I typically write a summary the day after, during the morning. Praise the Lord!
Sunday was very busy! We had about 7 or 8 maybe 9 people all ministering on Sunday! It was great and many people who drove by got a great witness for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This was the 2nd Sunday in a row that had numerous ministers helping. If we have a similar turn out next Sunday, this may begin an upward trend in street ministry for Gospel Evangelist Church. However, we all know that God is building this church and we are simple servants filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. We work only for God… NOT man.
The smoke from the wildfires are causing some problems, but it seems that people are still moving about. Thus, we are out in the streets and lanes of our city… preaching JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Saviour! Hallelujah!
Au revoir!
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
AUGUST 4, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:07 AM, Monday. Good morning! For some reason, the week long Burlington, Colorado preaching trip took more out of me than I first realized. My body is totally spent and weak. So I’m resting at home and working on the ministry areas. Like finishing up the email service, updating many of the website pages, finishing up the truth study notebook for the 2nd printing, editing a week of preaching videos, updating the podcast service, finishing up the preliminary plans for opening the church assembly, praying for our worship pastor and worship ministers, prayer for the people in our church, and prayer for the street ministry.
Monday, Tuesday, and now Wednesday today, I’ve been putting a dozen hours a day working, while resting quietly. Today, Wednesday is our house church… I’ll be on the 5:07 RTD bus 205 for the prayer service at 5:45 to 6:45. Then people begin showing up for service about 6:45. We’ll start about 7:00 and finish about 8:30. I’m looking forward to seeing what the Holy Ghost will be teaching. This is the highlight of our church… the Holy Ghost! Amen.
Au revoir!
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
AUGUST 1, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 12:06 PM, Monday. Greetings my friend! Another month has rolled into view… let’s make the most of what the Lord Jesus has provided for us. This month of August, God willing, might be one of the best months so far this year.
There are numerous things going on in our new missionary church that could prove to be extremely exciting! The Holy Ghost is moving in our midst! Whenever the Spirit of God is moving, great things occur… let’s all be ready to receive what the Spirit has for all of us.
One of the key areas to be alert to is, one accord. Being in unity and harmony and love for God and for people should produce more people being touched for heaven. As evangelists, we all witness and testify of the wonderful works of God in our life and in the lives of others. We always give all the glory to God the Father for what he is doing in our life. Amen.
Thank you for all your prayers and support for this new missionary church and street ministry. Lot’s of great things are happening in Boulder and Colorado. God bless!
Au revoir!
GOSPEL EVANGELIST CHURCH — “Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 GEC—Podcast Show Episodes. Listen.
📧 GEC—Sunday Prayer Letter. Subscribe.
✝️ GEC—Street Preaching Videos. View.
Thank You For Partnering With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen.
JULY 25, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 8:39 AM, Monday. Greetings my friend! This week has been filled with good ministry and rough going due to weather and something odd going on in the spirit. However, we push onward toward the high calling of God on our life. As ministers of the most high God, we know that we wrestle not against flesh, but spiritual wickedness. Therefore, we put on the whole armour of God, and praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit of God. Building up ourselves on our most faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Speaking with tongues of angels, a spiritual language, is a great and mighty tool we use in our soldiering. Pray often and pray without ceasing and again, pray.
Having a lifestyle of prayer is so very important in the last days, which we are in, and have been in for some time. Let’s continue in the faith through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Today, Monday I am off to Burlington, Colorado… the east gate to the state of Colorado. Thank you for any prayers and supplication for this ministry and the souls of Burlington. I’m waiting upon the Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Ghost, and giving all glory to God the Father. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — here.
JULY 18, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:40 AM, Monday. Greetings my friend! Wow, what a week it has been… as you can see, I’ve not updated the calendar news for a week. I work six days a week, and it’s actually closer to 6 1/2 days… I take Saturday morning till around 1 pm to be with the Lord Jesus, and from my fellowship with the Spirit, I sit down and write the Sunday Prayer Letter, and record the podcast episode for the letter. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! God is good!
It seems that each day I’m out on the street, more people are communicating with me, in for or another… and it’s all good, I love all the people, no matter what they decide or what they act like. Everything is to the glory of God. I don’t work for myself, NO. I work for Almighty God as just one of his multitude of faithful servants around the world.
When we serve the Lord Jesus Christ, let’s all remember that we are laying up in heaven a heavenly reward. We don’t work for the reward, it’s not the reason why we do what we do… we all serve out of love of the Father. God loves us with all his heart, sort of speak.
Gospel Evangelist Church is growing, and all by the banner, in some way. The gospel banner appears to be an important and intricale part of building GEC. The part that goes with the banner, that is critical for results, is spiritual intercession; praying in the Holy Ghost, for souls and for the land. This is what the Holy Ghost has directed us to do; to stand in the gap before the Lord and intercede in the Spirit on behalf of every soul that passes us by. We also intercede for the city of Boulder, and for the state of Colorado. Praise the LORD!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — here.
JULY 11, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:10 AM, Monday. Sunday was not the normal Boulder day for street ministry! Most of the people were friendly! Yes, I know that sounds odd. Before I got to my location/corner today, I had 4 people who said “Good Morning!” This is not normal, for Sunday, in Boulder. It may be normal in your city, but not here. I do all possible to be friendly and cordial to every person. Typically, it does not come back. I don’t know why. You would think that someone with a big smile, a happy face, and a pleasant greeting… would bring back a like response? Not on Sunday’s!
So, Sunday was a very great day of ministry and preaching and witnessing for Jesus Christ! Praise the LORD!
We even had a brand new street preacher join us for a couple hours. Kenneth from Ned, did wonderful!! The Holy Ghost was with him, and he preached a heart touching message out of the word of God. God bless you brother!
Thank you to every one who is apart of the building of Gospel Evangelist Church. God is doing something very unique and it looks like God is serious about this part of the body of Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — here.
JULY 7, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 11:06 AM, Thursday. Hallelujah! We praise the Lord Jesus Christ and for adding to his church daily such as should be saved. We can see in Acts 2:47 that Jesus added to the church. This is important to understand that the Lord Jesus Christ is building his church, we also see this reference in scripture.
It is very clear to me that Gospel Evangelist Church is one of the Lord’s churches that he is building. We also understand that “church” in scripture context, is the entire body of Christ: NOT just one certain church, NOR denomination, NOR organization, NOR group, NOR sect, NOR is it a “building made with man’s hands” God is building his church! This is a fact and a reality that we can see with our very eyes! This becomes a testimony that God is not dead, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is real. This fact also tells us, that even if people do not believe, this does not change the fact and reality of what God is doing in his creation.
Gospel Evangelist Church submits to the LORD JESUS CHRIST, through the power of his holy SPIRIT. We are servants of the most HIGH GOD. For as the scripture says, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Wednesday house church was filled with wonderful people! As a minister, this truly excites me to see so many great souls demonstrating their love for the Lord Jesus Christ. The people are going out into their world and preaching the gospel to any and all who will listen. The testimonies are edifying and comforting. If for some reason, you my friend are not serving the Lord right now, it just may be that the Holy Spirit is teaching you something that you may need a little later, when he sends you out. Simply stay in prayer and the word of truth, and when the timing and when you are ready, the Holy Ghost will move you out into the field.
I’m excited for you my friend! If you need anything, please contact us. We’ll see what the Lord will provide for you. God bless you my dear friend, in Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — here.
JULY 4, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:57 AM, Monday. July has started off with a bang! On July 1st I was at Valmont/Folsom… for some reason this day was filled with lots of rebukes and mocking, severally. However, I also received numberous thank you’s! This is not normal at this location. It has been a very productive location for witnessing. Not sure why? I just keep moving in serving the Lord Jesus.
Then Friday, the 1st Friday of Month is Denver. The rebukes and mocking continued in a severe fashion. One of the greatest things about lots of mockery is it brings attention to Jesus Christ. Because the Holy Ghost has helped me be a solid and consistent witness for Christ, there are many good things that come about for the kingdom of God. Praise the LORD!
Then for some reason, Sunday, July 4th was very busy and not normal for a holiday in Boulder. At least from my perspective on the street as a minister. The entire day proved to be fruitful in many aspects of ministry. God is truly moving in our midsts! God bless you my friend!! :)
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos — here.
Thank You For Partnering With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen.
JUNE 27, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:57 AM, Monday. Sunday was not a normal Sunday for Boulder, Colorado! One of the reasons could be that we added another method that caught lots attention. Namely, we held out in our hand a gospel tract, sort of like attempting to hand the tract to every person who drove by or walked by. For some reason, this stirred up lots of action. Now, this act of handing out tracts… holding them out for anyone to take if they would like one… we didn’t force any tracts on anyone, that’s not our church style, is not new… it’s just that we have never done it here out on the street corner. We always attempt to respect everyone’s right of freedom to move about unhindered.
Two brothers joined me today for ministry. Kenneth and Dami both were active in serving the Lord Jesus out on the street. Having three guys standing out on the corner also brought some attention to our ministry. As usual, we have our tall JESUS CHRIST gospel banner up lifted for all to see and read and comment on… comment on, I laugh, because we most definetly receive comments!
Thank you for all the support and care for “building a new missionary church.” God is doing something very good here at Boulder and Colorado. Thank you for prayers and fasting for the ministry of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. God bless you my friend. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 22, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 8:40 AM, Tuesday. This morning I received an email of severe rebuke for my videos. It seems that the person who did not give their name, nor give their email, nor any way to dialogue with them, took their time to find my website, find my contact page, and then invested their time to write a well written and rather lengthy rebuke of every video I have on YT. I tried to thank the person, but their email address was a none address.
Over the years, I have gotten many severe rebukes. Everyone of them cuts me to the heart. At times I’ve even quit, sort of, not really, but slow way down. I don’t really understand being personally rebuked. In a general fashion to the overall public or crowd where there is a multitude of various people, all in different levels of life, there will probably be many who need to hear an exhortation to go out and preach and minister. Which is what I do, exhort them to go!
For some reason, people take my messages very personal, like I am talking to them only. I don’t understand that. For example, on the video channel, there are 300 viewers, and 16,000 impressions, and 4% of impressions view the videos, and 500 hours of viewing, and 300 comments. Now, this is a very very tiny channel, not a large popular one. The channel is very specific in preaching a message/sermon from the street, rather than a pulpit in a church. It also comes from over 2,000 hours of standing with my gospel banner and interceding and preaching while on the street. I never preach a rebuking type message on the street. I am very aware of attempting to demonstrate love for the people.
This log entry is simply another way to share what is going on in building Gospel Evangelist Church. It’s not always easy and rosy, to say the least!
