Episode 20 – Podcast Show – Touching People For Heaven – With Your Host Preacher John
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Luke 4:1 (KJV) And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Before we get started in today’s discourse, a little commercial for GEC Bible School…
Returned From Jordan
Returned From Jordan – Luke 4:1 (KJV) – Saturday, March 30, 2019
Luke 4:1 (KJV) And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
It’s so strange to return from something. Just like I’ve been extremely busy doing tons of research in preaching, in studying different doctrines, and plans on building the church, and a whole host of other related topics, all for the purpose of preaching and ministering and building Gospel Evangelist Church in Boulder, Colorado. Life is so beautifully good! Praise Jesus!
My one-year-anniversary
By the way, today is my one-year-anniversary of the horrendous skateboard wreck I got into that crushed my left knee and paralyzed my left foot for many months. One year ago was Good Friday, March 30, 2018… about 2:30 PM on the Boulder Creek Path behind the Foothills Hospital!
How fortunate for me to be just a stone’s throw away for where I would spend my next 30 days! Yep, two surgeries and 30 days of drugs… what a trip!
But that’s not why I’m doing today’s discourse. I’m just finishing up on most of my research and this was the next natural step. Plus, I give Saturday’s as a Sabbath unto the Lord… in fact every Saturday since the Lord moved me to Boulder on May 3, 2017, have I given a Sabbath day unto the Lord.
We all should obey the Lord
It’s just something that is between me and the Lord. He asked…I obeyed with a yes, and it’s been consistent now for about a year and 11 months! Wow, that’s cool! The reason I’m telling you about this is that we all should obey the Lord whenever he asks us to do something. It’s for our good… not his.
Speaking about today’s scripture, as usual, I was given this tiny verse to write a discourse on and I thought okay, this should be interesting. So let’s get started and see what the Holy Spirit wants to teach us all… amen?
Our verse is Luke 4:1 (KJV) And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
The title is short but for me means a lot… the title again is “Returned From Jordan”… please note also, that to get the most out of reading and studying the scriptures, read the previous verses and the those following the key text, always asking the Holy Spirit to teach you the Word of God. Okay?
We are baptized into the Family of God
We truly need to come to grips with the facts surrounding our salvation and our walking out this salvation throughout our life.
One point is to realize that when we are born-again, we are baptized into the Family of God by the Holy Spirit. With this new family comes a change from our old past or old self. We are now a new creature in Christ. This also entails us being like Christ or like Jesus. We are who God created us to be, our spiritual nature… our personality. But we also live like Jesus did.
Walking out our salvation
So when we realize that we live like Jesus, we can look at the scriptures and see our selves in the same or similar fashion as Jesus. I’m not talking about being a robot or a clone… no, I’m referring to walking out our salvation by doing the works of Jesus. It’s just like the disciples of Jesus and later many of the converts in the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament. They all followed Jesus and his example, based on their own personality.
Therefore, we can read in our verse, “And Jesus”, as that name being replaced with our name. Like my name is John, therefore, the verse when I’m reading and meditating on the scriptures, I can truthfully say, “And John”… this is little difficult to write, maybe when I do my podcast show it will come out a little better, we’ll see. But of course, as I’m reading this on the show, it really doesn’t sound any more coherent! Oh well, I’m working at it!
Add yourself to my daily prayer
There’s a way to be included in my daily prayer. At the end of this discourse there’s an easy method to add yourself. This might be one more way that I can be ‘Touching People For Heaven’. Knowing that someone is praying for you is very comforting. God works through all kinds of people and things to bring about what he wants. God knows what’s going on. He’s the boss!
“Owners Manual”
The reason why we need to put ourselves into the scriptures is because it was written for us, for you and for me and for all the brand new born again believers coming into the family! Isn’t that wonderful? You see, we do come with an “Owners Manual”… and those who say we don’t are lying to you and to everyone and deceiving themselves and all who listen to them. All to often, they are smart, intelligent and successful and trying to led us into their own program of sorts. How sad, but that’s life!
Luke 4:1 (KJV) And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
So we have, “And Jesus (or YOU) “being full of the Holy Ghost”… okay, now here is where oh so many Christians have a hissy fit! So many just absolutely refuse to be full of the Holy Ghost (please recognize that Ghost is a another word for Spirit…okay) The King James Version covers every aspect of the Spirit of God. Modern versions only cover a few different aspects of the Spirit. Fortunately for us we study in a very accurate and sophisticated book ordained by the Spirit!
