Episode 18 – Podcast Show – Touching People For Heaven – With Your Host Preacher John
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
Who Shall Roll Us Away The Stone
Who Shall Roll Us Away The Stone – Mark 16:3 (KJV) – Thursday, February 7, 2019
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
The moment that I read this, my very first thought was, “Wow, they had the faith to start walking towards the sepulchre without any idea on how they were going to move the heavy stone in front of the door! They just started off in that direction by faith!” That’s what I said and that’s what caught my attention! Isn’t that amazing…not me…the faith of the women!
12-Month Reading Plan
Today’s verses cover a lot of ground, from Mark 15:40 to Luke 1:58. These verses, or rather this section of Scripture is pre-selected through the 12-Month Reading Plan that I choose in the Alexander Scourby Bible App. There are four reading paces to choose from: 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month. I’ve tried them all over the years, but I found that for the school that the Holy Spirit is starting that the 12 month is the best for our purposes.
You see, we’re not just listening to the bible. That is the first part of the school work. After that though is the reading of the verses, then there is the praying through the verses, then lastly there is the writing of a highlighted verse, usually just one verse. This verse is best selected by the Holy Spirit, because then he can show you or us some interesting facts about that single verse. Plus, acting by faith is a tremendous event!
The Holy Spirit is so real to me
First to pray to the Holy Spirit takes faith! Do you think so? Why sure! First before we pray, we need to believe that there is a Holy Spirit of God! That sounds funny as I write this or speak it on the show, but really, how many even talk about the Holy Spirit? Think about it! I know that I do, and if you read my stuff, or listen to me talk, I speak of the Holy Spirit a lot! Why? Because the Holy Spirit is so real to me!
Remember though, we pray in the name of Jesus… the Scriptures do not teach us to pray in the name of the Holy Spirit, no. However, I’ve heard people talk that way, and what I’ve witnessed over the years is they get off into some weird teaching or strange doctrine. Then their pride takes a hold and doesn’t allow them to repent or come back to the truth in the Word.
Just read and study by faith
Have you ever seen or heard people talk like that? Cult leaders do that kind of thing. Many cult leaders start off as Christian Preachers, and then over the years they begin to lift out of the Scriptures a single verse and then they build a ministry and a teaching and a “philosophy” (this is worldly, and the key point) that they begin to manipulate and distort and teach with such conviction that they build a following! That’s how it happens.
This is what we don’t do! That is why I always say to read the Word, the entire Word of God. Don’t leave sections out because you don’t understand it or it’s to hard or difficult to understand. Just read and study by faith. Always asking the Holy Spirit to teach you the Scriptures.
The Stone
Now, after my long introduction, lets get back to our verse here:
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
I love this verse even more since I wrote it over and over again, 8 times! That is how many times that I wrote and rewrote this verse, which is the fourth part of our school, (actually it’s number 5 in the school book/journal/log book).
Add yourself to my daily prayer
There’s a way to be included in my daily prayer. At the end of this discourse there’s an easy method to add yourself. This might be one more way that I can be ‘Touching People For Heaven’. Knowing that someone is praying for you is very comforting. God works through all kinds of people and things to bring about what he wants. God knows what’s going on. He’s the boss!
Jesus died on the cross
We first need to understand that Jesus died on the cross on Friday evening, and his body was taken down off the cross, then wrapped in new fine linen, and laid in a brand-new rock hewn sepulchre… (Webster’s 1913 Dictionary: Sepulchre: To bury; to inter; to entomb; as, obscurely sepulchered.) Then a stone (probably a very heavy stone, for sure!) Then they left because it was going to be the Sabbath soon, that would be Saturday.
Don’t you kinda wonder what kind of Sabbath Day they had? What were they thinking and talking about on the Sabbath? Someday we will be able to ask those type of questions and get answered from the very people who lived that day…. yea, that’s called Heaven!
People in the bible
All these people in the bible in our story are saved and in heaven and we will be able to ask what really happened and what were you thinking? Won’t that be fascinating?
My mind just darted off into lots of different directions, and then I began to look at all the underlining and check marks, and circles, and all of my little notes that I wrote all around today’s reading. Let’s see, there are about, actually there are over 45 verse notations! Now, there are only 86 verses in this reading!
This is an important part
As you can see, this is an important part of the Gospel! You know, I have seen some bibles that not a mark is in them. I sort of think to myself, how can you read these life giving words and not make a single note by any of them? Do you write and make notations in your bible? You know, after there is so many notations that you can’t read the Scriptures any more, you can still, as of 2019 in the USA, go out and purchase a brand new bible! Really for sure!
The more you interact with your bible the more personal it becomes and maybe the more the Holy Spirit can talk to you? Not sure about that, but notes made by you in your bible sure become meaningful, years down the road.
Holy women of God
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
So now it’s Sunday morning, at the rising of the sun, these holy women of God are walking along the path right for the sepulchre that the Lord was buried in, at least that’s what they thought as they walked along. Was it a blue sky morning? Did the clouds cover the sun? Where there any clouds at all it the sky? If there were clouds, were they white cumulus fluffy clouds, or were they long grey stratosphere clouds, how about just plain old dark ominous clouds?
Women of bible days
Was the sky red or was it white? Was it going to rain that day? You know there all kinds of questions we can ask… how about, what were the women wearing? Do women of bible days think like women of today, or of women in the USA? Did they just jump up out of bed and run out the door or did they have breakfast first?
