I think the Lord has a plan in mind. Now that sounds really odd to say. But think about it…I mean really, how many times do we start something without a plan?
I think the Lord has a plan in mind
Now that sounds really odd to say. But think about it…I mean really, how many times do we start something without a plan? How many? Yea, do you see what I mean? Having a plan is key to getting something done. But, here’s the little unknown key that so many of us don’t get…it’s NOT just a plan, or any plan.
Plan is central to building a church
This plan has a central part and that part is to magnify the Lord in all that we do as a church. So what does that mean and how does this fit into having a plan to build this church I’m supposed to build?
I read a lot and I do a lot of research into lots of different things, mostly all related to each other. I ask a question to get started and then set out to find as many answers to the question that I can. Some of these answers are very bizarre and some are shallow..without substance.
The question I asked or posed was, “How do I build this church?”
It has been ten weeks give or take since I’ve asked the question and asked the question and asked the question…
On the surface it may seem like a simple question and thus has a simple answer. As I normally do, I delve deep into prayer, the Word of God, and more prayer and then research online and over and over again. I keep asking and keep turning the question over and over again. I sort of like build a legal case around it. Something like an attorney would do when they get a new case. Possibly like an engineer that gains a new contract and must figure out how to design and build a structure. Maybe like an architect who has a new idea for a project.
The Lord has a plan in mind
My job or rather our job, depending on where you are in your life…is to understand, that the Lord has a plan in mind. Patience in prayer and patience in reading (I know reading in a book is not the hot thing today…reading is key though) read and read and read until you feel like you could actually teach on the subject at hand.
Today, Monday, July 17, 2017, nearly 2 1/2 months of research and the answer or rather the plan, the Lord has a plan in mind… (Something many of you may not know about in writing blogs is that you need a “key-word”… it’s central to being recognized on the world wide web and all the search engines that look for and catalog all the content on the web. My key-word for this blog is ‘the Lord has a plan in mind’ …because of this weird long key-word I must include it often enough to make the internet crawlers see it and accurately log my blog. I know trivia about blog writing.)… Now with that long definition, I have to start another paragraph.
The plan I discovered was revealed to me in a book, “The One Thing” by Gary Keller, (of Keller-Williams Real Estate). I am in my second reading, the first reading was a skimming from cover to cover. The second reading was more like study, because this book is so detailed and so amazingly good that I’ve had to go very slow in order to get the meat of the message. Needless to say, the title says the plan!
Ask the question…what ONE THING (not two or three or whatever), but what One Thing do I need to do to build this church here in Boulder?
The answer…“send cards”…
This is where I am going to end the blog post, for now…
I’ll go into more detail of just what the answer means in my next blog post :-)
Turn onto Jesus!
My simple prayer 43 years ago was…
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.”
If you need prayer assistance, contact me.