United States Law Passed it is now Illegal to have an Employer Cash Reimburse You for Health Insurance. How does that make you feel? I’ll tell you how it made me feel on Friday July 10, 2015. I was speechless for a few minutes! I was deeply moved because of what this government decided to do. United States law passed it is now illegal to have an employer cash reimburse you for health insurance!
Friday July 10, 2015
Redding, California
Most of Thursday was in deep thought of this strange feeling inside me of how my government decided to pass this law making it illegal for my company to help pay for my health insurance premiums through a small cash bonus reimbursement for the high insurance premiums that I pay and all of us pay! Just writing this is making me feel odd and frustrated with my government.
It’s now Friday July 10, 2015, and I’ve been in my morning prayer time for about 2 hours. I love my morning prayer time! I just don’t see how a Christian can live for the day without investing personal time in prayer with our Heavenly Father. Christians must build a life of prayer!
Right after praying, for all the stuff I pray about, this thought came to me about how our government could very well and easily pass another law making it illegal to pay your employee if they do not have an “Identifying Mark On Their Person – Either Wrist or Hairline”. Hey, this is very doable by our government, and it will NOT matter if you are a Christian, a Muslim, an Atheist, or Undecided.
Oh I know and I hear the people saying, oh that Preacher John, he sure gets radical and is so negative about things. Why does he point things out that are negative and not of happy things? I can hear it all now, but that does not sway me into being passive and glib about this paramount issue facing every single individual on the planet, but first here in the United States.
You wait, Unites States law passed it is now illegal to have an employer cash reimburse you for health insurance. July 1, 2015, is the date of effectiveness. The law was passed on January 1, 2015. This is only the beginning folks! As the days roll by and the unfolding of the “Affordable Care Act,” commonly known as “Obama Care,” reveals itself you will also, along with me be astonished at the scope and depth of this landmark law! But hey, the American people voted for this great new change President, Barrack Hussein Obama. I think the voters or however Obama gained office for two terms, are unaware of what is happening in our government. Maybe the people don’t care? Friday July 10, 2015.
For the last many years I have withdrawn my voter status in America. I am a Viet Nam Veteran and I am ashamed at how this country has acted toward its own citizens and toward the citizens of the world.
Now I am encouraged to reactivate my voter status, because of this next presidential ruling office, cabinet and team. Donald J. Trump for President is where my vote is going.
United States Law Passed it is now Illegal to have an Employer Cash Reimburse You for Health Insurance
Where will you be on voter day? I will be casting my vote and even as I write this blog post, I am casting my vote! I am publicly proclaiming that as a United States Citizen and Taxpayer, I want America to Be Great Again!
As I just wrote and clicked saved, I felt odd inside. Why? Because this is the first time that I have written about anything to do with politics. As an employee, government usually doesn’t play a big role in our lives. Now, as a business owner, the government is critical and key to success in business. The company that I drive for, is involved in the political process to some degree because if they were not, well, business would probably be terminated due to lack of legality. A company must remain legal to operate in our government.
I need to seriously ask you something. What are you planning to do when your government passes the law that says, it is illegal for a company to pay the employee without the required ID?
Did you answer the previous question?
It is a serious question and one that demands a response.
Just because you say, “I am a Christian and God won’t do that to me” is not the proper response.
My suggestion is to pray.
Friend, if for some reason you do not know if you were to die tonight you would go to heaven, then pray this, “Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
With much respect for you,
Preacher John – missionary
Friday July 10, 2015
Redding, California
I post this because it is important!
I had to change the original title to this post because this post was being attacked or hacked due to the title. I saw this in Google Analytics that showed hundreds of hits. Thieves are so rampant in society. That’s too bad, satan is real folks. Evil will be overcome, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.