Thank you for your concerns and prayers and support and love. Let’s always do all we can to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if we mess up… Jesus is there for us, to help correct us and mend the brokenness. God bless!!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 21, MONDAY, 2021. Written 9:32 AM, Monday. Today feels like there is a relief in the hot heat wave that has swept across much of the US. At least here in Boulder we will be able to minister on the streets a little easier. The heat gets to me a lot. The last two summers I suffered quite a bit. I’m not a person who loves Summers. I enjoy the Fall and Winter seasons the most. However, all is well in our church ministry and our street ministry.
The move of the Holy Ghost is real and confirming. We only preach the word of God out of the bible. We do not preach philosophy or science or man’s doctrines in any way. We are fully committed to preaching the gospel, and only the gospel!
Many ministries have included teaching in areas that are worldly and focused on exalting mankind.
We at Gospel Evangelist Church, worship the Lord thy God and preach God’s word, fully and completely all the counsel of God. By ministering this way, it sort of feels like a refreshing wind is renewing our love for the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ by his Holy Spirit. What a beautiful joy it is to worship Almighty God! Hallelujah and praise God! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 16, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 8:21 AM, Thursday. Wednesday turned out to be another wonderful day of watching the Holy Ghost move in the street ministry, and in our church… Wednesday is the day of our house church here in Boulder. What I hear is the move of the Spirit is clear and obvious… the Holy Ghost is in our midst at our house church! Gospel Evangelist Church is Spirit led right from the beginning and going all the way through each and every day, and with each and every soul who is apart of our family in this part of the family of God… the body of Christ. Praise the LORD!
Our prayer service begins about one hour prior to people showing up for the house church. Wednesday was about the fourth time for this prayer service, I think that’s right. The hour of praying in the Holy Ghost for what the Spirit wants us to pray for has become a wonderful time of fellowship and communion with the Spirit of God. Amen.
At Gospel Evangelist Church… God is building GEC and no man will ever be able to say that they built Gospel Evangelist Church. This family of God is growing in the city of Boulder, and through the work of the Spirit with my gospel banner and intercession in other cities of Colorado… I see that before year end, there could be more ministry that the Spirit of God is doing. I realize that sounds off or confusing, but I don’t want to share to much, yet. Good things are coming. Why? and How? Because we are consistently going out and preaching the gospel in every location that the Spirit has placed us. The word of God is going forth in abundance, and in a peculiar way that is unique to GEC. Amen.
Remember that only by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, are we saved! If you’re not saved yet… then simply, Give Jesus a call! His number is Romans 10:13, KJV! Amen?
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 15, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 8:35 AM, Tuesday. It looks and feels like summer is here in Boulder! The smog/poor air quality and the intense heat due in part of higher elevation has been tough on me as a street preacher. But guess what? I still head out there with the Holy Spirit to do the work of the ministry. Praise the LORD!
I’ve also been filming street preaching sermons everyday, Sunday through Friday, six days a week. This is a wonderful way to keep up with what God is doing in this street ministry and missionary church. I also write a weekly Sunday Prayer Letter that outlines a scripture discourse and gives a framework to preach from all week. This is what I’ve been preaching on everyday. It’s great!
God bless you my friend… God is good!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 11, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 11:42 AM, Saturday. This week I was able to log 22 hours of flying the banner; that is banner preaching and ministry at a combination of all six corners this week. The Lord has provided six days a week to preach and minister. I log all my preaching hours, however, I don’t log all the other ministry that takes place everyday. My objective is to log at least 1,000 hours of banner preaching each year for ten years, thus crossing over 10,000 hours of street preaching. With this effort my hope is to have 10,000,000 people pass by my gospel banner. Yes, I realize this sounds outrageous! Please understand that we serve a great and mighty God! By faith, all things are possible! Yes, I also realize that all people are not individual single people, this 10,000,000 number represents the amount of people who have walked or driven by the corner or location that the banner is at. It is not, ten million individual people. I hope that makes sense, it’s rather difficult to explain some things. However, we all know that God is a record keeping God. This is written throughout the Holy Bible. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for reading this and for praying for this street ministry and missionary church, and also for funding, giving, supporting, donating, providing to this full ministry. God has created this ministry. No man is the creator of this ministry. Me and all who serve alongside are simply, servants of God. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 9, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 10:01 AM, Wednesday. The summer for Boulder feels like it is here! Days are now in the high’s 80’s and low 90’s… on the street it feels much hotter! Last Summer I nearly passed out from hear exhaustion, therefore, this year I hope to be more smart about the actual weather conditions. This could be one reason why the Holy Ghost has me coming out at 2pm to minister. This still gives me 3 hours during the week, and 7 hours on Sunday with another 7 hours on Friday when I am out of town.
This reduced weekly hours is only temporary. I’m spending this extra two hours working on the behind the scenes stuff for our missionary church. For example, today is Wednesday and we have our weekly house church at the fellowship hall that God has provided for all of us! What a wonderful miracle from our Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Also, we are now having pre-service intercession/prayer at about 5:45pm until 6:45pm or 6:50pm. Then at 7:00pm we start our house church service… it’s so wonderful and fulfilling to all of us! It looks like the Holy Ghost is touching each person and giving each a time to give their heart in ministry. It’s so wonderful… I love it!
If you are interested, or possibly believe that the Holy Spirit is prompting you to visit us, or come to church here, or even pray for us… you are more than welcome! Simply contact Preacher John for information, or be in touch with us. Amen?
God bless Gospel Evangelist Church! In our Lord’s name… JESUS CHRIST! Hallelujah and praise the Lord!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 7, MONDAY, 2021. Written 9:45 AM, Monday. Today is Monday, which of course is the day after Sunday. I suppose that I’m the most tired and exhausted on Monday, rather than any other day of the week. I preach six days a week. Saturday is the Lords’s Sabbath, and I rest in the Lord from my work. Then on Sunday, at least here in this city, I face an onslaught of evil from every direction, and this is every single Sunday since I started on May 26, 2019, two years ago and over 2,000 hours of banner preaching and ministry. So, when I say what I just said, it comes from lots of experience and samples taken to identify what I am saying. In other words, I know what I’m saying, due to the Lord Jesus giving me an abundance of work in the ministry on the streets. Praise Jesus! I love my Saviour!
So when I got home on Sunday, I was exhausted and tired… I filmed a 32 minute street sermon, “Street Preaching Videos June 2021”, then while attempting to upload the video into iMovie 2021, it kept crashing, on the 3rd or 4th attempt, I accidentally deleted the entire video in both folders, thus permanently deleting the video! I was not angry, I just said, oh well… life goes on. Another day will come… and another video will be filmed. Today is Monday, Baseline/Broadway by Starbucks, here I come… I little later than normal, but I will be there… God willing! Amen.
In regards to the iMovie program, I found out that there are thousands of users experiencing the exact same problem. Why Apple has not fixed this bug is a mystery, they normally repair things quickly. I have always enjoyed my Apple experience, verses, my Microsoft experience… two different operating systems and software applications that are, in my experience, opposites!
Now, I am considering or rather asking the Lord, about upgrading to Apple’s Final Cut Pro video editing application, $299.00 is the price tag, comes with lifetime free upgrades. I’ve prayed off and on about this app, however the price tag has always been the hurdle. Apple is now giving new users a free 90-day trial usage of the app. One of the benefits or costs of using this FCP app is the ability to add extra editing software to the Final Cut Pro app, and thus creating a very professional video/film experience.
I am leaning toward this, because I am filming six days a week a new street sermon every day. And the filming and editing have become a joy and actually fun for me. The part I enjoy the most is finding all the scriptures that I mention in the videos.
It’s like I am relearning the word of God! It’s amazing! I think everyone should be watching the street preaching sermons, and looking up all the scriptures for themselves, always asking the Holy Ghost to teach them the word of truth. This appears to be a wonderful tool that the Holy Ghost is using.
May I exhort you my friend to view the street preaching videos. This is the link to our YouTube® channel… https://www.youtube.com/johnchoque :D
Have an awesome day in our wonderful Saviour, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
JUNE 2, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:26 AM, Thursday. For some reason, the month of May seemed very very long to me. I feel good about getting into this new month of June. Some of the reasons possibly is the weather here on the Front Range, it’s not what I’m used to. However, I simply state that I am a missionary, this makes everything seem back to normal. Missionary work is not the normal work, and when, as a missionary, you are in harsh environments, sometimes, and with the thought of being a missionary, all things become normal! I know, weird thinking. But if you’ve ever been a missionary, you know exactly what I mean! Praise the Lord!
May 31st we as a ministry and church crossed over our need for our annual funding budget. Glory to Almighty God!
Our house church is growing and our street ministry is growing. We are at a total of 37 locations, including 10 cities in Colorado. Another praise to God, Hallelujah!
A great BIG thank you to every soul who participates in Gospel Evanglist Church. I pray that every thing you do is as a seed planted in good ground, and thus produces a great harvest for you and your ministry, in Jesus I pray. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
Thank You For Partnering With This Ministry. Our ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister in the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. By the will of God, we are preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen.
THIS IS THE LAST ENTRY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY AND FOR REFERENCE TO OUR ANNUAL BUDGET. THE LORD HAS PROVIDED! AS OF MAY 31, MONDAY, 2021. Written 10:15 AM, Wednesday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Friday, May 31, 2021, 10:00 PM, we are at $15,020.17… a plus +$20.17 OVER $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Thank you Lord Jesus for providing to your church. And thank you to every single person who was moved by the Holy Ghost to give, and was obedient to give. God is a miracle working God for all those who believe. God is faithful. God is always faithful. God cannot be not faithful. It’s one of our works to learn and be faithful to God and to people. This sometimes takes years to learn and to do. However, it’s worth all the stuggle to be faithful. The benefits are uncalculatable. A big word to signify the importance of faithfulness. God bless you my dear friend! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 28, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 8:18 AM, Friday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Friday, May 28, 2021, 8:18 AM, we are at $15,015.69… a plus +$15.69 from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Today, Friday is one more day that God amazes me with his glory and his provision! In all my years of ministry, I have witnessed Jehovahjireh in real-time! Jehovah provides… and God’s provision is seen. All this comes from our willingness to obey, and our obedience to obey. We show ourselves faithful, and even though God cannot be unfaithful, he still shows himself as a faithful Creator. If you, my friend, are not saved… or not following the Lord Jesus Christ as a believer, then simply call out to Jesus to save you or to bring you back and clean you up from the world. God loves you man!