Words are so very important
The word “being” is very important… like here in Acts 17:28 (For in him we live, and move, and have our being;) The word is about existence not nonexistence. It’s alive and in a form, it’s an incredible word that says we exist!
And this is referring to something like in our text… it even becomes a greater word! Words are so very important to understand. Always be studying words and definitions of words. Add new words and new definitions to your vocabulary. Learn to spell correctly, and learn how to pronounce words, including how words are formed and scaffold together. (Remember, I’m a D- student that barely graduated High School! You can do it.)
When we hear the Word of God
Every born again believer receives a portion of the Holy Ghost. I said a portion because at salvation we are not full of the Holy Ghost. But we have the Holy Ghost, some. I’m not going to go into any detail here, that’s for another discourse. Suffice to say, we are not saved unless we receive the Holy Ghost, that’s how we get into the family of God! Jesus is our way into the family by the power of the Holy Ghost.
There’s verses that say, when we are saved, or when we hear the Word of God, the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy that seed, the Word of God. Being a Christian is not for everyone, because most can’t stop loving the world and all the world has to offer them! How sad… priorities, priorities, priorities!
The rest of the story
Luke 4:1 (KJV) And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Okay, the next few words, “returned from Jordan” as we know in the context, is the story of Jesus being baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. After Jesus was baptized he returned from Jordan… the rest of the story unfolds, and boy does it ever! You could spend the next three weeks just in the rest of the story! That is if you really dig into what is going on and how lots of verses tie into this story. Incredible! I love the Word of God!
Back to reality
We all return from events… and what happens? An event is like a mountain-top-experience! Then we ‘return from Jordan’ sort of speak, and what’s waiting for us?
That’s right, back to reality!
No sooner that we get the filling of the Holy Ghost we are led to the exam room or testing room or in our verse, we are led into the wilderness for the ride of our life!
But, take a closer look, you didn’t lead yourself into the valley of the shadow of death, nor into the struggles or reality of life, nor into the wilderness! What does the scripture say? That’s right, the Spirit (note that this title is upper case, meaning the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.)
If there is no wilderness
So don’t keep beating yourself up for what may happen in life. It just might be a plan that God is going to use at a later time and he needs you to be led into the wilderness… you never know. God knows what’s going on! Just trust in the Lord and all will work out for your own good.
I can go so far as to say, if there is no wilderness… there is no paradise!
Wilderness is a place you need to be fully autonomous, being full of the Holy Ghost, there is no outside help, no mobile cellular service and no wi-fi, and no grocery stores and no help! But God!
Are you ready to head into the wilderness…. ?
Because we all go there…
Are you equipped to handle the isolation of the wilderness… ?
Be forewarned that being full of the Holy Ghost is the better way to go there…
I believe if you are reading these words or hearing the words on my show, you are ready! I believe in you with all my heart. You my very good friend are the reason that I’m writing this message. You have a calling to be full of the wonder of God by his Spirit! I believe you are the best and are among the best… Christians are the best in the world!
I love you my very good friend…
Have a great day and good night…
The one service I use to help fund my work
If you love what I’m doing, ‘touching people for heaven’, then why not join me in this exciting adventure of creating Christian Content for a brand new missionary type of church, that is being built by creating cell groups. Use my Patreon Link to this service to give, fund or pray for this creation. This creative work also includes my daily Podcast Show “Touching People For Heaven” with new episodes everyday, in 2019. Another great service of Patreon is they let every one know when one of my podcasts or blog posts goes live. I really like Patreon! The idea of using Patreon is to maintain accountability, stability and transparency regarding finances. Which is a key aspect to a legitimate ministry. My JC membership link. Thank you for your faith. And if you want to talk to me first, please contact me. God bless you.
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
Let me ask you a question… if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven?
Even though it’s been several weeks since my last discourse and podcast, it still feels like so much fun to create something out of thin air! I love creating things. I hope to create a church in Boulder, Colorado! Even if you’re curious about what the Lord is up to with me… by all means, let’s talk about it! See ya’ later :) -JC