Creativity is important when mixed with action and laid over with the correct education about what we are attempting to accomplish. Jordan Adler is one of those key instrumental leaders that through his tenacity has stayed in the game of entrepreneurship long enough to have attained a high degree of achievement. This is someone who is able to teach us how to create an audience where people listen to you.

Create An Audience
This concept or idea is simply creating and building relationships that when you touch people for heaven then people want to listen to you. Why? Because you have given without expecting or selling any agenda whatsoever! You are different! Build, or create an audience…
Jordan Adler 2016 Keynote Convention Speech
No Agenda Except My Desire To Help You Create An Audience
I have no real agenda here with this blog post. I just really like Jordan Adler and when I was watching this video on YouTube I thought this would be really cool as a blog post. Hopefully so…
Takes Heart Not An Agenda
This idea of creating an audience in such a way as to enjoy a listening audience is one that takes time, but rather takes heart. People know, you know, when someone is not sincere. I struggle often times when talking to people because in my heart I have an agenda…that agenda is their salvation!
Do they know Jesus Christ as their Savior? I want to witness what Jesus has done and lead them in prayer to receive Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life. We are all going to die.
To think that when you die, you just disappear is naive. In our heart, all human beings know there is more to life than what we see. This is why I am always looking for and creating an audience with anyone who will listen…amen!
Turn Onto JESUS!
My simple prayer 43 years ago was…
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
Touching People For Heaven
If you need prayer, contact me.
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Jordan Adler is probably one of the most interesting and most successful people that I have ever known. His story is incredibly inspiring. Even his book is truly amazing. I truly appreciate Jordan!