Another thing to keep in mind is “concerning giving and receiving” as per the holy scriptures. It’s very clear that by giving we will reap… and the reverse is also true… no giving, no receiving… and also, tiny giving, tiny receiving. It’s just the way it is with God and his truth. Study the word of truth and see it for yourself. God is faithful! Have faith in God. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 27, THURSDAY, 2021. Written 8:42 AM, Thursday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Thursday, May 27, 2021, 8:42 AM, we are at $14,797.44… only $202.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Wednesday turned out to be a miracle filled day! When we go out and serve the Lord God Almighty with all our heart and strength, God sees what we are doing… in this, because the Lord is looking at our heart and our actions and our words… the Spirit of God moves to confirm the word of truth. In this, there is power due to the presence of the Spirit of the Lord being present. This is what is called, the power of the Lord is present to heal… or to do whatever is needed as per the will of God. Miracles are manifested here in this enviroment of worship of the Lord thy GOD!
Always be praising and giving all glory to GOD!
We never hang onto any of God’s glory.
We surrender all to God.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 23, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 7:55 AM, Monday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Sunday, May 23, 2021, 7:00 PM, we are at $14,516.44… only $483.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Sunday banner preaching and ministry at 28th/Pearl by Target store, was very difficult today. Today was not the normal Sunday. I’m not sure why today was more wicked than normally it is, understand that Sunday in Boulder, Colorado is the most difficult day of the week. There is more wicked individuals out and about than any day of the week. It’s as if Satan has his people spread every where in the city doing what he wants them to do. I also notice nearly every Sunday, not every Sunday, there are the least amount of Christians out and about. This has been the norm for the entire two years that I’ve been at this location of 28th/Pearl. Today completed the two year mark. Next week, Memorial Day Weekend, I begin year three. So I am speaking from lots of observation from the same location doing the same activity and seeing the same or similiar results Sunday after Sunday after Sunday. My big question I ask continually, Why?
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 21, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 6:23 AM, Sunday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Friday, May 21, 2021, 9:00 PM, we are at $14,436.44… only $563.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Friday in Nederland, Colorado proved to be yet another great day in serving our wonderful King! Praise and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
I’m writing this on Sunday morning, very early, I was up at 5am and just spending to time with my Saviour… it’s interesting when I hang out with the Lord… at least to me, that is what it feels like… like I’m just being near the Lord and just watching what he is doing. It’s sort of an odd thing, but I know it’s real, at least for me. Jesus is my everything! There is nothing in this world that I desire or want… this is one of the benefits of aging in the Lord, the world stops being inviting, and heaven becomes my desire. I’m 67, and be 68 later this year, what a joy to have lived with the Lord Jesus for most of my life; I was saved at 19 1/2 or 20 during my military tour of duty, I’m a Vietnam veteran… this is when I was saved and 2 weeks later called by God, “I want you to preach, I want you to minister, but first I want you to go to school.” What a wild ride it has been! Praise Jesus… I love Jesus with my whole life! Amen.
God bless you all! 😀
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 19, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:24 AM, Thursday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 9:24 AM, we are at $14,416.44… only $583.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Wednesday was busy! Serving the Lord Jesus is never convienent. I see way to many people trying to serve the Lord when they have time and when things in their life are perfect. Could this be why we don’t do more in the ministry? Or is it that the world takes priority in our life? We all struggle against the god of this world. Let’s never be forgetful of all the devices of Satan. Amen?
It’s another great day in the Lord Jesus Christ! I’m excited for what the Holy Ghost is doing in Boulder and Colorado, where we are called to build this new missionary church. I see that patience is a tremendous fruit to have in our life. Patience. Amen on that!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 14, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 7:36 AM, Friday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Friday, May 14, 2021, 7:36 AM, we are at $14,390.44… only $609.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
All this month of May I’ve been working hard and giving all I am to the ministry of Jesus Christ. I am led by the Holy Ghost and don’t stress about anything (getting better for sure!) because I fully lean on the Spirit for all my needs, spiritual and physical. I work fully for God and NOT man. I say that, because I need to remind myself that God is the one I serve and not the people around me. It’s difficult, because I love everyone in my life and all the people who interact with me on the street every day, six days a week… even the people who dislike what I am doing as a street pastor and minister… however, I am loving on every single person… without reservation, at all! God bless every one! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 13, THURSDAY, 2021. Written 9:25 AM, Thursday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church and our street preaching ministry and missionary church assembly. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Thursday, May 13, 2021, 9:25 AM, we are at $13,290.44… only $1,709.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Today, Thursday, is another great day in our great and awesome KING! Thank you Jesus for all you have done for your bride! Wednesday house church that meets at Brent’s house was the best yet for ministry and the word going forth. It appeared that every person received from the Holy Ghost… not sure yet to what degree they received for all their needs being met. I do know though, that the Holy Ghost was present and working in our midst. What a glorious time to be in fellowship with like minded believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Looking forward today to see what the Spirit has for us today at Folsom & Valmont… I’ll be there from 12 Noon to 5 PM. Tomorrow, Friday, I travel to Golden to street preach and minister… I’ll be by the arch near the Buffalo Rose. Not sure yet on the exact hours. Hoping for 11’ish to 4’ish… remember, this is a 2 1/2 hours trip there and then 2 1/2 hours back to Boulder, due to the cancelled bus service. God is good! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 12, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 7:01 AM, Wednesday. MAY 2021 is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year (I have not been talking much about this to anyone, just the Lord, until this month), that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 7:01 AM, we are at $13,138.44… only $1,861.56 away from $15,000.00 (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God provides by working through willing and obedient servants. And inturn, God meets the servant’s needs. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
Tuesday was amazing! I’m not sure exactly why yesterday was so over the top powerful… my guess is that I went out anyways not being concerned for the foul weather… I think, commitment and consistency does something in the spirit that is difficult to quantify. Therefore, my commission to “keep moving” is important to our momentum for the building of GEC. This church assembly is being built by daily banner preaching and ministry. At least this is the current means that the Holy Ghost has us working to dig deep the foundation to found GEC upon the rock… the Rock of Christ.
To clarify the “keep moving” idea is not to have no rest, it is basically a forward movement that is continual. It is not the speed of forward motion, it is the unrelenting onward motion in building GEC missionary church by our street ministry. I think this has more to do with my own laziness and reason I was a career trucker. In trucking it’s generally speaking a lazy man’s way of making a living… even though truckers put 80 to 100 hours in a week! Weird, I know!
God bless you all my friends! And thank you for giving / partnering / donating to this ministry… we are truly “Touching People For Heaven” everyday! What this means is, people are being offered the gospel of Jesus Christ for eternal life, everyday!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
Opportunity to Give / Donate / Support / Partner. Thank you!
MAY 11, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 9:19 AM, Tuesday. As of 11 MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000.00 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 9:19 AM, we are at $13,106.34… only $1,893.66 away (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support / Partner this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
So far this week there has been lots going on to help our ministry go forth… and at the same time, there has been opposition to our forward movement in building a new missionary church. Because our eyes are stayed on our Saviour Jesus Christ… our faith continues to grow and by faith there appears to be wonderful works of God all around us… when I say “us”… I am NOT talking only about me… I’m talking about every person that is apart of Gospel Evangelist Church street ministry and missionary church. All of us are being touched by God… of course each of us in different ways… however, it is crystal clear that the Holy Ghost is moving in our midsts! Glory to God!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 7, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 11:45 AM, Saturday. As of 7 MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of Friday, May 7, 2021, 10:00 PM, we are at $13,097… only $1,903 away (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. If God is prompting you to Give / Donate / Support this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Friday in Denver was a bit slower than normal, however many people were prayed with and lots of conversation of the word of God was done. Another note here is for all the street ministers to be awake alert aware of your surroundings. Four times today I was faced with potentionally dangerous situations with people. There is something going on that needs all of us to be wise to what’s going on around us. Okay?
Thank you for all of us praying and believing for the full year’s budget for our street ministry and missionary church. We still have a little ways to go to reach our objective of $15,000 by end of May 2021. This will be covering the next year’s budget for everything. That is May 2021 to May 2022. Then the donations after this will be going into a separate account for faith for the following year’s budget. This is how the Lord Jesus has directed me by his Spirit. Hallelujah!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 5, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:07 AM, Thursday. As of 5 MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of May 5, 2021, 10:00 PM, we are at $12,777… only $2,223 away (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. If God is prompting you to give / donate / support this street ministry and missionary church, then the best thing to do is to obey. The word of truth is very clear on giving. Search the scriptures for yourself and find the key scriptures that relate to giving, such as Luke 6:38, KJV. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah. Psalm 24:1-10, KJV!
Wednesday evening, 6:45 PM to 8:30 PM, is our house church. We gather every Wednesday, and every time the Holy Ghost is present to touch each person with whatever they are going through. This looks so amazing to see the Spirit of God move in our midst. The word is true, where two or more gather in the Lord’s name, he is with us. And the Lord makes it perfectly clear to every one of us that he is here with us!
If you are reading this and have not come on over to fellowship with us in our house church, you are more than welcome! We have new people coming and going every week, or almost each week, people come and go, and that is how Gospel Evangelist Church is being built, we are a missionary type church, and everyone is welcome to come. We love you!
To be with us or to check us out, two ways of doing it is… find Preacher John’s Preaching Calendar on this website and go on over to meet him and introduce yourself. The banner is flying nearly every day of the week. Soon guys will be also flying their gospel banner on Saturday. Preacher John does not work on the Sabbath (that is Saturday, last day of the week) however, this does not hold guys back, because the Lord honours every day! Hallelujah! The second way is to find Preacher John’s mobile phone number on this website and give him a call/text. The phone is off during preaching times, 12 noon to 5 pm or 6 pm, leave a message and he will get back to you shortly.
Thank you for praying for our street ministry and for our new missionary church. The Lord Jesus has made this ministry “good ground” or so it appears, due to the multitudes of people/souls receiving a powerful witness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Every day people are being touched for heaven. That is what we do, “Touching People For Heaven” this is our theme and way that we do things, so that every person has a clear witness of heaven. At least that is what it appears to be happening… God knows exactly what is going on, therefore… we are servants of God. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MAY 4, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 9:21 AM, Tuesday. These last few days of May beginning, have been quite rough and not normal. May is an important month for our ministry, because this is our anniversary month of starting our church. Lots of things are going on, and the enemy appears to be aware of our presence in this city of Boulder, and state of Colorado.
This month of May is also the month that I’m believing for the complete budget for the coming fiscal year: May 2021 to May 2022 of $15,000. Thank you for praying and considering a part of this.
