“Seasonal Patterns are in all things that God made. Seasonal patterns of people and the stock market are obvious to those who study the phenomenon.” -John Choque.
Seasonal patterns work in trading and preaching?
Sure why not? I have been around the trading world for over twenty years, January 1995, that’s a long time!
I have studied seasonal charts for years and of all the tools that I have used, many work just fine, however this seasonal stuff does really well for my temperament. I like looking at the big picture!
This big view relates to Boulder, Colorado and the church God is commissioning me to build. Why not join with me and just see what God has in store for us?
If you’re interested in maybe following me as I build this church, why not subscribe here…
tastyworks® and tastytrade® are key!
These two work hand in hand together to form the basis to learn how to see seasonal patterns in the stock market. What I mean is, we can see how by being neutral to the stock market we can take advantage of the normal seasonal patterns that exist, naturally. Take a look at tax day! April 15th is a key turning point for people in the USA. Each of us are required to file our taxes by this date and the stock market shows these seasonal patterns very clearly.
Below is a clip of the beginnings of how the tastytrade® way works…
The Pizza Strategy? This is part 1 of 4 for tastytrade®
Use this referral link to setup your own tastyworks trading account: http://bit.ly/2mBaiKG
Seasonal Patterns of People and the Stock Market
Study of this phenomenon of the ups and downs of people and the stock market is interesting. It sort of reminds me of my own life because in my own view, I’m just getting started, I’m 63! A way to join with me in this new phase of seasonality, is to be apart of my blog by subscribing with your best email address…in this way I use your first name and email address as a type of prayer list…I know that sounds weird…oh well!
If you need prayer assistance, contact me.
Since switching over to tastyworks brokerage and trading platform I have been able to easily see how to be neutral in placing trades and managing a portfolio to create a steady monthly return. Trading has been a huge part of my life for over twenty years. Seasonal trades are a bit easier using tastyworks. Thanks for checking out my blog…
Recently, I added something new to my stock trading. I am adding short-term trades in low-priced volatile stocks. I am using an additional tool to scan and isolate key stocks that are breaking out or down. It’s quite impressive. Of course, I am using tastyworks (c) for my brokerage…everyone should!! I will talk more about what I am doing on my new page here on my blog, “Stock Trading.”