Red Flower by the rock on my front porch in Redding, California. BlogMission, the ministry of John Choque. As I stepped outside this morning to water my flowers and visit with them, this Red Flower seemed to say, ‘Take my picture!’ …so I did! Isn’t that funny how we as these magnificent and intelligent all-knowing Human Beings will get the slightest joy from such a small tiny Red Flower! Life has amazing moments…capture every one of them, because there may be a time that those memories will save your life and give the opportunity to give away such grand and funny memories to touch another life… Amen.
Red Flower and the ‘Diesel Horse Bridge’
Redding: The Diestelhorst Bridge
“The Diestelhorst Bridge–some local residents whimsically call it the Diesel Horse Bridge–is an arched, reinforced-concrete bridge that was built in 1914-15. It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
It was named for Gotlieb Diestelhorst, whose family owned the land where it was built.
The bridge has the distinction of being the first bridge for automobiles and the first reinforced- concrete bridge built across the Sacramento River.
Gotlieb Diestelhorst was a farmer who purchased 84 acres at the site in 1859. In 1860, Edward Reid purchased an operating ferry at the site. The ferry became known as Reid’s Ferry and operated at the same spot until 1915, when it was put out of business because of the new bridge.”
The above is from Bill Paxson’s blog located here.
Traveling is one of those activities that will bring adventure into our life. Now, I’m not necessarily referring to ‘World-Travel’ though that too would bring over-the-top adventure into anyone’s life, right? Sometimes, if we simply get out of the house and take a walk or as I did, ride my Schwinn bicycle, along the Sacramento River Trail. Moving along with the wind in your face is an exhilarating feeling of freedom and health.
JESUS IS LORD! —1 Corinthians 12:3
Like the Red Flower on my porch asking to be photographed, we all want to feel healthy and attractive. Exercising our body is such an activity that it produces energy that has the tendency to make us look… well, like the Red Flower we are!
Red Flower Is Red because God Made It So!
The Color Red in Scripture for Red Flower
The Demand for a Sign
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.
He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is, and in the morning, Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.”
Jesus then left them and went away.
Matthew 16:1-4 New International Version, 1978
Jonah, missionary
Jonah was the son of Amittai a prophet of God. Jonah is commonly called, ‘The Reluctant Missionary,” because of his actions and words.
Read about Jonah here in these scriptures: 2 Kings 14:25; Jonah 1:1; Luke 11:29. The Book of Jonah is only four chapters long and is some of the most pointed and direct to our generation words in scripture. Knowing that Jonah was a prophet and a preacher, a missionary with a calling from God should inspire each of us to heed to God’s calling on our lives. EVERY Christian has a calling to be a “Minister of Reconciliation” in the power of the Holy Spirit.
As Jonah was called to a city, Nineveh, to preach the Good News, I too am called to a city, Boulder, Colorado to preach and minister the Good News and to build God a church in that great city!
Since my calling to Boulder I have been on the continual path to my destiny, traveling the road of life and touching people for heaven. My calling is growing in strength and character. When God again brings me to Boulder, I will touch people for heaven!
My friend I pray, “Lord Jesus you know exactly where my friend is at this very moment, I lift up my friend’s name to you and ask your blessing upon my friend. Lord you have the power to set people free from sin and free from disease and free from bondage and free from demons, Lord Jesus set my friend free. Be free my friend, and receive the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your life, into all areas of your life. May The Lord be mighty and strong in your life. May God be glorified in all that you live life for. My friend, God knows who you are. God loves you and desires you to be his friend. Come to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Believe by FAITH…”
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened. -Read Jonah 3:10 NIV
Respectfully in JESUS,
Touch People For Heaven
Yes… I have a vision of one million people in heaven because I lived. As a preacher, minister and missionary; along with my forty year career as a professional driver; I am consistently looking for ways to touch people for heaven. Because to be saved through Jesus Christ is REAL. —Read Acts 2:21
The Book of Jonah is really a very good read.