I’m going to repost here the updated budget we are all believing for by faith, that God will provide by the month of May, sometime during this month of May. Amen. The following is the updated figures as of Monday, May 3, 2021…
For MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of May 3, 2021, 7:00 PM, we are at $12,566… only $2,434 away (this figure changes slightly due to ongoing expenses and costs of ministry)… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
Thank You For Partnering With This Ministry. This ministry is teaching and demonstrating how to street preach and how to minister the Holy Ghost for the purpose of winning souls for the kingdom of God. By the will of God, we are all preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest, and our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” All Glory to the Most High God! Amen.
APRIL 30, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 10:01 AM, Saturday. Three days of banner preaching and ministry in FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, the northern gate to the state! Got 19 hours on the street, ministered to 17,000 people who drove by my banner, prayed with dozens, had about 30 solid conversations, and there is so much more that is way to difficult to place into words all the things the Holy Ghost did in Fort Collins on Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday.
Every day was filled with amazing acts and wonderful works of God! I am so humbled to be a servant of the most high God! Thank you for all your prayers and fasting and partnership with this street ministry and missionary church. Based upon the abundant fruit this ministry is producing, this may be “good ground” and worthy of your seed. Thank you Lord Jesus for providing souls, opportunity to preach, fields to sow into, Spirit led preaching/sermons/messages, the word of God, and all the love O Lord that you provide to all of us servants and those who love you! In your name Jesus, we thank you! Amen.
I’m going to repost here the updated budget we are all believing for by faith, that God will provide by the month of May, sometime during this month of May. Amen. The following is the updated figures as of Friday, April 30, 2021…
For MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of April 30, 2021, 7:00 PM, we are at $12,591… only $2,409 away… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 27, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 9:24 AM, Tuesday. The follow text is from our calendar page… I felt like I should also post it here for today’s calendar news. Thank you. Praise the Lord!
THANK YOU! “Pray For Us.”
For MAY 2021: MAY is an important month for Gospel Evangelist Church. I’ve been believing by faith all year, that the Lord will provide to us, by the month of MAY, the one year budget of $15,000 in the church/ministry bank account to cover next year’s annual budget, MAY 2021 to MAY 2022. As of April 30, 2021, 7:00 PM, we are at $12,591… only $2,409 away… this is simply amazing to watch the Lord provide. God is a good God! Hallelujah and praise to our King of glory! Selah.
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all… Brethren, pray for us. (Ro 1.8) (1Th 5.25)
—1. Souls for heaven… (Ac 2.41)
—2. Opportunity for me to do good… (Ga 6.10)
—3. Health even as my soul prospers… (3Jn 1.2)
—4. Labourers into the Lord’s harvest… (Mt 9.38)
—5. Supply for ministry and our need: equality; no lack… (2Co 8.14-15)
—6. Strength for street ministry and missionary church building… (Dt 3.28)
I desire fruit that may abound to your account. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen, and Amen. (Php 4.17-23) (Col 3.17) (1Pe 1.12) (Ps 41.13) (Ps 72.19)
Thank you so very very much again, for your prayers and partnership! You are an important and vital part of the Lord’s ministry. Blessings my dear friend. In Jesus name. Amen.
—Preacher John.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 25, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:06 AM, Monday. God is giving us great fruit from our banner preaching and ministry… each Sunday more and more people are asking questions, seeking prayer, fellowship, preaching, interceding, and more people are coming to the Lord every week, every Sunday, and every day… by the will of God.
It is a wonderful thing to be a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and to lift up the Lord Jesus with our banner and in prayer and in intercession for souls. To stand in the gap before the Lord GOD, for the land and for souls, is such a worthy ministry. I praise the Lord for giving us all this calling and ministry.
Thank you to all who come to minister at Gospel Evangelist Church, in the street ministry and in our house church. I agree with the Apostle Paul, “…therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:3, KJV.
“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm 150:6, King James Bible.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 23, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 12:01 PM, Saturday. The 4th Friday of Month I’m in Longmont, Colorado at 5th/Main Street by Winchell’s Donut House. Today was another wonderful day of ministry. I was able to be here the entire 7 hour watch. There was much more vehicle traffic than normal… or rather normal based on pre-health problems. Although, there was far less pedestrian traffic, not sure why, possibly due to the colder weather for spring and the potential rain. Either way, I was there and able to fly the gospel banner all day.
Several people received prayer. One gentleman earnestly seeked prayer… and the Holy Ghost moved with great compassion and touched the man and apparently met his needs. Thank you Holy Ghost for doing what you do! Hallelujah!
From my point of view on the street… it appears that the Spirit of God has me doing something peculiar in the body of Christ, this sometimes bothers my flesh, because it’s not easy to understand the spiritual side of life and what the Holy Ghost is doing. It’s even difficult to write about!
This morning, Saturday as I’m writing this log entry, I’m quickened by the Spirit… To keep banner preaching and ministry for 10 years… To stay the course of Gospel Evangelist Church… Be awake alert aware of Satan’s devices… Maintain authority and responsibility of services.
Thank you all for your consistent prayers and intercession for Gospel Evangelist Church, the street ministry, and all our services to our community and state. Abundant blessing to you all! In our Saviour’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 21, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:28 AM, Thursday. Wednesday’s house church was once again a full house! The Lord Jesus is adding to his church daily such as should be saved. What this also means, possibly, is that the Lord Jesus is training up more labourers for his field and harvest, because at our house churches, each person is being trained and is practicing preaching the gospel and ministering to souls. It’s such a blessing to watch the Holy Ghost work in people’s lives.
Through this house church, more people are going out to preach the gospel, and thus more people are hearing the word of God, and repenting, and returning to Christ, and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time… being born again! Gospel Evangelist Church is growing with evangelists, soulwinners, who are filled with the Holy Ghost and going into all the world and preaching the gospel.
Some of what I say here is also speaking by faith what the Holy Ghost is doing; even if we physically can’t see certain things… we know by faith that the Spirit of God is moving in our midst.
Matthew 18:20 is one of those scriptures believers us often… “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Amen!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 18, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:33 AM, Monday. Sunday turned out to be another banner day! What I mean is that there are more people coming to minister and fellowship and be available for ministry. I think this is the third consistent Sunday that there were an abundance of ministers who were willing and able to do whatever the Lord Jesus instructed them to do. This is very good!
I myself want to fade into the ministry without being the front-man or the head-guy or even the pastor… I want the Lord Jesus Christ to fully exalted and honoured. I am nobody. Just a servant, doing whatever my Lord asks of me.
Thank you to every one who is participating in what the Holy Ghost is doing with Gospel Evangelist Church. God willing, we will witness more and more of the move of the Holy Ghost in our midst. All glory and honour to our heavenly Father. In Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. And Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 16, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 9:05 AM, Saturday. 3rd Friday of Month is Nederland, Colorado. Fresh snow covered the Front Range in about 8 inches of white snow, and then continued to snow all day Friday, with a continual light wind. Days like today, you want lots of people to talk to… and that is what the Lord Jesus brought to me… lots of people!
What a great day of ministry and preaching, so many people received a solid witness for Jesus Christ. I praise God that he has allowed me to preach the word of God, rather than what we hear in church buildings, all to often. Namely, everything but the word of God. Oh well, thank God he owns it all!
I love serving the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no better retirement than to serve God full-time! It is more blessed to give than to receive, Jesus said that. Hallelujah!
I logged 21 hours this week of flying the banner on the street.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 14, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 10:08 AM, Thursday. This evening on Wednesday, we have our weekly house church, if you are in the area… you are more than welcome to come on over, simply contact Preacher John for directions and times, thank you. Tonight was our second time in the new fellowship hall that the Lord has provided for Gospel Evangelist Church.
We are still by the house, but the Holy Ghost has moved us to a larger place and a more open room to bring in more people. The Spirit of God is showing up in a beautiful way, and touching each soul individually… meeting their need. It’s amazing to watch! Hallelujah! God is so wonderfully good! Today we had the most people in our house church, to some the number may seem very tiny or small… but to us, it’s awesome! We had 14 people attend and receive blessings from the Holy Spirit.
The number is not what we look for, we look to be willing and obedient to the move of the Spirit of God. As the Holy Ghost moves, he touches the people… I can’t say this enough… only because of the love of God are we able to even assemble.
God loves you… and God so loved the world that he gave… Amen!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 11, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:16 AM, Monday. Today started off extremely difficult… to the point that the Lord sent Frank in to pray for me! Hallelujah! God cares for all of us! Believe it with all your heart… because it is TRUE!
The day then took off with amazing speed and ministry and the presence of the Holy Ghost showed up and brought lots and lots of people to our Sunday location at 28th/Pearl. There were so many people that the Boulder Police drove by us several times, just checking on us… I LOVE THE BOULDER POLICE! They are so wonderful and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to our police force. There can’t be better group of dedicated and caring officers in America! I can’t say enough good about the Boulder Police. THANK YOU!
God is moving in Boulder. God is good. And God is good all the time! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 6—9, TUESDAY—FRIDAY, 2021. Written 11:18 AM, Saturday. Lot’s of people this week received a witness for Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord! Even though this was a tough week for me, I was able to go out every day this week and minister.
The house church is growing and now meeting in a nice new location. I’m looking forward to seeing what the Holy Ghost will be doing with us. This is very exciting to me, to watch and actually see the Spirit move! What a joy to be involved with what God is doing in Boulder and Colorado.
This month, April, I head for Fort Collins to banner preach and minister. So far, it looks like Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Fort Collins at Walnut/Main by the old white hotel by Starbucks. Same location as last year. This the 5th Friday of the month trip.
The only problems currently that I see surfacing around me is: my own physical abilities to keep up with the Lord. I tend to get exhausted and thus only able to go out for 2-3 hours rather than the normal 5 hours of street preaching and ministry. Therefore, I keep praying the Lord provides consistent physical strength to keep moving, especially for this ten year season of touching ten million people for heaven. Hallelujah!
Thank you to all who are praying, interceding, and supporting, donating, and giving of their time and resources to the building of Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC. God bless!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 5, MONDAY, 2021. Written 8:37 AM, Tuesday. I just felt led to make a note here about when I stand nearby local businesses. I have heard of other preachers praying against certain business. I am NOT that way.
When I am near businesses with my gospel banner, I actually pray for their business to prosper. I ask the Lord to make this certain day stand out on their balance sheet, days profit, number of customers, and a significant high in daily profits.
Then I ask the Lord, when they are looking at this day of anomaly, they ask the question: Why? And then someone says to them: That is the day that that street preacher stands over at the corner with his big Jesus Christ sign!!!