Do you see what I’m doing here? Think about it for a second? I’ll wait…and take another sip of Trader Joe’s Green Tea…..
We ask questions
These type of questions come from being a child and asking; “Why is the sky blue?” Do you get it? When we ask questions like a child would ask, that does something to God! It really does! I think he likes it! What do you think?
Do these type of questions get us any closer to understanding the bible? Can we ask questions that bother or irritate God? There is only one type of question that I’m currently aware of that God doesn’t like….do you know what it is? That’s right, doubt-filled questions! Just like this one here: Luke 1:18 (KJV) And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. (This is one of the verses in today’s reading.)
See an entirely different response
Here is what happened after asking that doubt-filled question. Luke 1:19 (KJV) And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. 20 And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.
Now, can you see why there are some types of questions that can really get us into trouble? Look at this type of question from Mary and see an entirely different response (I’ll also put the verse here, okay?) This is the question: Luke 1:34 (KJV) Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
Each question
Can you see a difference in those two questions? The one being asked of Zacharias, a priest of the course of Abia: (verse 5), and another being asked of a virgin whose name was Mary (verse 27); each question, on the surface seems logical and viable. Do you think so?
Here is the answer to Mary’s question: Luke 1:35 (KJV) And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
The first tabernacle of God
The angel Gabriel even went on with more information about things to come and all about her cousin, Elisabeth, the wife of Zacharias! Now, Elisabeth was of the daughters of Aaron! Do you remember who Aaron was? That’s right, Aaron was the brother of Moses, and the first priest in the first tabernacle of God, ever on planet earth!
What a high calling Aaron had! Elisabeth was a very important woman, and at this time she was getting up there in age…did you notice that even God won’t divulge the age of a woman? I just thought that was funny! God has a sense of humor! As I was writing this, that is what popped into my head! God is so funny! If you’re not laughing my friend, get the Holy Ghost and you to will be laughing!!! It’s called the “Joy of the Lord!”
God can part the Red Sea
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
I know it seems like I’m going all over the place in this talk, but not really, because it’s just fun to be with the Lord in his marvellous word! God is so good to his kids! Is he good to you? If not, maybe you just might not know him? What do you think? Are you saved? I’ll let you think about that, while I go on with the show…
Who is going to move that big stone from the door of the tomb? We’re not strong enough! Maybe something will happen that we don’t know about! Let’s just start walking that way and you just don’t know, because God can do some mighty miracles! If God can part the Red Sea and can part the Jordan River, I can imagine that moving a big stone away would be easy for him. That is if that is his plan, not sure yet? But let’s just keep heading that way!
Go get the job done
Do you see it? They just took off by faith! This is faith-in-action, nothing less would do, because they have a mission on their heart, they have a calling to their Lord! Let’s go get the job done! Women are the most amazing creatures on earth! Do you realize that only the woman, I mean in all of God’s creation, in all of his earthly creatures that he created… now are you getting this… because this is important….
The woman is the single only creature on earth that is NOT made from the dust of the earth! That is something to wrap your head around! But not to get prideful, if you’re a woman reading this or listening to me. No other creature is made, I’m talking about at the time of creation, okay… is made out of another creature! Woman was created from the rib of Adam! Every other creature was made from the earth!
Sunday morning
Adam was made from the… let’s just put the verse right here… Genesis 2:7 (KJV) And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:21 (KJV) And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; Genesis 2:22 (KJV) And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Isn’t that just simply amazing? God has plans we still can’t fathom! But that doesn’t stop us, no. That didn’t stop these holy women of God from heading to the sepulchre that first Sunday morning! We also, don’t need all the answers before we head out to do what God has called us to do. Right?
God wants us to ask questions
Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
The problem is not in asking the question. That is how lots of things are created! By asking a question, we can get all kinds of answers that can benefit the earth that we currently live on. God wants us to ask questions! Ask away my friend…. God is listening!
I hope that there is something here in this discourse, that I’ve said that can help you. I really mean it. If not, then why would I spend 6 hours a day, nearly 7 days a week, creating Christian Content?
Now go forth into your life,
Knowing that God has the answer,
Now to those who ask by faith,
Knowing that God will answer,
Now you know…. The Truth.
The one service I use to help fund my work
If you love what I’m doing, ‘touching people for heaven’, then why not join me in this exciting adventure of creating Christian Content for a brand new missionary type of church, that is being built by creating cell groups. Use my Patreon Link to this service to give, fund or pray for this creation. This creative work also includes my daily Podcast Show “Touching People For Heaven” with new episodes everyday, in 2019. Another great service of Patreon is they let every one know when one of my podcasts or blog posts goes live. I really like Patreon! The idea of using Patreon is to maintain accountability, stability and transparency regarding finances. Which is a key aspect to a legitimate ministry. My JC membership link. Thank you for your faith. And if you want to talk to me first, please contact me. God bless you.
Respectfully in JESUS,
John Choque.
Touching People For Heaven
Let me ask you a question… if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven? (The answer is either yes or no, that’s it.)
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here for more information.
This discourse and podcast show was really quite fun to write and produce! It’s fairly lengthy, but it went very fast in writing it. It’s over 2,700 words! Can you believe that? Not sure where all these words are coming from…but I’ll keep going! Praise god! -JC