STREET PREACHING VIDEOS JUNE 2022. A sample collection of Preacher John’s street sermon videos for Gospel Evangelist Church. Boulder, Colorado. USA.
Greetings my friend! Street Preaching Videos June 2022 has more things going on than meets the eye! Thank you for being here and for going over to our video channel and Subscribing to the channel. This greatly helps the ministry outreach! For the July 2022 videos.
This morning I’m adding something different to the post, “Street Preaching Videos June 2022” …I hope there may be some light shed on the struggle of public street ministry. This portion of the post is from my GEC Calendar News 2022 page. Thank you!
JUNE 15, 2022 WEDNESDAY. Written 10:29 AM Wednesday.
Good morning my dear friend! Thank you for being apart of this ministry the Lord Jesus Christ is having us do here at Boulder and Colorado. Good things are happening in the kingdom of heaven from all the labour that street ministers are doing in the Lord’s harvest. From the inside looking outside, I see that this type of public ministry has a great impact in the body of Christ… however, I see it primarily focused on the people who don’t believe in God or his Son or his Spirit…street ministers are bringing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the streets and out into the public for all to make their own decisions for or against, heaven or hell? This is good news for all who are out in the field working in the kingdom of God.
This next part is something that I wrote on today’s calendar date…
(OFF ON MY HOURS?) (I still can’t seem to find out why this type of ministry is so difficult in the spirit. There is fully an opposition to this type ministry and a need to do daily spiritual warfare to keep moving in this ministry work. Being out in public with this huge 10 foot gospel banner and along with intercession in the spirit for every soul, is moving the spirit of Boulder and in the other towns that I go to. Something great for the kingdom of God is happening…I just can’t at this time discern exactly what is happening. I’m required to have faith…this is challenging at times. Thank you for all your help! Blessings friend. -John.)
As per what I just wrote…I can see, and my hope is, all would see, that serving the Lord Jesus Christ takes the full armour of God…and that without being in the Lord Jesus Christ with the armour of light being on or in place, there could be struggle that may stop street ministry. I think the key to moving forward is staying in the Lord Jesus and the word of God…being diligent in the pure word of God, the Holy Bible-King James Version… the reason I see this is that the word is seed… this seed will produce after it’s own kind. Therefore, what is planted is of great importance…because, most often we don’t see what we planted for many decades. (Go look up the problems that Hillsong church is currently in, 2022.) This is just one example of reaping from what is sowed. Be alert my friend!
Abundant blessings in the word of God, as you study to show yourself approved unto the most high God!
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” —2 Timothy 2:15 King James Bible.
I love you very much. Please take care and be very safe and alert as you move about your life. Thank you!
This video sermon below right here is in conjunction with the above writing here and on the calendar news page…I’m just attempting to bring some notice of the fact that street ministry is much different that ministry in a church building. Thanks for your patience with me as I as a preacher grow into my next season of ministry. It’s a great ride!
God bless you my friend! May the Lord Jesus Christ be real and present in your life and ministry. See ya’ on the streets! —Preacher John.