How Long is the Ride is referring to the time we have in our life to get things done. We need help. The best person for the job is…JESUS. Surprise!
How Long is the Ride
Calculating the odds and figuring out when to get out or when to get started…these are decisions to make that stifle many of us. One of my most difficult things to do in life is make decisions. This one thing has stopped me in doing so many things…because I can’t make a decision! However, since my commitment to learn a brand new way of trading by learning the tastytrade® way, I have been able to make decisions…I mean really make decisions! This is an amazing thing for me…making decisions will help in my next leg of my life as a church builder in Boulder, Colorado. If you’re interested in maybe following me as I build this church, why not subscribe here…
A sampling of tastytrade®
Use this referral link to setup your own tastyworks trading account:
Learning how long is the ride can be extremely beneficial
Time is what it takes to learn. As people get older and older I hear many say, it’s too late to learn more. I say, I’m just getting started, I’m 63! Make a decision…any decision…get going and just see what happens! God will probably show up and give you a hand…he’s like that you know…
If you need prayer assistance, contact me.
tastyworks is a new, January 3, 2017, brokerage house that will help in learning to make probability decisions. Use my referral link to get started in the process of really making a difference in your trading and/or managing your retirement account or taxable accounts. This is good!