I never pray for a business to close or go out of business or to go broke. I pray for their prosperity! The rain falls on the just and the unjust, until that day of the Lord comes! AMEN!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 4, EASTER SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:46 AM, Monday. All day Sunday was very strange, for some reason, there appeared to be very little people moving about. The traffic was way down, the pedestrian traffic was also way down, and conversation was down due to the small amount of people that were out and about.
I don’t know why the extremely less amount of people, it truly appeared to me, strange and odd for a warm sunny spring day in Boulder. Some people said it was due to some stores closing for the day. Not sure?
However, I was faithful to the Holy Ghost directing me to stay till dark. I ministered for over 8 hours non-stop! Then when I got home about 8:30, I continued to work on the ministry until midnight! I edited two street preaching videos and uploaded them to our YT channel. They are also posted here on this website!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 2, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 11:38 AM, Saturday. Yesterday, Friday in Denver was the first time, since last year at the problem that happened with the world, that there where the normal abundance of people every where! It truly was a great awakening to the world… sadly, not to Almighty God. Oh well, as in the days of Noe!
I was directed by the Holy Ghost to stay till dark. I did just that, as I am a servant of God, I serve Almighty God, and therefore I do what the “BOSS” tells me to do! Praise JESUS!
Friday was actually so much fun that I almost didn’t want to come home… even after ministering for over 9 hours! The people just kept coming and coming and coming… I was the ONLY street minister that I saw ALL day! This is usually not normal, typically I will meet someone else who is out witnessing for Christ. But not today, on this amazing day that we honour for what the Lord Jesus Christ gave to ALL those who would believe… ETERNAL LIFE through his precious blood shed upon his cross, so long ago, and still REAL. Thank you JESUS!
My friend, if you don’t truly know in your heart that you would go to heaven after you die, simply call out to Jesus and cry out, save me Jesus. It’s by faith… not by works… not by intellect… not by flesh… not by mind… not by emotions… not by an idea… not be anything else except BY FAITH.
Welcome to the family of Almighty God.
Thank you my friends for serving our wonderful Saviour!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
APRIL 1, THURSDAY, 2021. Written 9:15 AM, Thursday. Happy April in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
I’m happy it’s sunny in Boulder, and happy that the Lord Jesus Christ loves me… and I’m happy that you too my friend who is reading this is blessed and happy in our Saviour!
God truly cares for his children. Look to our heavenly Father for your needs to be met. The world will give to you, and fill your life, but be ware… the world takes a very high price from any believer who turns away from their heavenly Father towards the love of the world. Stay vigilant in the Holy Ghost!
As it is written in Jude 1:20… “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,”
And continuing… in Jude 1:21… “Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”
As always, our scripture references are from the the Holy Bible, King James Version.
I love you!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
Thank You For Partnering With And Giving To This Street Ministry and Missionary Church. Lots of good things are happening for the kingdom of heaven. This ministry is teaching how to street preach and how to minister the Holy Ghost. By the will of God, we are all preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” Glory to the Most High God! AMEN.
MARCH 29, MONDAY, 2021. Written 10:32 AM, Tuesday. What I find most interesting, is how the Lord shows me things that encourage me and lift me up and comfort me. This edification by the Spirit of the Lord, helps me to know that what I am doing on the street and in the church is what God wants me to do. Because, I am not the builder… God is building Gospel Evangelist Church!
Today, Monday, was nearly the exact opposite of Sunday! Sunday we had about 3x the normal for those who cheer for Satan. Monday we had about 3x the normal for those who cheer for Jesus! Isn’t that amazing!!!
God is so wonderfully good to his children.
Remember my friend, God loves you and truly cares for you… you can know that for sure, because you are reading this right now… yes, it’s true! Amen.
Also, you may truly enjoy my new Street Preaching Videos March 2021!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 28, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:05 AM, Monday. Sunday started off very difficult due to the more than normal “cheerleaders” of the other team (Satan). Every Sunday in Boulder is like this, however this Sunday had a greatly increased number, probably around 3x the normal? I don’t know why… it just was.
From my point of view, however, I like this activity… because it proves to me that what I am doing with my gospel banner and highly visible presence on the street corner, people can see what I am doing, and thus make a decision for or against.
The word says, in Revelation 3:15-16, KJV… “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
I potentially see this as possible decision makers in action… HOT pertaining to the decision maker for Christ… and the COLD pertaining to the decision maker for Satan. Obviously this is not exactly what it says. When we understand that a person that won’t make a decision and just goes along with the crowd, this type of person God does want. I see God as a decision maker. Thus God wants other decision makers… the ones that chose Christ by believing in Jesus Christ and receiving the shed blood of Christ for the remission of their sins. Amen?
This is simply a different way of looking at street ministry.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 24, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:55 AM, Thursday.
Our little bible fellowships are staying somewhat consistent. It’s interesting how every time we gather, there seems be something different. I think that’s due to the moving of the Holy Ghost in our services.
Another thing that I noticed is what exactly are we doing… or rather is the name “bible fellowship” accurate and out of the King James Bible. Yes and No. Meeting together to worship the Lord Jesus and to study the word of truth is precisely what God desires of us, among other things. However, what the Holy Ghost was showing me the last couple weeks or so, is the terms of words and titles used to describe what we are doing.
What are we doing? In the Holy Bible we see time and time again, how the Apostle Paul called all the churches he was establishing, “house churches”… for example, “to the church in thy house” -Philemon 1:2. “the church which is in his house” -Colossians 4:15. “the church that is in their house” -1 Corinthians 16:19. “the church that is in their house” -Romans 16:5.
Based upon these few scriptures: we may call our gathering in the house, “house church” or “the church that meets in Brent’s house”.
Understand that the scriptures are extremely clear that these house churches also meet at the main church at (a city name is mentioned)… “the church which is at Cenchrea” -Romans 16:1. “the church of God which is at Corinth” -1 Corinthians 1:2. And the list could go on and on of all the churches in all the different regions.
My hope is to be exact with the King James Bible. I have zero desire to build a worldly church that sounds worldly and attractive to the world.
“Gospel Evangelist Church is built by preachers for preachers!”
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 22, MONDAY, 2021. Written 9:44 AM, Tuesday. Boulder, Colorado… Monday, March 22, 2021 at about the 3 o’clock hour, Satan showed up in a public display of terror, by stealing, killing, and destroying people and things and causing great turmoil in every sense. Why?
Satan is a tempter and a deceiver. People unknowingly are worshiping the devil, and they think it is fun and cool to be different. This is nothing new, nor different. It’s called being deceived by the father of lies. I get people every day that I’m on the streets of Boulder, and other cities of Colorado, their worship of this deceiver. Beware people and wake up!
I will be going out today, Tuesday, at my regular scheduled corner at College/Broadway by Starbucks… not sure what the Holy Ghost has for me today. Therefore, gave a disclaimer on my day’s calendar.
Pray for the people of Boulder.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 19-21, FRIDAY-SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:29 PM, Monday. Friday was Nederland… what a glorious trip it was! Even before getting on the bus, the Lord had me ministering to people and conversing with them, it was wonderful to be a witness for Jesus Christ. The witness continued even on the bus and getting off the bus! God is amazing! I was able to record a street preaching video for today and then was able to minister for over five hours of non-stop ministry! It was great in every sense, I love it.
Then on Sunday, I was able to get out to our number one corner, 28th/Pearl St., to fly the gospel banner and minister to many souls… many many souls… it is simply amazing how the Lord Jesus Christ is using this big gospel banner to his glory. Thank you Jesus.
I did receive a new computer this week, due to my old one crashing and cooking the hard drive… all these street preaching videos that I’m filming every day is taxing the computer to much… however, this new one is built for it and it’s new, not 10 years old! Now, I’m believing for a replacement of my 4-5 year old phone, and a proper camera and mic system for filming the street ministry. I really see that the Lord is using these videos to touch people… That’s what I do… “Touching People For Heaven” …Amen, and Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 14-16, SUNDAY-TUESDAY, 2021. Written 11:23 PM, Wednesday. This is a brief update on what happened on Sunday, and then continuing through Tuesday, and still in Wednesday, this morning. As a street preacher and minister on the streets of my city, and building a new missionary church from these street ministry events, this activity causes a lot of commotion in the spirit. Namely, the world of Satan and his devils. This ministry, the Lord Jesus has me in is extremely taxing on the physical body, and spirit. From the outside it may not seem so… however, after 22 months and over 1,700 hours and 1,500,000 people… I would beg to differ.
Due to putting myself out there in the public arena, and not in a protected building environment, I subject myself to the vilest of offenders. And this occasionally overtakes me, and usually unaware… until to late! And that is what happened on Sunday. I received a very long letter stating my every flaw, every ridicule that could tear a person down, every vile thing that could come out of a mouth, and every thing in… what appears to me, every area of life – today, in our current atmosphere in the world and in the United States.
I will not discuss what was said here, I will talk it over with the men that God has placed in my life for brotherly counsel and discussion of the building of our church. As far as I could tell, what was said, accurately does not apply to me, but it was worded in such an articulate manner that it appeared at first reading and through the fourth reading that they were attempting to box me into their views.
Now, please understand… I am no different that any other person on earth. However, the biggest thing that I took away from this massive intensive rebuke was this… I must continue to operate my life as a professional. I lived as a professional driver for four decades. Learning to be professional was one of the most difficult things that I have ever learned. And I learned it, and became professional in every manner. I wrongly thought that since I’m retired, I don’t need to be professional any more. WRONG! I am now a professional, in the ministry. I must always in every situation be the professional. This actually means, “professionalism” : “professional in methods, standards, and character.” In professional driving: the trucker driver is professional and knows and acts accordingly. In automobile driving: the drivers are not professional, nor act accordingly. Therefore, the professional must always take the responsibility for their actions, manners, and conduct. In another example: the parent is the professional; the child is not the professional.
I’ll stop here with this note… I am still in healing mode until probably Thursday… I want to go and minister in Nederland on Friday, God willing. I pray I am well by then. In Jesus name. Amen. Thank you.
P.S. And this is why I have cancelled all my preaching events since Sunday, March 14, 2021 until today and further into Thursday. It’s NOT the weather! Believe me when I say, I love preaching and ministring in harsh conditions! I’m built for it! :D
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 12, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 1:12 PM, Saturday. 2nd Friday of Month – Golden, Colorado. 12th/Washington by Buffalo Rose! Today was a great and fruitful day of ministry. The Lord Jesus provided everything that was needed to do the ministry in Golden. This is moving by faith, not by sight… nor by flesh. The trip to Golden is quite an extensive trip. Primarily due to the cancelled buses Boulder-Golden. Also, because I don’t drive anymore, nor desire to own or drive a car, I must use the public transportation system in my city and region. It’s really quite nice to not be bothered with driving. I love it!
