“Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:14 (KJV)
Does God pay his preachers
Weeks ago, in prayer this verse, 1 Corinthians 9:14, really jumped to my attention. You see, for years and years I’ve wondered exactly how does God pay his preachers? In the natural all seems like a scam…to me…you know, the begging and pleading for your money.
Then comes the music and all the emotional talk about how they need our money to stay afloat. The preacher moans and groans on and on about how he disparately needs whatever money you can give today…or we’ll have to shut our doors, or go off the air, or the ministry will be closed…and on and on and on, add infinitum! What I usually told myself was, then shut it down, close the doors, go home preacher!
I mean enough is enough
I just hate the begging for money, especially when the guy lives in a nice home, drives a very nice car, has nice clothes and nice teeth and very obviously a very nice paycheck. I mean enough is enough…it’s as if preachers don’t believe that God is All Powerful and everything is in his hands.
The God who provides to every creature and plant and flower and insect and every organism on this wide-world-of-amazement! But when it comes to the preacher…it seems as if he thinks that God hasn’t got a clue on how to provide for the preacher. I just get so sick of it. Thus to this point in all my years of ministry, I refuse to ask for an offering, nor even receive an offering! I think one time I took the $5 someone wanted to give me after ministry when they begged me to take it…I was like forced to take their little offering because it was that important to them. It was quite an amazing dialogue between us.
Do the work of the ministry
Now of course I have over the years have received various monies to do the work of the ministry…I have been extremely blessed in serving the Lord. And now I come up to my current time here in Boulder (my seventh attempt to build GEC) and I see mountains of financial need…I just keep praying and keep moving. Then the other day this verse seemed to be highlighted by the Spirit…instantly I stopped reading and read and re-read this 1 Corinthians 9:14 over and over….and I kept wondering about it. I looked up some more info on the verse and all I came up with is preachers talking about, oh that is just in reference to Paul and his ministry, not yours John! What????
People are so stupid sometimes…it blows me away! It’s as if people can’t see past the hood ornament on their car…ha ha…I’m a trucker remember! 1 Corinthians 9:14 is for today, 2018 and soon 2019! The Holy Bible (King James Version…I’m a KJV onlyist…ha ha!…what a stupid name, that’s another subject that baffles me…people wake up!!! Christians have a living, current, right now ENEMY that fights day and night against you and everything you stand for…who is that, God calls him Satan, the father of lies, the deceiver.)
God provides without asking
Anyways, back on topic please before I really get typing in a frenzy…God is so good, I love Jesus with all my heart and soul! Thank you Jesus! Now onwards, because of this 1 Corinthians 9:14 verse and by the Spirit, in the last two weeks received 108 new Bibles and 10,000 new custom gospel tracts (little booklets)! All this totals 13 cases…sitting in my hall way, which I can barely get through.
God provides without asking and begging people to give. I prayed for about, I don’t know, maybe 3 months maybe 6 months, but really got serious only a month ago and bam, there they are…delivered to my door, courtesy of UPS and FEDEX! I’m spelled bound by my miracle working God whom I serve.
Then I started my blog up again mainly due to the blog web address being on the tracts (little booklets) and then I felt led by the Spirit to build out my Patreon page for subscription memberships and after that, led by the Spirit to my ConvertKit for an email system and an affiliate membership all for witnessing followup and continual connection until people are saved and in heaven! I’m not quitting until I’m not here any longer! smile…be ready folks, this time is coming, Jesus will return, come Lord Jesus.
Opportunities for people
So anyways, I’m just rattling on about preachers begging for money and now here I am opening opportunities for people to give into this ministry. Therefore, prayerfully consider what the Lord says about giving and supporting and funding ministries. God has a plan for givers! An abundant blessing plan for givers!
By the way, if I wasn’t a giver myself, I would have been a bum my whole life, because the only work skill I have is, driving.
Keep the greasy side down and the shiny side up…see ya on the flip flop! 10-4?
Preacher John said that…over and out!
If you need prayer, contact me.
If you would like to give into a brand new missionary type of church here in Boulder, Colorado that the Lord has directed me to create, please use my Patreon platform to support the work, at least temporarily. Please use this BECOME A PATRON button. Thank you for your faith. God bless!
This is a simple, easy, smooth and effective method to build our list of people whom we are talking to for salvation, ministry and in creating cell groups. I really enjoy the simplicity, because this works! (John’s Affiliate Link) The idea is that after witnessing with the gospel tract, you stay in contact, forever!
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21.
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. “Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.” —John Choque, 1974.
“Something GOOD is going to happen to YOU!” -as a minister I learned from for 5 years, Oral Roberts.