The simplest most basic component to this church, Gospel Evangelist Church is the cell group. Creating cell groups is the starting point of our creating, designing, and building GEC.
Monday December 10, 2018
When each of us are creating, designing and building anything, we all must start at the simplest, most basic component. Therefore, this church will be built using the simple basic cell group system. The FIRST Cell Group, the way that I see it, not sure if it’s perfect, but I like the concept here in these passages. Exodus 18, read the entire chapter.
The specific verse is Exodus 18:25, KJV. (ALWAYS THIS VERSION) Then if you would like, go to the NEXT Cell Group, and again, this is the way I am currently seeing it, and this is in a extremely simplified manner. Acts 1, 2, 3, 4, read all four chapters, for a holistic view, again sort of! The key verse is Acts 2:46, KJV. (This is the KING JAMES VERSION, AV1611, Cambridge University Press circa 1900). My scripture tips are from AV1611 website.
I thought this video was a simple example of what I’m in general talking about. The video is only 2:43 minutes long with a little background music and no talking. It will just provide more framework for later discussions. I shared it to this blog post through the YouTube Share Tool, therefore I agreed to the copyright policies. Thank you.
Become specific and unique
The bodies we temporarily live in where created, designed and built using the cell groups. Cells divided and multiplied and became the specific unique cell groups needed to form every component of our bodies. Every cell group is alive and intelligent and contained.
The body that God created is truly a marvel in all its creation! There are lots of verses that talk about God’s creation and how we should look at it and think about it, sort of in the realm of, see this…that’s God!
God created us in HIS image…we are like our Creator! Therefore, creating is apart of our cell groups and thus, we should participate in creating cell groups! That’s sort of a odd way of looking at it I guess. Just consider all that God has created. No matter where we look, we see wonders and miracles and signs…all to the Creator’s Glory!
What am I doing
In conclusion, “John Choque is creating cell groups . . . ”
This is how Gospel Evangelist Church will be brought into existence on earth. Look up 1 Corinthians 3:1 and all 23 verses. All creation…is a miracle and a wonder and a sign!
Today in my morning prayer time this idea came to me…what am I doing…all of a sudden, I saw a simple circle like form with glitter like stuff in the middle that was flowing around inside this circle, there was color and shape and sound and some sort of shining stuff…in essence, I saw that creating cell groups was the most basic method of building Gospel Evangelist Church in Boulder, Colorado!
If you need prayer, contact me.
Become a Patron.
If you would like to give into a brand new missionary type of church here in Boulder, Colorado that the Lord has directed me to create, please use my Patreon platform to support the work. (JC membership link) Thank you for your faith. God bless!
This is a simple, easy, smooth and effective method to build our list of people whom we are talking to for salvation, ministry and in creating cell groups. I really enjoy the simplicity, because this works! (JC commission link) The idea is that after witnessing with the gospel tract, you stay in contact, forever!
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21.
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. “Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.” —John Choque, 1974.
I’m very excited to narrow down this vision of GEC to this concept of, Cell Groups! It’s beautiful and liberating at the same time, amazing.