On Friday evening (3-12-21) while I was editing Friday’s street preaching video from Golden… my 10 year old (mid-2011) MacBook Air completed crashed and then froze up. I worked on it for over four hours trying everything that I found in researching on how to get it back up and running… all to no avail! Therefore, there was no video posted for Friday. Also there will be no podcast for Sunday. And there will be no Sunday video (I will be going out into the snow, I normally do.) posted for Sunday. Also there will be less updating to the ministry website. I did schedule an appointment with the Apple Store here in my town of Boulder, for Monday 10:00 AM. The current plan is to purchase outright a new 2021 MacBook Air base model, spending the least possible money on it. And having their tech crew get my files off the old MacBook Air onto the new one. At least this is my hope. The cost is high, but I use this computer about 5 hours a day for 100% ministry related work. This is a necessity in today’s ministry. My belief is that the Lord will provide the needed funds to cover the basic costs of this replacement. All, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you to everyone that keeps this street ministry and missionary church in prayer and intercession.
Today it is snowing quite hard and is expected to accumulate near 2 feet. Tomorrow, Sunday, will be fun… to say it in an uplifting manner! Hallelujah!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 10, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 8:25 AM, Thursday. Wednesday Bible Fellowship made a mile stone by hosting the most people as of yet. The Holy Ghost is touching people for heaven. It appears that we are all humble to be apart of what the Spirit of God is doing here in this city of Boulder and this street ministry and this new missionary church.
Every fellowship we can see that by using the Sunday Prayer Letter as our base for ministry, that all have a type of one accord. In other words, we all start from the same starting point, which is the Sunday Prayer Letter, and then each of us can see and hear how the Holy Ghost is moving in each life.
Being led by the Spirit of God is of the utmost importance. Myself, as the founding pastor, I am required by the Lord Jesus Christ to maintain the vision and dream and calling of Gospel Evangelist Church. This is not an easy task. Prayer and communion with the Holy Ghost is critically important to fulfilling the calling of God on this church. The best part of all this is… “God is building Gospel Evangelist Church.” AND “No man will ever be able to say that they built this church.” AMEN. And Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 7, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 10:26 AM, Monday. Sunday was a very nice and busy day of ministry! We had 4 street preachers giving their sermons with power and authority. I was truly moved by the Spirit to see and hear these guys preach!
God is for us and not against us. As we submit to God’s will, something wonderful happens in us, even as a new church. As a founding pastor, I daily give over my will and my desires to God. I fully give to God this church. What I see and say is, “God is building Gospel Evangelist Church; no man will ever be able to say, they built this church.” Hallelujah, praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 3-5, WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY, 2021. Written 8:12 AM, Saturday. This is has been a difficult week. Lots of problems from my struggle with people. I work hard to stay loving and gentle towards ALL people… however, sometimes, there are some, that I struggle to be loving with. And I repent. I also apologize. I hold no ill-will towards any man, male or female. I forgive everyone and walk in forgiveness. This is one of the awesome things about the Lord Jesus Christ, if we ask forgiveness, he forgives.
Wednesday my new banner “broke” or was unable to use due to manufacturing errors. I was upset! This week I’ve even struggled with my tools! Tough week for sure. This is why I look forward to Sunday’s! Because I can start all over again… I call my Sunday’s “reset day”… it’s a fresh week with its own problems. Last week is done. Onto to the next one!
Our bible fellowship is wonderful, I really needed the fellowship this week… and God provided!
Friday in Denver was truly a beautiful time of preaching and ministering. The Holy Ghost had me pray for many people, and talk with many, and even counsel some… Denver was great!
Now, today is Saturday… I wanted to update our missionary ministry website and then rest in the Lord for this morning and afternoon. God is an awesome God!
I love you!
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 2, TUESDAY, 2021. Written 8:47 AM, Wednesday. Yesterday, Tuesday at 30th/Arapahoe by Home Depot… today showed just how this banner preaching is not the normal thing. At about 3:15 PM I was ordered to leave this corner by the Twenty-Nine Street Mall manager, per the mall security guard. The guard was extremely friendly and very very nice to me, he even said he has seen me at 28th/Pearl by Target! He was only doing his job, he had absolutely nothing against what I was doing. Blessings my friend!
Now, I was on purpose standing OFF the bike path/sidewalk and on or near the rocks by the curb… so that I would not be even on the possible property of the mall. I was very aware of my location/where I was standing. I was treating this location similar to the Boulder High School area… I can not stand on the grass, however I can stand at the line of the cement and the grass. Therefore, I was treating the bike path line as a dividing line between private AND public!
I was fully aware of a “PUBLIC ACCESS” or public right-of-way. However, I was NOT aware that, AS PER THE SECURITY GUARD, the mall owns the property, the bike path, the sidewalk, the rocks, and everything right up to the street curb! How could I have known that??? The wall and barrier around the mall is on the other side of the bike path, and at least 20 feet from where I was standing!
I kindly thanked the guard… and promptly packed up my gear… then I just felt like going home… and not across the street… OR, even on the island where the guard told me I could stand… which was NOT correct, based upon the Boulder Police. This happened about 3:00 to 3:15 PM. I went home and worked on the day’s video.
My conclusion is: There is a huge grey area between PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY LINES IN THE CITY LIMITS OF BOULDER. What I hope to do is contact the correct source that could detail to me exactly where I can and cannot stand… so that I do not violate anyone’s private land. My huge desire is to be law abiding and fully respectful to private property.
If anyone reading this has any information or contact information… thank you for forwarding it to me. The Lord bless you, in Jesus name. Amen.
The life of a street preacher! :D
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
MARCH 1, MONDAY, 2021. Written 7:49 PM, Monday. Today our church opened its OFFICIAL BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNT! This is a mile-marker for me that indicates to me that Gospel Evangelist Church, LLC is growing and will become a full-fledged official church based at Boulder, Colorado. For me personally, this is a huge miracle in my ministry life. I’ve attempted to build this exact church 5-6 other times. However, for whatever reasons… I failed.
Why it appears that I am not failing this time is actually still a mystery. However, one thing I do know is, I have fully committed the rest of my entire life to serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Without any reservations or fears or worry of any kind… it seems as if, I am filled with faith to build Gospel Evangelist Church, all the way to the end.
The end is not the end… it’s simply a brief moment in time, I refer to the catching away or our flight, (commonly called, “the rapture”). When I return with the Lord and all of us believers, I see that I will continue where I left off, or possibly where Gospel Evangelist Church is at the time of our arrival from heaven.
I’m so very excited for the future! :D
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
Thank You For Partnering With And Giving To This Ministry. Lots of good things are happening for the kingdom of heaven. This ministry is teaching how to street preach and how to minister the Holy Ghost. By the will of God, we are all preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” Glory to the Most High God! AMEN.
FEBRUARY 23-26, TUESDAY-FRIDAY, 2021. Written 10:30 AM, Saturday. This week from Tuesday through Friday was filled with lots of struggle with the wind and cold. I work hard at coming out every day. However, some days are reduced hours due to the weather… the great thing is I don’t cancel any more, except on extremely rare occasions, such as Sunday the 14th when the wind chill factor was a minus -15 degrees, Fahrenheit!
I did manage to log 23 preaching hours this week with 18,000 people who passed by my banner! It was a wild week for sure!
Friday in Longmont was overwhelming! The response and the prayers and the ministry was non-stop throughout the 5 hours I was ministering. The Lord Jesus Christ was present by the power of the Lord… or I could say it this way… the power of the Lord was present to preach and minister! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you to all our friends and partners and givers who are working behind the scenes without growing weary or fainting. The crew of ministers that the Lord Jesus has brought and is continually bringing to this ministry and church is beautiful! I love you!
In our Saviour’s awesome name… JESUS! Amen. :D
Au revoir!
“Touching People For Heaven”
🎤 Podcast Show Episodes — here.
📧 Sunday Prayer Letter© — here.
✝️ Street Preaching Videos on YouTube® — here.
FEBRUARY 21-22, SUNDAY-MONDAY, 2021. Written 9:14 AM, Tuesday. One of the things that I’m struggling with is, actually the WIND! The wind this last week and through Sunday and Monday is so forceful and fierce, that as I stand to minister, my muscles need to consistently keep readjusting my body, so that I don’t fall over or get knocked around. Remember, I’m 67! This continuous action of my muscles is actually wearing on me. Yes I realize the wind will subside after this wind season. But I live each day… and must keep moving by faith to build this church by the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I may be somewhat behind the schedule for today, Tuesday 2-23-21. Longevity is my continual thought, physically speaking. My great desire is to preach 6 days a week for this 10 year season that I’m in. To do this, there are going to be many many days where my scheduled hours will be compromised. But alas, I will, by the grace and mercy of God, keep moving… by faith! Amen.
Hear our podcast show episodes — here.
Subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
View our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — here.
FEBRUARY 19, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 10:18 PM, Friday. Just wanted to make some remarks about today. This is the 3rd Friday of Month – Nederland, Colorado! I truly believe that finding a consistent pattern that every one of us can follow as preachers is very important. As I’ve ministered over the years and years, one big thing that has always stood out to me, is myself being predictable to the Holy Ghost. What I mean by that is, be someone who, that when the Holy Ghost quickens you to talk to someone, or go somewhere, or simply do anything for the kingdom of heaven… be instant and immediate to go do whatever the Spirit tells you to do.
When we are willing and obedient to the Spirit of God, things will happen in our lives that could easily be called a miracle, or a wonder, or a sign! Things happen in our lives that surprise us… because that’s God!
Always remember that God is for you… God is not against you. If we mess up… then be instant to repent!
Stay in the word of truth… in prayer… and then tell people about Jesus.
Be an Evangelist!
Hear our podcast show episodes — here.
Subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
View our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — here.
This is what I wrote on my Preaching Calendar today. I write and update my calendar as needed… usually daily. This is why I always say, “double check my preaching calendar two (2) hours prior to coming out…”. I put the text in all caps, because the rest of the information is normal text, and I want the updated information to stand out.
Everyday, I’m ready to go out and preach and minister. I’ve dedicated the rest of my days on earth to only serving the Lord Jesus Christ. I plan to do NOTHING else with my life. Thus, based upon my family history, I have the opportunity to live to the 87 to 97 age mark. This depends on many factors, though. Today, I’m 67 years and 3 months, my birthday is November 7, 1953. I’ve never smoked, I don’t do drugs or alcohol, I exercise daily, I maintain physical health, and I maintain spiritual health! If the Lord tarries, I have a great opportunity to live well and healthy and strong as a preacher and minister through the next 20 years, and possibly 30 years.
