Today, Thursday December 13, 2018, I begin with the initial tool and design for all my messages/sermons using the new tool that I’m experimenting with to write posts and messages or sermons. SwordSearcher Software!
Examine specific scriptures for the idea that I’m working on
I love research tools that make it easy to find and examine specific scriptures for the idea that I’m working on…thus enter the new SwordSearcher software! For example, after just a 15 minute video tutorial, I’m sort of attempting to write tonight’s blog post in SwordSearcher Software (8.2) (the tool is $59.95, seemingly an excellent value!) …breaktime…got to clean my dishes and the kitchen, then I’ll be right back, cause this is fun…! …45 minutes later!…
You know what, I love Jesus with all my heart and soul…the Lord is so good to me. I usually say to the Holy Spirit, help me to be as good to the Lord as he is to me. Every day seems to get more intimate with the Lord, and I think it’s because of this prayer…I pray it very often.
This is my very favorite verse in the bible
Now, let’s go to some scriptures! “1 Corinthians 9:14 (KJV) Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.” Currently, this is my very favorite verse in the bible! I know that sounds weird, but it only sounds strange depending on where exactly you are in the Lord. Every one of us is at a different spot on the learning curve of righteousness.
As you know this has nothing to do with your salvation. After your saved, then comes the renewing of our minds to the Word of God. Let’s see that verse is…oh, there it is… “Romans 12:2 (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Wow, that is amazing! This SwordSearcher software is very cool. There is a learning curve for sure, and it can be very steep…but, knowing how I like to keep things extremely simple, after I first complicate the entire mess, I then back off into simplicity.
There is probably not many subjects that I’ve not studied
Renewing our mind is a lifestyle choice that takes actually our entire life. For me, I’ve been studying diligently the Word of God for well over 40 years! Can you believe that….that blows me away! There is probably not many subjects that I’ve not studied. You know what really amazes me sometimes? Other Christians…yea, those who have recently, say, in the last 1-5 years turned onto Jesus and now they think they’re experts in God’s Word! I laugh sometimes…sort of like how God laughs. But that’s cool…because we are all on the same journey, isn’t that great?
Okay, lets go find another verse…I like this one… “Titus 3:5 (KJV) Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;” Do you get what it is saying? Look at the words ‘renewing of the Holy Ghost‘…can you think of what the Spirit is saying to us?
How about what King David said when he was talking about renewing every morning…let’s go find that verse…this is similar to what I was thinking about…
(Let me interject something important here: unfortunately I’ve spent dozens of years studying corrupted bible versions and have learned some erroneous doctrine that the Holy Spirit has had to correct. In today’s modern version flood of corrupted bibles, people are being taught a lot of wrong doctrine about the Kingdom of God. This is even the doctrines, or educational principles that apply to their daily life.)
(This corrupted learning has caused multitudes of Christians to spend enormous amounts of time on the wrong line of thought or path. Thus years have been stolen by the enemy, Satan. Even if you don’t believe it…time will prove this correct. By faith, my brother and sister, please put down all the bible versions that are not the KJV…King James Version. You will see what I mean after about a year or so of only studying the King James Bible. Faith will arise! Thank you.)
This SwordSearcher Software is really amazing
Now, back to the verse about King David… “Psalm 59:16 (KJV) But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.” Wow, what a great verse…do you see the word ‘power’? Power refers to the Holy Spirit! Now, that will take some pondering to get that out of that verse! But you’ll enjoy the study…man this SwordSearcher Software is really amazing…I’m typing this entire message/article/sermon inside the software. The current, only draw down, is I have to use my MS Windows machine, instead of my Apple MacBook Air. Next year, I’m believing God for an upgrade, mine is a 2011 version and very well used. When I get it, Lord willing, I’ll put Parallels software to handle the MS for SwordSearcher. Anyways, another trail off…I’m just having fun tonight…most nights, after all day in ministry, I get to serious…but not tonight! In Jesus’ name.
One evening after loading a load of pears in Hood River, Oregon
Let’s go get another one… “Psalm 130:6 (KJV) My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.” This is how I live…and have for the last 14 plus years…watching every morning and waiting upon the Lord every morning…this is what has built patience into my spirit. I am a very patient man, Steve Youngman, owner of Youngman Trucking said to me one evening after loading a load of pears in Hood River, Oregon. This man has known me for over 20 years and through the most difficult times of my life. For Steve to say this was one of the highest compliments I could have received.
You see, 14 years earlier I had failed to build GEC in Boulder, Colorado and the Lord sent me back home, to Redding, California and my old job of many years, Youngman Trucking. I worked here from September 23, 1989 to April 23, 2017; that’s 27 years, including some time for missionary work, like the one I just failed at. Any you know what, Christians just hate that word, fail. Hey, if you don’t do the job, then you failed at it. It’s really quite simple. I was a wreck in many ways when I came back to Redding.
I think this it for tonight…my mind is beginning to wonder and lose focus.
There is enough in the above text to get you thinking…hopefully about God’s Word!
If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to get a hold of me…I am sometimes difficult to get in touch with because of my reclusive nature. But, I truly desire to help people, mainly in the realm of the spirit. Once again, the SwordSearcher Bible Software is a worthwhile tool for your study. (Not a paid endorsement, I just really am enjoying it, it’s new for me…however, so intriguing and intelligent in numerous ways. Thank you.
God bless you brother and sister, in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Great God,
Two services I use to help support the ministry
If you would like to pledge to a brand new missionary type of church, that is being built by creating cell groups, then please use this service to give and support the work. The idea is to have accountability and transparency regarding finances. Thank you for your faith.
This is a simple and effective service to hold my prayer list of people whom I’m talking with for salvation, ministry and in creating cell groups. (John’s commission link) The idea is that after witnessing with a gospel tract, I stay in contact for follow up and prayer with each person.
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21.
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
“Jesus, if you’re real, here I am.” —John Choque, 1974.
I really think this SwordSearcher is a worthy tool for your research and your ministry writing. At first I didn’t want to go this direction, because I can get trapped into endless trails…however, the software can be customized to a personal level, for me, simple! -JC