Therefore, my only and consistent prayer before the Lord Jesus is that he continue working with me and this street ministry and missionary church, and confirm the preaching of the word of truth with signs following, as per Mark 16:20, King James Bible. In this way, our ministry will continue to bring in lost souls, continue to preach the pure word of God, and to continue building Gospel Evangelist Church as per the Holy Ghost. I will continue to say, that, “God is building Gospel Evangelist Church, and no man will ever be able to say that they built GEC!”
Hear our podcast show episodes — here.
Subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
View our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — here.
FEBRUARY 14, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 8:07 AM, Tuesday 16th. Sunday proved to be impossible for me. I simply could not overcome the extreme frigid -15 degrees below zero wind chill. I wanted to, but my flesh said no. Eventually, I gave in and stayed home and worked on ministry, prayed, read the scriptures, and had a very nice day. I didn’t mind this greatly, because I already know that most people, or possibly all, would not come to be with me outside in this frigid cold. However, if I had a warm building to conduct church services in, I most certainly would have… I might have even gotten a ride in a warm vehicle! This is ONLY the 2nd time in 21 months that Sunday was cancelled (except during State Lock-Down). So life as a street preacher goes on! Hallelujah and glory to Almighty God! Amen.
To hear our podcast show episodes — click here.
To subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — click here.
SEE SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Street Preaching and Ministry.
FEBRUARY 12, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 7:58 AM, Tuesday 16th. I’m writing this entry much later than normal, however, I wanted to make a note here about the 2nd Friday of Month – Golden, Colorado! This was the first time that I traveled to Golden the way I did. Last month RTD cancelled ALL GS buses from Boulder to Golden, due to no ridership (you know what it is!). I asked the Lord, is Golden out of my schedule now? Immediately I heard, “No, Find another way!” Oh wow… this came with such directive and force! As I prayed, again, the Lord said, “Find another way!” Well… that’s what happened this Friday! RTD Coach FF1 to Union Station : Light Rail W to Oak Station : City Bus 16 to Golden 10th Street. and then reverse this to come back home. All total was 5 hours of travel! However, the Holy Ghost gave me numerous opportunities to witness and pray for people. God is good! Yes that is a fact… believe it and stop believing the devil… because the devil tells lies, not the truth. Got It?
To hear our podcast show episodes — click here.
To subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — click here.
SEE SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Street Preaching and Ministry.
FEBRUARY 10, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:26 AM, Wednesday. Good morning! It’s a glorious day to be in Christ Jesus! I hope you are my friend. This is just a quick note to say that I’ve been praying protection over my Preaching Calendar for the last month or so. And what I have noticed is that I’m NOT cancelling any preaching days, like I use to, when it would be to cold or snowy. Because, like today, the weather says it feels like 3 degrees and is 99% humidity… that’s cold!
I see now, that the Lord is giving me grace to go out for just 2 or 3 hours, instead of cancelling the whole day. I love this! I pray this will continue, and that I will never cancel another day. However, we all know that Satan is not done testing and tempting us… beware my friends! (Do a word search of “beware” in the KJV, it’s an eye-opener! I see 26 scriptures.)
Thank you so very very much for maintaining a vigilant prayer life, for yourself and family and friends… and for this street ministry and missionary church… and for all the souls that pass by my preaching banner. I offer you a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for YOUR service!!!
I love you. In Jesus name. Amen.
P.S. Written 10:13 PM, Wednesday. I was updating the Street Preaching Results, and saw that I should also make a comment here in Calendar News about this evening’s weekly bible fellowship. In the last several months, in our Wednesday bible fellowship, the Holy Ghost has been showing up and ministering to each individual at the fellowship. To witness the moving of the Spirit of God is a wonderful sight to behold! To anyone who lives in or near Boulder, Colorado and would like to visit our bible fellowship, contact Preacher John. And we’ll see what happens. God bless you! Amen.
To hear our podcast show episodes — click here.
To subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — click here.
SEE SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Street Preaching and Ministry.
FEBRUARY 7, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 8:47 AM, Monday. Sunday is filled with continual people stopping at church and talking with us and asking for prayer. Every day seems to be increasing little by little. Sunday’s continue to be a standard that the Holy Ghost is using to make a bold statement for the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Every day now, I’ve been recording videos and then editing them with many of the scriptures I talk about in the video and add in a prayer here and there. Many people are beginning to say to me that my videos have helped them, or touched them, or that they are really good. The point is that the message of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is being preached!
The more that people interact (thumbs-up/like/comment/share) with these videos the more that they will be promoted and pushed throughout the system… this creates a continual presence of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. How? Simply to the fact that on every street preaching video (the new ones) I have on the thumbnail: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
I love preaching the gospel!
Thank you my dear friend for all that you are doing for the kingdom of heaven, in Jesus name. Amen.
To hear our podcast show episodes — click here.
To subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — click here.
SEE SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Street Preaching and Ministry.
FEBRUARY 1-5, MONDAY-FRIDAY, 2021. Written 1:11 PM, Saturday. This week has been an extremely fruitful week! Even in spite of poor weather and personal struggle, the gospel has been preached throughout the city, and the ministry of the Spirit of God has gone forth into all the city! What a glorious time to be alive!
I keep reminding everyone that I talk with, those who want to minister and the believers, that this season that we are in is the greatest opportunity to witness for Christ in our lifetimes. Why do I say that? I think it’s due to this global situation we find ourselves in. This type of event wakes a lot of people up to the REAL reality. Not to their simple lives only.
I logged 31 hours of preaching the gospel this week. I logged about 18,000 people passed by my gospel banner. I logged 33 conversations this week, many with prayer and/or counsel. People are interested in what is happening. They want to pray! Please my friends, ask people to pray with you, ask them… can we pray together? People want prayer.
Today is my seventh day for rest in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord’s Sabbath. I love knowing that I am free to rest in God’s presence, and not feel this need to go preach or minister. It’s a glorious feeling in my spirit.
I love you. God bless you in all that you are doing for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
To hear our podcast show episodes — click here.
To subscribe to our Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view our daily street preaching videos on YouTube — click here.
SEE SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Street Preaching and Ministry.
Thank You For Partnering With This Ministry. Lots of good things are happening for the kingdom of heaven. This ministry is teaching how to street preach and how to minister the Holy Ghost. By the will of God, we are all preaching and ministering in the Lord’s harvest. Our labour is being done and recorded for the purpose of “Building a new missionary church!” Glory to the Most High God!
→ Preacher John’s street preaching videos.
→ Preacher John’s podcast show.
JANUARY 31, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:20 PM, Sunday. Wow! This week has started off with a bang! There are more and more people coming to church on the sidewalk and getting prayer and their needs met! This is truly a move of the Holy Ghost and I’m loving it! There is so much going on that seven hours of non-stop ministry feels like it simply disappears.
Got back from Grand Junction, Colorado on Friday night. Two days of travel, and two days of over-the-top preaching and ministering! There is truly something going on in the spirit. I keep telling people, this is the best time in our life to go out and preach and witness for Jesus Christ. The people, in general, are open and curious and wondering what is going on. This provides us the opportunity to witness to their soul about salvation in Jesus Christ.
I hope and pray that you too, are doing all that you can do for the kingdom of God… even supporting this street ministry as a monthly partner is working for the kingdom of God, for souls are being saved and the gospel of Christ is being preached out in the open air where the people are… where the gospel is truly needed, NOW!
If you can’t give funds, then give some time to the ministry… come on out and pray and intercede. If time is not good for you, then pray and intercede at home for this ministry. Then if that doesn’t work… then study the word of God and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. But please, don’t sit and do nothing… this is not the time for that. Get to work!
To reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view my daily YouTube videos from street preaching — click here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 27, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 8:28 AM, Thursday. Wednesday in Grand Junction, Colorado proved to be a truly great day of witnessing and preaching and talking with people. This city has many Christians and a mix of unbelievers that make street preaching and ministry worthwhile.
Tuesday coming over from Boulder/Denver… the train, Amtrak, had some mechanical engine issues resulting in not arriving in Grand Junction until around 11 pm or so, 7 hours late. Didn’t get to bed until about 12:30 am… exhausted, but excited to be here, and ready to go!
Today is Thursday, a couple guys said they will be coming out to preach with me, and some others have said this, but I already know they probably will not be able to. Either way, “Preacher John” will be there at 12th/North by Colorado Mesa University and flying my 10 foot gospel banner, called, “Let’s Pray!” and “How To Be Saved.”
Thank you for all or any prayers to the Father for me and the people here in Grand Junction. We have a opportunity to begin a bible fellowship here, we’ll see later today, Thursday. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour and King!
To reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view my daily YouTube videos from street preaching — click here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 24, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 7:52 PM, Sunday. Sunday Church was a lot of fun today… even in the frigid cold. I preached nearly the entire day, the last hour Frank preached a great message on salvation and doctrine. What a joy to have another street preacher alongside.
What I noticed the Holy Ghost doing, is he is drawing people who are Spirit filled, King James Bible preachers, and have a solid pure doctrine. Everyone of us has a heart for the lost, and for prayer, and the pure word of God. It’s beautiful to see. Thank you Holy Ghost.
Monday will be a shorter day, due to snow and my need to get ready for an early departure Tuesday morning for Grand Junction, Colorado. I’ll be street preaching and ministering to thousands of souls… the word of truth will go out and the Spirit of God will be upon me. I’m excited to see what God has planned!
Thank you for all your prayers and support and partnership with this ongoing ministry, in Jesus Christ. Amen.
To reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — click here.
To view my daily YouTube videos from street preaching — click here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 20, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 11:39 PM, Wednesday. Today was really filled with people to talk with… rather to witness to for Jesus! Life as a street preacher and church builder… founding pastor is truly one of the most exciting times of my life. I’ve done lots of different jobs in the ministry… however, this is quite different than normal. For some reason, there is an anointing on me from the Spirit of God that is giving me lots more than usual faith!
This faith is working overtime in my life, as the Lord Jesus builds Gospel Evangelist Church at Boulder and Colorado. It’s difficult to articulate just exactly what is going on. I do know that this is not normal for me. But of course, my life is in its retirement season. Therefore, I feel much more freedom to give my life to the Lord’s work.
And that is exactly what I am doing! Giving my entire rest of my life to serving full time, without any reservations nor holding of anything back… I’m giving all my life to the Lord Jesus Christ! And what a great and glorious feeling it is… thank you Lord!
Thank you my dear friends for supporting this ministry… God is recording it all, and rewards are eminent!
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube videos on street preaching — here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 17, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 9:53 PM, Sunday. I just had to write something here this evening before I hit the sack. This morning when I awoke, the Holy Spirit woke me very early in the morning, and said get up and pray, it’s going to be a busy day. All I said was, thank you Holy Spirit… Good Morning Holy Spirit!
And I got up straightway and got into my morning routine of prayer. Nothing seemed out of the normal. I felt very rested and ready for work on the streets, ministering the gospel.
The day started slow, as usual. Then about an hour and a half into the morning, about 11:30… I started preaching aloud as usual. However, moments after I started, things really got heated up! People began rolling their windows down in their car, many listened for a minute, some mocked, some praised, but most just stared. And the day continued getting busier and busier with people and more people and still more people!
I was so very busy all day, that I barely noticed that 7 hours had gone by… I never stopped talking, or rather preaching… I was wonderfully joined by two other preachers, and then a third joined in… like, we had four preachers taking turns at ministering and fellowshipping with all the people who were interested.
What a great day, in JESUS!
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube videos on street preaching — here.
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JANUARY 15, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 10:37 PM, Friday. You know what I think is so fascinating about this ministry? It’s not what you may think it is… to me it’s the small little numbers adding up over a consistent daily regimen of work. When the month begins, the numbers on the Street Preaching Results 2021 page read “0”. That’s it! Then as the days roll by the number begin to compile, one day on top of another day, over and over again. It’s amazing for me to watch!
Why is this so fascinating to me? I think it’s because I’m proving to the world of stay-at-home-Christians who refuse to witness for Jesus Christ, that if they would just commit to some small little work of serving the Lord Jesus on a consistent regular scheduled calendar, that good works will add up onto their account in heaven.
There is a real account of all that we are doing for God here on earth. Nothing goes unrecorded! I’m sincerely asking and praying to the Lord Jesus, that he will send labourers into his harvest. This is the greatest time in our lifetime to be preaching and ministering the gospel. I so exhort everyone to get out where the sinners are and go to work! NOW!!!
All said with love and grace, in Jesus Christ. Okay?
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube videos on street preaching — here.
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JANUARY 13, WEDNESDAY, 2021. Written 9:51 AM, Thursday. Wednesday was a super full day of preaching and ministry! The point I want to make here is our bible fellowship on Wednesday evenings… this was our very best to-date. The Holy Ghost filled our fellowship and touched every person! Prayer was amazing! The word was amazing! The fellowship was amazing! I am so utterly thankful for all God is doing in building Gospel Evangelist Church. I see signs, miracles and wonders following the preaching and ministering of the word of truth.
Good things are coming! The bible is alive and is true! Watching the Holy Ghost bring life to our ministry is beautiful and awe inspiring!
Praise and glory to Almighty God!
Thank you to every one who is apart of this ministry! Blessings to each and every one, in Jesus name. Amen.
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube videos on street preaching — here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 10-11, SUNDAY-MONDAY, 2021. Written 6:49 PM, Monday. Wow! What a great start of the week! God is on the move and Preacher John is too! However, I’m not alone… we have two other preachers that are on fire for God! It’s such a heart warming and caring feeling to see street preachers that where new at it, and now are moving with the Holy Ghost! I love it!
Sunday was filled with people stopping by our church location, which is outside, on the street… we call it, “Welcome to the drive-by church — church on the sidewalk — where we have 45-second sermons are less — the length of a traffic light!”
Now of course, because of what the Holy Ghost has directed us to do on Sunday’s, a couple months ago, is to preach aloud our sermons and go along as the Spirit leads. Sometimes, someone preaches a few minutes, and then other times we preach ten minutes, and still other times we preach for 20-30 minutes… all based on what the Holy Ghost is doing in the preacher. It’s beautiful to watch!
Monday was a brand new corner at Iris and Broadway across from the Boulder County building. I was facing directly down Iris as the cars rolled up… it was glorious! I had the opportunity to witness and preach and intercede for all the people, no matter which direction or how they were traveling; because there were a lot of walkers too, because I was right next to the Boulder pathway. Many people responded in good ways, and of course many responded in not-so-good ways. It all worked out just fine. Plus, I had a wonderful experience with a lady who stopped and gave me a hot apple cider drink!!! Wow! It was totally delicious! Thank you S!
May the Lord Jesus totally bless you as you move and serve the kingdom of heaven! In Jesus name, amen.
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube Video on street preaching — here.
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JANUARY 5-8, TUESDAY-FRIDAY, 2021. Written 6:30 PM, Friday. This has been a very busy week! Lots of souls interceded for and also prayed for a multitude of people. This new banner for me has created more opportunity to pray with people. I think it is more on my part, rather than the words on the 2021 Banner called “Let’s Pray!” I just feel like asking everyone I talk to, let’s pray! And most will pray with me. It is so refreshing to watch people receive from the Lord Jesus by the Holy Ghost. Without the ministry of the Holy Ghost, I fully believe that none of what is happening with this ministry would take place.
As the founding pastor of Gospel Evangelist Church; I have fully and completely, without reserve or any limit whatsoever, and have placed NO boundaries of any kind, on the ministry of the HOLY GHOST! (I hope I said that right?) In other words, the Holy Ghost is my BOSS!
On Thursday, I had a new corner at Folsom/Valmont. This turned out to be a fantastic location, right on the corner by the store. I had lots of people who talked with me, and many prayed with me. This location felt like I was in a new town! Most of the people that I saw where new to me and the gospel banner. Looking forward to returning on schedule.
Friday in Golden was filled with people… the town really got busy about 11:30 or so… I was at the right location with the right gospel message and people either loved it… or hated it (those who also hate God!). It was such a great day of witnessing for Jesus, and for conversing with people, I must have had a dozen conversations, of all kinds!
(Notice: today was the very last RTD Bus between Boulder and Golden, due to the virus and severe reduction of ridership. I asked the Lord, do I end Golden? The Lord said, no, find another way. Wow, the Lord was serious… “find another way!”) Don’t ya just luv Jesus! Ain’t it great!!
God bless you guys for helping, for giving, for praying and interceding for this ministry… I see “GOOD GROUND! —Mark 4:20, KJV.”
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube Video on street preaching — here.
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JANUARY 4, MONDAY, 2021. Written 11:07 pm, Monday. It’s been a long day, but I wanted to finish everything before bed. Today, Monday, was such a great day of witnessing! There were well over 4,000 people today who received a good solid witness for Jesus Christ! So many many people responded with thank you’s, and praises for this ministry, so many were encouraged in the Lord Jesus!
As me and others who are preaching the gospel through this ministry, we reach out to every single soul… there is not one that we turn away, no matter what their decision is… all the preachers of this ministry love every one! Because, “God so loved the world that he gave…” the famous beginning to John 3:16! Don’t you just love John 3:16?
Thank you to every friend and partner of this ministry. I stand with you before the Lord for your healing, deliverance, provision, and yes even salvation for your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, your clients, and every single person who comes through your life! Amen, and Amen.
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube Video on street preaching — here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
JANUARY 3, SUNDAY, 2021. Written 8:47 pm, Sunday. Oh my what a glorious Sunday this was! The Holy Ghost showed up in a big way and blessed every single person who came by our church today. It was a sight to behold, even many of the people who see us every Sunday, at 28th/Pearl here in Boulder, looked somewhat in amazement! They’re used to only seeing me and a couple people, but not today!
Many new people came to church today. Robert was a such a blessing to all of us! Richard shared amazing testimonies of how he came over to talk with us, and his life as a Christian! Cory was the first to church, as he often is, keep him in your prayers. Samuel arrived and blessed us with his sincere love of God and Christ, I simply love how he is so thoughtful and caring toward the Lord Jesus. Ja helped us out with her prayers and energy and her service. Frank preached with outspoken boldness and power of the Holy Ghost. Clif gave everything he had today to serving the Lord Jesus! What a huge blessing Clif is to the body of Christ, more is coming from this man… just wait and see some mighty prayers and preaching that will touch the multitudes of people that roll by our church. There were many more who came to church today, and many more still who gave their praise and thankfulness that we are out on the street preaching and ministering Jesus Christ! Even I had a lot of fun preaching and praying and being with everyone who love the Lord Jesus like I do… thank you to all!
Abundant and bountiful blessings to each and every one, in Jesus name. Amen, and Amen.
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube Video on street preaching — here.
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JANUARY 1, FRIDAY, 2021. Written 11:49 am, Saturday. 1st Friday of Month – Denver, Colorado – 17th/Wynkoop by Union Station! The day was really quite excellent! There was more people than since the Covid lockdown… lots of travelers and walkers and tourist who were all interested in looking around and seeing what they could see. And guess what? I was there right in front of around 3,000 people for the day so that they all had the opportunity to see the name of their NOW or FUTURE Saviour… I sure and hope pray that it would be sooner than later! The ONLY way to heaven is through the LORD JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR!
I lifted the new banner for 2021… called “Let’s Pray!”… it got lots of good reviews from the saved and the unsaved. I like that because it means everyone is willing to read the message of salvation that I have on my preaching gospel banner/sign. If the read it, then there is a better opportunity that they will remember the message, when the Holy Ghost reminds them of what they saw or read or what sort of decision they made, when they saw the sign.
I love this life of street preaching and ministering. I see so many good things that are happening for the kingdom of heaven! Thank you to every one who has chosen to partner with this ministry. This ministry is “good ground” and is actually producing bountiful fruit for the kingdom of God!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021! Let’s go out there and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in 2021! Let’s all ask God for a Holy Ghost Convicted Revival in the State of Colorado!
By the will of God, we purpose in our heart to touch 1,000,000 people for heaven in 2021.
All to the glory of our heavenly Father. Amen, and Amen.
You can reply with the Sunday Prayer Letter — here.
You can view my daily YouTube Video on street preaching — here.
TO SUPPORT PREACHER JOHN by PayPal for Building a new missionary church!
This Calendar News 2021 page is just a simple Summary or Log or even a Journal of some things that happened while I was banner preaching and ministering on the street. I don’t include every thing that possibly happened. I just write the things that are highlights of what I saw as interesting. In no way am I looking for critic on my message nor my methods of preaching and ministry. I fully surrender myself to God by the Holy Ghost, in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your joy!
Every Sunday be edified, exhorted, and comforted while reading a semi-short message from the word of truth… The Holy Bible.
Official Website of Letter Subscription: PreacherJohn.ck.page.